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Recommend, but also do not buy unless very interested

Great aesthetic and vibes, the definition of EA but workable.
Coop is janky and waiting for a hotfix, enemies are a bit weird and gunplay is jank to bad. Creeping around shadows and baiting enemies to fight each other is great however and the promise of a good game really is there.
Skrevet: 24. september.
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172.2 timer registreret i alt (13.9 timer, da anmeldelsen blev skrevet)
game is better but some aspects (some ui and qol could really be added) are similar to my previous review so i'll be leaving it as is below. there's more options and some things about defense dice are a bit better but other things could be better. you have your typical gacha powercreep as usual and more stuff that are kinda questionable game balance but considering there's good amount of viable options for how to play it's not the worst

PM gives a lot of resources for free out so as far as gachas go it's not that bad?

ishmael is still cute


A lobotomized version of Ruina's combat, complete with extra RNG and 50% more mechanics that are horrifically overwhelming with a worse UI. Things like "What color is this sin supposed to be?" that had an easy fix such as COLORING THE TEXT WITH THE SIN'S RESPECTIVE COLOR aren't done at all.
On the later fights where the enemies feel like they're always rolling 13+ (haha, k-corp time!) there's no way to exploit or force one-sided attacks meaning you just get slaughtered because all you can do is clash or tell your nuggets to stand there and take it.
Mobile UI makes figuring out anything extra difficult, such as "what skill set is this ID?" because in things like mirror dungeons, you can't long press and figure out what loadouts you want to go with until you select your sinners locking you in.

Other aspects of gameplay feel poorly thought out, for instance: Counter defense coins. Counter coins are worthless, in return for taking one hit you get to attack back without having to clash, essentially making it 2 one-side attacks, great if you can trade except in situations where you cannot trade you have no other options but to go for a clash or hope that RNG means another skill will interrupt bad attacks.
Ruina is already kinda just game about gambling, but you have ways to mitigate the random. This game is just a gambling game with the gameplay loop being more gambling.

A simplified ruina would have been fine, making it fast and sweet but instead this game feels like a slog to do anything.

Ishmael is cute
Skrevet: 27. februar 2023. Sidst redigeret: 11. januar.
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6 personer fandt denne anmeldelse brugbar
125.5 timer registreret i alt (24.1 timer, da anmeldelsen blev skrevet)
TL;DR: great game with some gameplay issues, currently awful technical issues. Give it a try and see if you can run the game

The Good:
+World and atmosphere are spot on, probably the best 40k video games in depicting a hive city in all it's degenerate glory
+Music is amazing
+Weapon variety feels good, most weapons felt good to great in both melee and ranged barring a few exceptions (autopistols and the helbore lasgun)
+Modifiers are a nice change from VT-VT2, endless horde missions will force you to be working together and ramp up difficulty a good bit
+Classes are all enjoyable and have some aspect that make them fun
+Difficulty is a bit higher than VT, health mechanics are changed and it stops it from feeling just like VT with guns

The neutral:
-Difficulty wildly varies and feels swingier than VT. Sometimes you'll get 2 bosses, sometimes you'll get 5 crushers and 3 trappers and a dog with a poxburster rushing you. A fun challenge and a great time when you're in a lobby of 15+ who have feats/equipment/experience to deal with it, an almost guaranteed wipe if you're playing with newer people who don't have at least 2 of the 3.
-Dedicated servers vs P2P, personally great for me as dodges feel more consistent than they did in VT, worse for others due to having to connect to a central server
-Class feats go from having outstanding options with multiple good choices to being clear decisions because the other options for that level suck

The bad:
-Equipment drops are incredibly infrequent and feels like a dripfeed
-Only other way to get equipment is RNG and hoping your shop refreshes with stuff you want
-Reading a weapon's traits is weird and confusing, what does "Versatile" mean in relation to how my weapon performs? Do I get stat modifiers? Is it just a general assessment of what role this weapon does? What does stability affect, suppression resistance? Flinch resistance?

The heretical:
-Technical side of the game is currently atrocious. Experience varies WILDLY on how often your game will crash, how often you'll disconnect from servers.
For reference: I am running a RTX 3080ti and a Ryzen 7 5800x with 32GB of RAM. My framerate will stutter constantly and nosedive in certain areas; this is on low-medium with many of the recommended tweaks. Even on the latest drivers I've been having extremely unstable gameplay crashing multiple times. My friends on worse hardware have reported stable with no crashes. It feels very random on who is affected and who can play

If you can get over the tech issues or can grin and bear with it, let alone connect at all, Darktide is great. The mix of synth, industrial, and choir music blaring in the background while you and your buddies cleave through hordes is amazing. The moments when multiple specials appear and you like a well oiled machine swap to your ranged weapon while your ogryn teammate covers you without a word are the moments coop games strive for. Once the technical issues get fixed I'd have no doubts in recommending the game.
Skrevet: 23. november 2022.
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29.9 timer registreret i alt
Ys 9 is another 3 character party game in 3d, with the same things that star in every Ys game: a banging soundtrack, giant monsters, and another ancient impending apocalypse completely localized within the borders of a single nation. If you enjoyed Ys 8 (which I haven't played, YET), Seven, or Celceta, it's the same fare as before. If this is your first Ys game, you won't be missing much coming in besides references to previous games.

