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BoomerThor 18 Sep, 2015 @ 11:25pm 
I am only 17.
I love Fallout so much.
I have all of the games, and merchandise.
"Fallout is love," I say, "Fallout is life."
My dad hears me and calls me a ♥♥♥♥♥♥. He's jealous of my devotion to Fallout.
I call him a CoD Fanboy.
He 360-noscopes me and sends me to bed.
I'm crying, and my controller is broken.
I feel a warm presence at the end of my bed.
It's Todd Howard.
I'm so happy...
He whispers into my ear "Fallout 4 confirmed."
He places me in an upright position...
I am ready...
I spread my wallet for Todd.
He penetrates the leather, and takes my money.
It hurts, but I do it for Fallout.
He sings a 40's tune as he fills my shelves with the Fallout 4 Pip-Boy edition.
My dad walks in, shocked.
Todd looks him in the eyes and says "War never changes."
He explodes into a mushroom cloud, as he leaves my house.
Fallout is love.
Is life.