Legendary Eagle
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Alluring 🛀🏿 Marley 20 juil. 2018 à 23h32 
🎄 ♥ 🌸 ♥ 🐟 ♥ 🌳 ♥ 👃 ♥ 📗 ♥ 📘 ♥ 🎁 ♥ 📕 ♥ 🥞 ♥ 🕺 ♥ 🌏 ♥ 🏓 ♥ 📒 ♥ 📕
Scully: Well done, Agent Pendrel. Keep up the good work!
Pendrel: Thanks, keep it up yourself! (then, to himself) Keep
it up yourself?? What a doof!

"The X-Files: 731"

(Mulder talking into tape recorder)
Mulder: Deep Throat said 'Trust No One'. It's hard, Scully.
Suspecting everyone, everything. It wears you down.
You even begin to doubt what you know is the truth.
Before, I could only trust myself. Now, I can only
trust you. And they've taken you away from me.

"The X-Files: Little Green Men"
🐟 ♥ 🔋 ♥ 💙 ♥ 🌸 ♥ 🚕 ♥ 🥗 ♥ 👾 ♥ 🌽 ♥ 👹 ♥ 👽 ♥ 🍖 ♥ 🍧 ♥ 😺 ♥ 🐊 ♥ 📘
Madara 19 avr. 2017 à 3h28 
krivoi 2 avr. 2017 à 2h38 
♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ ниже
cdx 7 févr. 2017 à 6h39 
♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ ниже ($*_*$)_-@-----
kgn 30 déc. 2016 à 8h58 
Twilight Warrior 21 nov. 2016 à 10h06 