Gameplay-wise, it's a Ys game, but there's definitely some weakness to combat.
All characters were fun to play, and I swapped between them a lot.
I can't compare this to 8, but I will say that the bosses in 9 feel very forgettable.
Compared to Origins, I can't remember most of the bosses in this game. The bosses just feel like oversized roadblocks you wail on with skills occasionally flash guarding/moving and end up feeling more of the same. I never really had any boss that I looked at their attacks and thought "well how am I going to deal with this?", it was just "LoL JuSt FlaSh". 7 at least had a great final boss fight, 9's final boss felt boring compared to how hype the atmosphere was.
Besides that, the sidequests made me feel like I was playing a Trails game and the fact that I had to grind random battles to progress the story really put a damper on things.

Story-wise, pretty good for Ys. It's nothing fancy but characters were enjoyable and you get to see them develop over the story. The main plot itself being somewhat predictable with fun twists. Lot of little references and jokes that old fans will enjoy. At points, the story really pushed me through having to grind, and if a story can do that it's good enough for me.

Besides that, the OST is solid, and the setting was a fun romp. Tracks were more hit or miss than previous OSTs but that might just be nostalgia speaking.

Overall Ys 9 is an enjoyable entry to the Ys series. It has some flaws but I love Adol so i'll ignore all the flaws and say it's a perfect game. To be expected of Adol's game.

Skrevet: 14. juli 2021.
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8.8 timer registreret i alt (7.8 timer, da anmeldelsen blev skrevet)
Receiver 2 is a bit of a mixed game for me. The polish on it is beautiful, the graphics have been vastly improved since Receiver 1, the sound is impressive, though it's a bit too loud at times, and the core gun handling mechanics are even tighter than before. New rooms, a few new alternative enemy types, a few new mechanics, and of course, new guns.

The story is still the same as Receiver 1, but expanded upon with new tapes and new floppy disks that are supposed to be notes from other fellow Receivers.
The Threat now plays a bigger role, influencing probability and even attempting to take direct control over you.
Tapes have been expanded upon with some discussing heavier topics such as suicide. Some of these suicide related tapes are extremely unnerving, and even when I know i'm safe I still feel shivers listening to the end of some tapes, though there is a setting to disable these tapes.
Overall though, the plot is as simplistic as it was in Receiver 1, though the new tapes are great to listen to. Climbing a scaffold while listening to the Narrator give a little history about your gun, or how caliber doesn't really matter is quite relaxing.

Gun handling has been massively upgraded upon from Receiver 1. In most fpses the difference between guns are usually just been stats and appearances. Maybe one gun does more damage but is slower firing or some simple change in just stats, the differences in Receiver 2 is subtle in a contradictory noticeable way.
Some guns have longer trigger pulls and are Double Action only. Some have great pulls, but are Single Action only.
Ergonomics matter; guns that are heavier tire you out faster. Guns have different iron sights and while some have easy intuitive sight pictures, others are awful for anything requiring a bit more precision.
Safety on one gun won't always translate to another gun, maybe safe for one gun is just flicking the safety on, while safe for another is to carry with your chamber empty.
It's this part that makes me feel that Receiver 2 has been an overall improvement from Receiver 1. While other games will tell you "A revolver are simply better", or "semi automatics simply are better", Receiver 2 lets you actually play those arguments.
A revolver won't jam, fail to feed or cycle, but you better make those 6 shots on that charging drone count, cowboy.

Receiver 2 doesn't say anything about the "ergonomic value" of a gun, or "the stopping power", you get a firearm that has different physical properties and rather than choosing the gun with the highest dps, capacity, or accuracy, it's about what gun feels the most natural for you to draw (without shooting yourself in the leg), get on target, get a good picture, and get an accurate shot off.

However, that's where the positives end and the negatives start to show.
While the sim aspects of gun handling are the highlight, the rest of the game suffers a bit.
The room layouts are still quite similar to Receiver 1, and you quickly start seeing repeating rooms.
There is a saddening lack of content, and while there are more guns, you rapidly start seeing the same guns over.
There is still a disappointing lack of enemies, with still only 2 types of enemies.
A common complaint is the "Rank" system and the overly punishing aspect of it. While I personally find it workable and like how each level has it's own challenges, it's something to be aware of and I'd recommend anybody thinking about picking up the game for the game part to read about.

The ending is very disappointing. My hopes have only been killed further and I am left in despair.

It's these aspects that drop my "would recommend", there's less game and more simulator. I got the game for $15. For $20 full price it's a bit steep with its lack of content and I'd only recommend Receiver 2 for those who are interested in minute details in gun handling.

