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1.0 hrs on record
Elisa: The Innkeeper - Prequel ,说是prequel嘛~其实就是demo而已啦,但这个前传呢真的很好玩~很欢乐,看得出作者也使用了心的。(没有中文,很多孩纸没法安利)

0.骑士:这里面的真·男主,典型的最实用主义者,粗鲁,直白,表示我根本不需要girls,对于王子和富商的争执表示不屑(你不知道这样更加激起来女神的征服欲嘛= =)

反正不管怎么选分支,顶多就是再多点或者少点溜达或者争执的剧情而已,并不影响结局。有的分支能让你多看几个CG图,比如女主给富商小鲜肉kiss气绿傲娇受王子大人的情节,略有不同··之后结尾女主内心独白一番(我要去征服knight 0.0),给玩家留下悬念就戛然而止了。

E.N comment

i rarely write the comment about the game but i'd love to do for this one.
Elisa: The Innkeeper - Prequel,the demo ,which is quite fun for me to view&read.the author did get the works really hard time for this one i believe.(caz no chinese version,im afraid its a little difficult to recommend my friends this game.)

It's really nice i appreciate it much. I love the theme mus and the one called Knight. The rest pieces of the music are good as well.it is disappointed that there is no dubbed this demo novel that some of my friends may not appreciate it due to language problem.
2.style of graphics(9.0/10)
it belongs to those kind of beautiful American&European style painting ~-i cannot guarantee everybody likes it at the first sight, but at least definitely nobody would abominate it. tho it is demo, still with several cgs which attract the players a lot.
3.interface in game(8.0/10)
in deed i like it,but with something for improvement.When i entered the game, it was fullscreen.ok i went to the settings to reset. but what made me annoyed is the moment i want to intercept the beautiful cgs i finally figured out i couldn't do with no subtitles whether i clicked mouse right or passed the 'esc' key. well, I don't know if the official version has been solved yet or the author don't want us to cut out the nice cgs ,actually. u can learn from the nekopara series.
4. story line (10/10)
the story is full marks. most important one of this type- avg is the plot (u guys plz don't talk about the nekopara series,those are the lovers game),
the story revolves around Elisa, the inner-keeper as the title is, and two charactors, for the nobility prince and the rich merchant. if u read the dialogue with patience , u can end it in less than 30 minutes.
1). The main plot has two branches. under two branches ,you can change the the characters‘ attitude and behavior by means of choosing some dialogue . now i'd like to tell u how to make 11 achievements unlock, the choice at the top of dialogue is positive, the bottom is negative. so u can even brainlessly choose the top positive ones all the game to unlock them.then the second time plz follow all negative ones. the branch is at the start of the story which make u decide if the prince should continue to go to bed or not, then go with the next dialogue.there is the detail selection strategy on the top of the steam community, but it is Russian - Google translation will be used well to work it out.
2)there are several key characters inside:
0.the prince monseigneur : the downfallen prince(lacks of money,defrauded several gold coins with the complacent look&satisfaction,still over proud himself),inner monologue :how dare u commoners scramble for my goddess,elisa.well in fact he is tsundere.
0.the rich merchant (hunk fresh): with money abound.we can see in the story there is a branch that shows he doesn't go against the prince straightly, but use his advantages-my money is abound, such not as urs.
0. goddess Elisa: as the leading actor, not appeared at the beginning, given a lot of time on her side description, we read the prince in the start, basically the goddess only appeared at the end of the game. of course, we can also choose the dialogue to decide the attitude of goddess kind of intelligent (not sweet, silly simple-minded )girl or refused without preamble (because the author's point of view is that u 2 guys chase it as u wish. after all, finally you two can not catch me anyway.)
0. Knight: true man here, the most typical pragmatist, rude, straightforward, said I don't need any girls, watching their dispute with disdains. (don't you know that it'll inspire the goddess elisa 's heart to conquest u?. = =)

finally,however it's a nice game that u may play,i give my recommendation.
Posted 16 June, 2017. Last edited 22 November, 2022.
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17 people found this review helpful
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5.3 hrs on record (2.9 hrs at review time)
Posted 25 November, 2016.
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21 people found this review helpful
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0.8 hrs on record (0.3 hrs at review time)
Posted 1 November, 2016. Last edited 1 July, 2019.
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34 people found this review helpful
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1.0 hrs on record
永恒的推荐系列-《Eternal Senia》(永恒的塞妮亚)

-前言(The preface)


--------Not only can 3A Games just impress you a lot ,but also common and simple ones can

touch the bottom of your heart.

