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Bu incelemeyi yararlı bulan henüz olmadı
kayıtlarda 6.0 saat
I am not a massive fan of action roguelikes, but this game is special. That's why so many other game devs have straight-up copied it.

Great voice acting, great story, fluid gameplay, absolutely worth the money. I never did complete it on the hardest difficulty as I got bored eventually, but I was invested in the story.

[EDIT] It says that I only played this game for 6 hours, but that is not true at all. I was without internet for quite a while. I have around 52 hours into the game.
Yayınlanma 12 Şubat. Son düzenlenme 12 Şubat.
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10 kişi bu incelemeyi yararlı buldu
kayıtlarda 54.2 saat (İnceleme gönderildiğinde: 19.0 saat)
Erken Erişim İncelemesi
My review is only based upon the current EA build of the game. If the game improves sufficiently, I will edit my review to a positive one.

For now, I would not recommend this game unless you really, REALLY want a co-op roguelike action game in the style of Hades.

The only thing is, this game is inferior to Hades in every possible way EXCEPT for the fact that it has co-op. There's basically no storyline or dialogue at all.

You can unlock up to 4 different characters, and each character has up to 4 weapons and 4 spells they can choose from. Seems cool, right? Well, not exactly. Certain characters are arguably much better than others. For now, I'd say the Monk is the best class in the game due to the Crystal Turrets spell. Most other options are simply horrible in comparison.

You can get perks for your light attack, heavy attack, and spell. You can also get a companion creature of some sort, an ultimate attack, as well as some sort of effect that can be added to your dash. The problem here is that so many options are worthless. For example, adding a perk to your dash is only even somewhat good if you are playing a melee character, and even then the extra damage you do is basically nothing. They all need majorly buffed across the board. The companions are worthless and don't do enough damage or have enough utility to even bother selecting. They all need buffed. Even the ultimate attacks are super underwhelming. They take way too long to charge (without certain perks) and even when you do pop one, they are very meh. With most build types you're going to be focusing primarily on your light or heavy weapon attack (whichever is better) and your spell. Those are pretty much always the most important things to upgrade.

There's a lot of passive perks that you can unlock, which is a grind fest, but unfortunately, most of them are very tiny upgrades that are barely useful.

Some of the acts have rooms (chambers) that are designed weirdly and have stupid mechanical gimmicks. For example, in the second act there are some chambers that have puddles of water, and the puddles slow you down a lot. Unfortunately for you, those rooms can also be filled with a truly absurd amount of AOE attacks launched at you that you cannot escape from. In the third act, the floor is comprised of separate platforms that you have to dash across. That's fine until it's time to avoid an enemy attack but you can't because your dash charges are empty. The higher the difficulty, the more absurd it gets. Don't even get me started on the curses you have to take at higher levels of difficulty. Some are annoying and some are run-ending.

The game is also quite short. There's only 4 acts, and the 4th act is basically several battles one after another, followed by fighting King Arthur.

I'd wait until this game is out of EA before buying. There's just not enough content here to justify purchasing it unless you're a diehard action roguelike fan who *needs* a co-op game.
Yayınlanma 12 Şubat.
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2 kişi bu incelemeyi yararlı buldu
kayıtlarda 2.4 saat (İnceleme gönderildiğinde: 1.6 saat)
Erken Erişim İncelemesi
My review is ONLY based upon the current EA version of the game, not what the game may become with updates. I'll edit my review as time goes on. (For the record, I am using an XBox controller, not a steering wheel setup.)

I bought the game today and there's numerous issues:
-all cars feel like they massively understeer
-brakes either feel like they do nothing at all to slow you down, or they spin you out, or almost spin you out and put you in a situation in which if you overcorrect the tiniest amount, you will spin out or go off track
-there is no PVP that I've seen, which is a bummer because that's a big reason why I wanted the game
-leaderboards don't load
-menus are a bit slow / unresponsive
-there's no description at all as to what many settings are / mean
-I've only had the game less than 2 hours at this point and TWICE I have experienced an issue where I will be in a race and I'll start hearing audio cracking, and then a few seconds later the game will start to get stuttery / choppy and eventually lock up completely, and crash the game. This is absolutely unacceptable.

So it has potential to eventually be a pretty good game but for now I'd just skip it until it's not in EA.
Yayınlanma 8 Şubat.
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7 kişi bu incelemeyi yararlı buldu
kayıtlarda 3.2 saat
The game is an absolute cash grab that preys upon the kind of people who feel they have to have everything and be #1. The game itself is as boring as it gets and there is absolutely no point in playing it when there's so many other better things to do with your time. There's also no point in spending a single cent on the game unless you're a whale who can afford to buy their way to the highest ranks.

Forget this game ever existed and walk away.
Yayınlanma 7 Şubat.
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Bir geliştirici 7 Şub @ 14:25 tarihinde cevap verdi (cevabı görüntüle)
Bu incelemeyi yararlı bulan henüz olmadı
kayıtlarda 3.3 saat
I'd rate this game neutral if I could. It's not bad by any means but it's just kinda boring, and I love TD games. Once you learn the towers, you know what combinations of towers work best, and then its just a matter of pathing the enemies so that they take maximum damage before reaching your core. Pretty standard stuff. If you are obsessed with TD games, you might like this but for me there's nothing unique enough about it to warrant more than the mildest recommendation.
Yayınlanma 15 Ocak.
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6 kişi bu incelemeyi yararlı buldu
1 kişi bu incelemeyi komik buldu
kayıtlarda 18.6 saat (İnceleme gönderildiğinde: 8.3 saat)
This game has potential to be really cool once the devs iron out the *numerous* bugs and issues present within the game.

