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Yayınlanma: 16 Kas 2015 @ 23:47
Güncellenme: 24 Kas 2016 @ 8:19

I've preordered both the base game as well as the season pass long before release. I've had some performance issues, but I really enjoyed the base game content. The DLC isn't really worth it so far (the story packs are nice short "clips" to play through and the Batgirl DLC is quite enjoyable, but other stuff is just skins or challenges, stuff I don't care).

So far, I'd really recommend the base game. It has its issues, but it's a very nice end to the Arkham Trilogy (or Quadtrilogy if you want), especially considering the very great open world feel without the fear of missing anything significant before beating the game.

So far I even declined on using that possibility to get a full refund on the game. I didn't consider it fair, considering I've had fun for nearly 50 hours (and still haven't solved all Riddler challenges). However, today I noticed this game popping up yet again under Steam's "Popular New Releases". I check in and what do I see?


I could understand them marking old reviews from before the October (or was it early November?) re-release as "pre-release". It's dodgy, but still fair considering they took it off the market, etc.

However, I don't see why they should have the right to claim reviews written yesterday, clearly POST-RELEASE as pre-release just to try to lessen their significance.

Don't blame the devs, they've delivered a great game, but what the publisher is doing here is more than dodgy. I guess this also marks my last WB Games game for a long while, because this is nothing I want to support in any way or form.

Update end of 2016: It took me a while to play through all DLC – and I still haven't finished the Mad Hatter one – but overall I can now definitely say that the DLC is not worth your money. If you're a real completionist, maybe during a sale, but overall none of them is significant in any way. "Story DLCs" all consist of a hand full of rooms (at most) and up to three or four fights or encounters. As amazing as the base game is (apart from that repetitive boss fight), so disappointing are the DLCs.
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