很少见这么良心的,国内的,能带给我如此触动的游戏了 (it's a free game)

没错,Eternal Senia就是国人自制的ARPG。人设好评~~BGM超级好评。剧情perfect~~~ RPG游戏的精髓就是剧情了(不过我觉得本作其实更加接近ARPG)。主要是讲述一对姐(百)(合)Magaleta(被主角称其为sis(姐姐))和Senia(玩家扮演)的故事以及围绕一股Eternity(永恒)的力量和Tower of Eternity (永恒之塔)的地点而展开。

PS:悲催的我直到游戏快结束才知道可以设置中文QAQ : 库里的Eternal Senia鼠标右键/属性/语

言/繁体中文 过 剧情的话大概2-3小时可以通关



it's the best interpretation of the associate tittle-Contact with missing and looking forward ARPG(Exist in Chinese version)

都说百合无限好,冲着封面和立绘来的,一开始还以为是很温馨的救出姐姐然后姐妹双双把家还从此过上幸福生活的套路QAQ,结果最后还是没能在一起啊(三种结局全是BAD END,这么好的游戏瞬间让我有给作者大大你寄去刀片的想法>.<)



With the method for unfolding ,the deep emotion fetters among Senia and her sis Magaleta will be throughout the whole plot,i never felt a little tough about the story till the end.it belongs to those i prefer to stay up night to enjoy untill next moment to figure out the ending with a cup of coffee~~^_^






最后的精彩对白(brilliant dialogue):


'i am sorry..'
'you have grown up..
you are no longer the little girl that needs my protection'
'That said,would you live on and stay alive for me?'

Inner monologue of Senia(Senia内心独白)

i also want her sis talk more about herself.
i do not care how long it will take.
Even if i have to compromise with the power of eternity.
Even if i will end up with a sorrow face of sis.
i am not stopping.


superior & awesome i like the theme mus beeeeeest~~



3.战斗&装备系统(Fight& Equip)

it doesn't belong to those games you'll only fight till the ending .Monsters will reflect to hurt you if you choose to attack them actively and your life and mona may automaticly recover.So you can decide to attack or not to save and arrange your time.Use the abilities with QWER just like DT2

with simple equipment systerm among the game,you can also equip your best equipments
according to one button but you are obliged to take off your best ones to upgrade for every time.

后期有了技能用Q,W,E,R四个DOTA 2的技能按键来释放~~~有简单的装备合成系统,也有一

-----Plot(剧本) 9/10(就是不给你10,作者大大谁让你三个都是bad end,气死我了>.<)
-----Sound(音乐) 10/10
-----Fight& Equip 9/10
-----Figure Animation(人物立绘) 8/10
Posted 18 May, 2016. Last edited 23 November, 2018.
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12 people found this review helpful
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0.3 hrs on record
Posted 7 April, 2016. Last edited 7 April, 2016.
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10 people found this review helpful
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1.0 hrs on record
Posted 8 March, 2016.
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17 people found this review helpful
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0.1 hrs on record
Please don't see my playing time of the game ,for I played it with another ID!!~
I admit I like the style of the game a lot.At the first galnce I was attracted by the neat images.But I wonder why developers make 3D surroundings but the 2D charactors.And what else ,it's a mobile game and this is its PC version developing from it,which made me feel a little disappointed about the scences without any risen.
So I say ‘NO’ about the game just because it isn't wothy of this price .As for the plot,I think it is nothing special for other RPG games.The story is lack of innovation.And the battle is according to use the card that includes some special effects fighting the enemy,which I can't say it is good or not beacuse perhaps somebody else may like it or not.
The sounds of the game is none of any impresstion on me.What I really enjoy is the style of the scence not the plot ,fight or sound

-Plot: 5/10
-Fight: 5/10
-sound: 3/10
-scence 8/10

It is not as good as you look so. It belongs to those games you can try when you really have done your farvorate ones with few games to play.

这游戏不像你刚看到的那样好 ,属于那种你已经把你所有喜欢的游戏通了之后的打牙祭的游戏[/spoiler/]
Posted 8 March, 2016. Last edited 8 March, 2016.
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2 people found this review helpful
1 person found this review funny
7.5 hrs on record (3.9 hrs at review time)
Such a nice game~~~~I had the game entry twice
Posted 12 February, 2016.
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