Unexplained disconnects / drops, progress being reset, freezing, rubberbanding, horrible load times on occasion (this is a pixel art game wtf), and many others that I know I'm forgetting.

Even not counting all of the bugs and glitches, the game is definitely too roguelike for my tastes. Repeating the same content over and over again is inescapable and it makes the core gameplay loop get stale pretty fast, especially when you're trying to play online and you're also dealing with all of the issues present with that on top of the repetitive gameplay.

If the game just worked properly and didn't have all of the issues that it has, it'd be fairly decent. In its current state, pass. I bought it today and played pretty much all day and I dealt with issue after issue. I requested a refund.
Yayınlanma 15 Ocak. Son düzenlenme 15 Ocak.
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1 kişi bu incelemeyi yararlı buldu
kayıtlarda 71.9 saat (İnceleme gönderildiğinde: 9.5 saat)
FIrst of all, the game is extremely p2w. Unless you dump a bunch of money to get materials for making better cards, you are at a massive disadvantage against all of the people who are spending money.

Second, the balance of the game is super weird. From the heroes to the towers to the sends... it's all out of wack. The hero abilities are very imbalanced. The towers don't do enough damage and/or the sends have too much HP. There's no good way of dealing with a lot of stuff that is thrown at you.

It's almost not even worth using high cost cards because people can just spam 0 cost cards, or stuff that costs 1 gold and rush from the very start.

The defense option of some towers is completely pointless. Yeah, they do like an extra 10 damage when defending but it barely makes a difference.

The reload time of towers is absurd. I can understand maybe 1 round, but 3 rounds to reload is ridiculous.

Progression / rewards for playing PVP is incredibly slow.

Even though the game has been out a short time, there's already turbo nerd virgins exploiting the current meta.

The voice acting is generic and cheesy as it gets.

The audiovisual aesthetics of the game are about as exciting as watching paint dry.

I wanted to like this game but the balance of everything seems so completely off and confusing. For now this game should be avoided.
Yayınlanma 1 Kasım 2024.
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2 kişi bu incelemeyi yararlı buldu
kayıtlarda 17.0 saat
The game isn't terrible.

The issue with the game is the amount of grinding it takes to get the full experience.

It's only $5 so you can get your money's worth for sure, but I am reviewing this based upon whether or not I think it's a good game - not if it is worth $5.

Basically, what you do is go on runs with various characters and get semi-random power-ups as you gain enough XP. Your job is to survive the full 30 minutes that each run takes. It's kinda fun at first to experiment with different characters and play styles, but it quickly becomes apparent that the game is tedious and grindy.

If you like arena survival type games, you'll probably enjoy this. If you have the patience and capacity to grind the same thing over and over again just to unlock incremental upgrades to your 'power level,' you'll probably enjoy this.

Personally, I have to look at it like this: Is it worth me sinking a ton of hours into a game like this? A game in which all you really do is just walk around and collect XP? You can control your attacks manually but it's far better to put it on auto and just use the left thumb stick to walk around. My answer is no, it is not worth me sinking much time into a game like this because there's no skill or strategy involved... there's nothing to the game really. It's fun to play for a day or two AT MOST and then you'll forget you ever bought it.
Yayınlanma 29 Eylül 2024.
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1 kişi bu incelemeyi yararlı buldu
kayıtlarda 14.1 saat
Erken Erişim İncelemesi
This game is either going to be interesting to you, or not at all, depending upon your preferences.

I'd say the game is a mix of titles such as:

Hades (gods bestowing random powers and having beef with each other, general art style in many ways)
Vampire Survivors (pixel art, extremely simple mechanics, massive hordes of enemies)
Soulstone Survivors (manual aim, lots and lots of XP gems, different rarities / tiers of abilities and being able to upgrade them, adding difficulty modifiers to increase loot quality)

...as well as a more Diablo-esque gear system that has mostly randomly generated stats, so you're always looking through your loot and at the shop to see if you can find something just a little bit better than what you currently have.

There's also a skill point system where you can purchase passive upgrades for your character. The only thing that sucks is that you're limited to 36 points, which is enough to get one of the capstone abilities if you plan carefully, but it's not nearly enough to get everything.

At the time of this writing, the game is EA and that is very obvious. There's only two stages that I've seen thus far, which is very disappointing because the only thing you can do is just experiment with the different characters and try to play on harder and harder settings. That's not really for me. I like finding a character or two that I like and working on them until they are godly, but not in an obsessed grind sort of way... more natural. Unfortunately, grinding is a part of the nature of games like this and it's why I tend to lose interest after a while.

Overall I think the game shows promise but right now there's not much depth to it.

I'd say wait for the proper release, or get it heavily discounted ONLY if you like this sort of game. It gets old fast.
Yayınlanma 28 Haziran 2024.
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Bu incelemeyi yararlı bulan henüz olmadı
kayıtlarda 4.0 saat
The gameplay feels good and there's enough items to make you feel as though there's plenty of variety for all playstyles. The graphics kinda have this old school Neo Geo feel to them in a good way. My only complaints are:

1. Being a roguelike game, sometimes you get really screwed when it comes to RNG and just don't get anything good during a run, or can't possibly afford the good stuff.

2. It's not made clear that you HAVE TO talk to the NPC bad guy and fill his chalice with souls before being able to actually beat the game. If you plan on playing through, you cannot skip him and complete his quests, which is a bit annoying because it doesn't tell you (that I am aware of) how many kills you need, how many you have, etc. Also, if you are trying to hit a quota of kills that means selecting path options that involves fighting rather than goodies, which sucks.

Overall I'd say the game is totally worth it if you're a fan of this style of gameplay.
Yayınlanma 11 Haziran 2024.
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