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0.2 óra az elmúlt két hétben / 3,943.2 óra a nyilvántartásban (71.8 óra az értékeléskor)
Közzétéve: 2019. júl. 5., 2:43
Frissítve: 2021. febr. 17., 6:08

Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege

- Info is important give info when you die do not be QUIET.
- That is an addiction.
- It is not CS:GO.
- It is an actual 5v5 Tactical Shooter Game.
- Optimization is normal.
- There are so many different things to learn,you have to play at least 1-2 months to learn everything.
- There is a huge toxic community and friendly community as well as other FPS games.
- There are always new bugs when something come out with new season patches that are annoying.

- There are roles like support (thermite,thatcher),entry-fragger(ash),flex (that can do both fragger,support like vertical play and fragger(zofia,sledge)).
- There are so many maps and these maps have 4 sites.

-Defenders need to pick better site , reinforce and electrify walls with operators that can
electrify the walls like bandit to attackers do not enter, make rotations to not to be stuck inside.
-Attackers need to pick hard-breachers like thermite that can open reinforced walls and need to pick hard-breacher
support like thatcher that can destroy electric thing and then actually,the other 3 player can play
whatever they want but please play with your teammates.
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