Receiver 2 is a gun handling game that has a great amount of polish and shine, but a saddening lack of content. It's a recommended game from me only for the in-depth gun handling and realism for what matters in a handgun.
Skrevet: 16. april 2020. Sidst redigeret: 17. april 2020.
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5.4 timer registreret i alt
Anmeldelse for emne med tidlig adgang
Playing the free weekend, this game is one of those "Great ideas, bad execution".

I haven't played DBD, but i've read the complaints: that the killer is too weak, the survivors can dance around them so the idea that the survivors are really playing with fire by distracting the hunter because at any moment a shotgun blast can knock them down is a nice idea. Another nice idea is the fact that as the game goes on, runners can get new abilities and skills to stall the hunter and occupy time. Unfortunately, thats where it ends.

The issue is the hunter has too many options, easy intel on the entire map by shooting pickups, massive amounts of area control in the form of turrets or mines, tracking with a pulse that reveals everything around them, and the fact that runners move quite slow that the hunter will easily catch up just by sprinting. This is also compounded by the fact hunters have the ability to activate a jetpack sort of thing that gives them super speed and extra jump height, which isn't too bad until you realize it lets the hunter cross the map in 3 seconds.

Even barring the fact that the runners could make some objectives happen, going for objectives lights them up making it extremely easy to track people down. I understand that the survivor team must leverage numbers and teamwork, but the time to down is so low that the hunter can easily down somebody, activate their jetpack and hop to the other objective in seconds, and even if runners and the hunter trade a down for an objective, it works in the hunter's favor as every down means an execution that takes minimal time, and every subsequent down reduces the bleed out time. At this point i've gotten more kills via bleedout than executions.

Having played a little bit, I've won a single game as runner, but I have not lost a single game as hunter. The objectives are too punishing for runners, while hunters are omnipresent. Playing this while its free is entertaining, I would not buy the game for $30.

Having played more runner, I think I've gotten the hang of it and have won many more games as runner. As it stands though, I'll still say that the hunter has a much stronger advantage. Against any hunter that has a clue of how to prioritize, things become extremely hard to the point the effort needed to outplay the hunter just isn't comparable to the effort needed to take down the runners. A bit of tweaking on the hunter's tools would immensely make this more balanced for both sides.
Skrevet: 14. august 2018. Sidst redigeret: 17. august 2018.
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26.3 timer registreret i alt (12.7 timer, da anmeldelsen blev skrevet)
You will laugh
You will cry
You will use this game as casus belli to invade your friend's skull space

A true experience in the magic of """"random"""" numbers and the ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ of dice.
Skrevet: 26. november 2017.
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51.7 timer registreret i alt (43.2 timer, da anmeldelsen blev skrevet)
Years later, I've had more fun with a $3($1 if it goes on sale!) game with its ~$6 expansion than some $30+ games I've owned.

Despite being a more traditional roguelike, OWH is a lot more accessible than ascii roguelikes. Featuring some simple but readable graphics, it's also not too difficult. With a lot of replayability through multiple endings, multiple difficulties, classes, and challenges, it's a simple game that'll provide a lot of hours of gameplay.

The art is a bit anime but it's pretty toned down. I don't think anybody will really strongly hate it.

For gameplay, it's a pretty well balanced game. Obviously as a roguelike theres a degree of inventory management and there aren't many instances where I felt like the game deprived me of a resource leading to me losing only because of RNG. All the classes are unique enough to give each a different playstyle, a pirate has different strategies than a swordmaster, a hero can take on enemies differently than a bard will.

There's also a surprisingly deeper story to the demon lord and the darkness, it really never is the highlight of the game over saving the world, but there are some more hidden endings.

I'd strongly recommend anybody who enjoys roguelikes or even wants to get started to try OWH. It provides a perfect mix of difficulty for people who want something to ease into playing roguelikes, and people who are masochistic enough to seriously enjoy the hardest difficulty. And with how low the price is, it's really not a tough choice to just pick it up.

The expansion OWH+ is also recommended as it effectively triples content through new npcs to meet, more endings, new items, rebalancing, a new postgame mechanic(Which is more just more QoL stuff), and improving QoL/UI.
Skrevet: 24. november 2016.
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11.7 timer registreret i alt (11.0 timer, da anmeldelsen blev skrevet)
Text-based permadeath diablo with terrible jokes that assault you physically and mentally while trying to desecrate the fourth wall with good music playing in the background
There are also a lot of bars in combat.
A lot of bars

smiting enemies should be illegal
Skrevet: 30. november 2015. Sidst redigeret: 24. november 2016.
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37.9 timer registreret i alt (11.4 timer, da anmeldelsen blev skrevet)
I kickstarted it, I highly suggest it because it's an actually satisfying game and moderatly hard.
Of course, you'll probably be able to kite and just survive but ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ up is gg
Tthe noise of one million enemies genocided is music to my ears.
Skrevet: 9. november 2013.
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