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投稿日: 2022年9月6日 21時35分

It simply is not fun.

I understand that the game is intended to be complex, but there comes a point where "complex" turns into "overcomplicated". The controls aren't an issue, but the damage system is confusing, the tutorial provides little to no context outside of a handful of extremely basic things, and even lone zombies can provide far more of a challenge than they should. Not only that, but you will find yourself dealing with unrealistic levels of zombies chasing after you simply because one just happened to bang on a window of the house you're scavenging around in. Debuffs are constant and consistently being stacked onto you until you topple over and get eaten alive. After hours of gameplay, I can still barely find my way around any map I play on. I have tried my hardest to enjoy this game, but for anyone who likes nuanced, inconsistent and vaguely detailed games, I guess this is for you. I know it's not for me.
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