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17.9 timer totalt (16.5 timer da anmeldelsen ble skrevet)
After Chinese Negative Reviews I can only say not only did i play the Alpha, but this beta is cracked, a tons of 300-400k players, instamatches, i wanted a shooter mecha game and wished for it as a kid playing with my lego gundams bionics and stuff... 25 years later here we go!!! I only don't like that you have to make a new caracter for diffrent region, aside that, everything is 10/10.

P.S. - I recommend to avoide problems, use directx11 insted of 12, unless u have problems with dlss 4. than switch back to
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Mecha BREAK Demo\Game\MechaBreak\Oversea\TargetGfxRender
Publisert 26. februar.
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9.3 timer totalt (3.0 timer da anmeldelsen ble skrevet)
One of the best quality games with a similar story with a similar plot to one of my favorite shows, can't wait for a full relase !!! Devs, please add custom button settings for controllers the combos are to hard for my ps5 controller and i don't want a mouse and keyboard expirience thanks!!!
Publisert 21. januar.
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38.6 timer totalt (8.3 timer da anmeldelsen ble skrevet)
COD BO6 review

Gameplay: 11/10
Video: 11/10
Modes: 10/10
Skins: 10/10
Camos: 5/10
Graphics: 10/10
Current version of the game support the minimum specs to run the set fps of 30 as listed for stable, i get 40-60 with ryzen 5 and rx 570 8 gb and was realy sceptical about the game but i love it! If u are into skins and micro-transactions beter stay at MW3

Reminds me of COD 2 the gameplay, real beaty of the engine quality/shader work! Forget what others say and get BO6 !

Current version supports my PC: RX 570 XFX 8 GB & RYZEN 5 3600 6 core CPU
Publisert 28. oktober 2024. Sist endret 28. oktober 2024.
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27.9 timer totalt
This game needs a BR mode of 60 players in a team of 3 with 3 like do not add stuff, just a complite map of all the custom maps combined !
Publisert 15. april 2024.
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27.0 timer totalt (3.0 timer da anmeldelsen ble skrevet)
Downloaded, played first day, restarted my pc, game keeps crashing, uninstalled, reinstalled, updated, checked for errors. Nothing.
Publisert 26. august 2022.
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236.4 timer totalt (10.0 timer da anmeldelsen ble skrevet)
multyplayer rookies with (ultra rare cards and 1 round 4k + monsters, kinda p2w system isn't gona work for mutiplayer, for singleplayer mode it's fun and the lore.
Publisert 26. januar 2022.
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3.4 timer totalt (3.1 timer da anmeldelsen ble skrevet)
Please, STOP MAKING MONEY ON SELLING CHEATS, i'm not interested playing vs aimbot spinbot cheaters. bye
Publisert 23. juli 2021.
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2,036.1 timer totalt (661.1 timer da anmeldelsen ble skrevet)
This game is fun, realy, I love the mecha fights, love every fight, even with Gabriel/Doomlight main campers who don't have balls to grow for some aggro fights.

Why am I unistalling? - Simple, I don't like playing agains AI or Bots. I don't feel satisfied when killing 20 bots and acting all good and skilled.

Whats the main reason to be so unsatisfied? - Admins and mods for this game are to focused on getting money, relasing some game were most of the players are EU but don't even have EU servers? I'm from EU, most of the players are to. But force us to go US or ASIA is a big NO for this game.

Why are they using bots for battleroyale mode only? - So if your new u get to learn the mechanics of the game, feel good wining if u never won, after 50 hours u meet players and stop playing the game because they are "to good", yes i like the bots logic in BR, thats how they ruined PUBG.

What do you think about Team Deatchmatch mode? - It's a 5vs5 respawn small area of BR map, it is realy fun to play, but players don't wana wait more than 5 mins for it, making them go back to BR or just hoping to other games because of wait time. Making other players who still wait, wait even more. Making them frustrated and unistalling the game. Like me.

What do you think they need to change?
- Upgrade there NA servers from rotten used potatos to fresh, sweet potatos. They may cost 5$ more per month but u keep the players.
- Change the port/emulator that they use to convert the mobile game to PC to some more stable version that does not crash multiple times for a single match ( around 10 min )
- Bring EU location because 80% on NA are EU players or Russian, Asian.
- Adv the game over facebook, instagram or other social media were u can spend only 10-20$ for 1 ad.
- Grant top ranked players for respecting Mecha an SS or S level skins like season reward for playing the game, not just for cheesy events or real cash.
- Make TDM mode 4vs4, pull other parts of the map for it, make players wait less, grant them awards for activity playing your game, don't just nerf and buff, thats were every game manifacture makes mistakes or just gets to greedy forgeting whats that that atracts players.
- Make BR mode 60 player based, if you are using bots, make them show in low tier like to gold. Above gold make players play vs players only or just for Super/Legendary/Alpha, making player feel the actualy game, everyone gets overfeeded with bots they just move to VS player only game.
- You don't have to mute the word "bot" because everyone can see them, for many reasons, trying to hide the words isn't realy smart, making players use there head and think why hide that word is a pure logic, full of bots. Player vs Player? No. Player vs Bots, Yes!?
- For the last, yes, I am so frustrated, they don't care about what happens, they ported the game and made cash from people who thing they will grow the game, but the true thing is they got there money, no need to future invest ? Right? Good bye than. Number 1 Neutron Star is leaving!

UPDATE: Season 8

another update another week of the same vietnam cheaters that use the same cheat from Wicked.ws and teaming up in solos. So fun. From Vietnam-KS-SMG to All Delete name. Love how there is no justice for those who actualy have no hands to aim in a mobile game and have to use and overhaul script for a mobile game to be the best out of the 700 player peek on 2 servers on Steam. No justice. No help. Report all you want even the Devs aren't even playing on Steam, only mobile. Mobile players decide will my mouse settings go brrr to rwwww... And claming Zero-Tolarance for cheating and cracking down your pour emulated mobile game.
Publisert 18. juli 2021. Sist endret 17. august 2022.
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690.7 timer totalt (3.0 timer da anmeldelsen ble skrevet)
Best multiplayer game after CS 1.6 ever!
Publisert 6. november 2020.
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14.1 timer totalt (10.3 timer da anmeldelsen ble skrevet)
Just finished singleplayer 10.3 hours on on easy :'D
Publisert 25. september 2020.
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