
Последние обзоры -shhfiftyfive

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701.4 ч. всего (50.2 ч. в момент написания)
i recommended not buying this at launch, or previous updates that i'd played.

3 years later...

right now though, the game is pretty good. better progression, inventory, economy. and the game's graphics actually looks better (not like clay)

-/+ i still hate first person view when flying (needed to read the instruments) but 3rd person for both flying and on foot are great improvements to the experience.

- i have to mention they did nerf survival mode many patches ago (in preparation for making the world multiplayer). the mode is entirely pointless now. its just more expensive fuel for your ship to take off. very tedious and not worthy of calling it a "mode" . the world is no longer more dangerous with less resources in this mode. so just play normal mode.

+ but the economy doesn't entirely suck now, with buried technology modules found everywhere and worth a lot on the market, and the storm activated crystals on some rare extreme planets that are incredibly high value, so buying high end ships and freighters is not an impossible task.... you are no longer forced to mine ore for hundreds of hours for a little profit.

+ the inventory is much improved. bigger stack size and 2x more slots in the suit. go hunting for drop pods and you'll not have inventory issues. you will not be stuck in a loop where you get nothing done because your inventory is always full. this also means having a huge ship inventory is not super important. so you don't have to get a hauler ship. (sucks in combat and at warping efficiency)

+ the overall progression is more involved and takes longer before you complete all the things.
Опубликовано 9 декабря 2016 г.. Отредактировано 11 декабря 2019 г..
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811.4 ч. всего (427.4 ч. в момент написания)
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i enjoyed the (unofficial) pve servers. pvp doesn't interest me. it is the "survival" genre that i'm interested in, not the "free for all kill on sight blow up their base when they log off" genre... if i wanted to pvp i'd do so in a game with good netcode and shooting mechanics...

great survival game. lots of character progression. gathering, crafting, cooking, smelting. build raft (mobile home), bases, outposts, tame dinos with darts or primitive means. use dino's to carry your resources. tame dinos and have them breed, or use the eggs to make kibble which certain wild dinos prefer to get faster tames thus better stats on the dino, have them defend your base, have them go on rampage killing sprees. level them up, boost their stats, boost your own stats when you level too. craft paint to paint your face, armor, dino, base...

server mods (steam workshop) can increase difficulty (or decrease) and add a lot over the base game.

server settings: default rates for everything suck. (resource collection amounts, experience/leveling speed, dino taming speed, etc) can be tuned to your server's liking. taming a dino for 12 hours... no thanks. maybe 30 minutes.. collect 1 rock at a time? how about 5. etc.

don't even bother with official servers.

there's also single player.
Опубликовано 9 декабря 2016 г..
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22.7 ч. всего (16.6 ч. в момент написания)
great game. unexpectedly really fun and hard to find faults. wish more games were as good of a purchase as this turned out to be. jaded from wading through a lot of bad games to then be pleasantly surprised to find this game. genuinely enjoyed it. not put off by stupid design decisions at every turn like most games. i've bought and played games with higher reviews than this one and found them to be total console trash and not fun. glad to find this was not the case with this one.
Опубликовано 10 ноября 2016 г.. Отредактировано 10 ноября 2016 г..
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361.7 ч. всего (224.6 ч. в момент написания)
fun combat and movement.
addictive upgrade system.
there's 1000's of hours of gameplay here. and its free.

worth buying platinum to increase inventory - to grow your collection of weapons and frames.
Опубликовано 22 июля 2016 г..
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508.3 ч. всего (427.4 ч. в момент написания)
updated for patch 1.21 blood and wine DLC:

original review:
i love the game characters, scenes, story, gwent, exploration, loot hoarding, alchemy, crafting, and fighting enemies much higher level than you... the game is basically awesome...


(then came patches that added 'stash' and 'NG+'... very nice)

but... i need to make sure to discuss/explain the bad stuff:

old bad stuff still problematic/unaddressed with patches:

- the inability to jump in combat. the combat roll should "jump" over fences and short objects but it doesn't. really makes it annoying when you get boxed into a corner in combat.

- the 'lock on' camera when fighting multiple enemies is bad. i want the controls to be smooth and allow me to jump from target to target just via proper player movement/camera controls... but i can't because i have to deal with a lazy console lock on camera choosing which enemy i am locked into combat with.

- the context menu for looting is horrible. geralt has to face the container... 3rd person camera should get a context menu to pop up just by having the object you want to interact with in the center of your screen... but nope..

- i want several more quick slots. i should be allowed to bind more alchemy potions to keys 3-9. instead of having 3 ways to bind my signs (tab, 3-7, and mouse wheel??) redundant. meanwhile theres like 40 alchemy potions, and only 4 quickslots??? you're nuts.

- why can't i sell crossbow ammo?

- why is there a container (confirmation window) for picking herbs?

- why can't i "inspect" or compare items before adding them to my inventory? shift clicking while hovering mouse over an item while browsing the container would be nice place for a stats tooltip...

- why can't i sort my crafting diagrams by level?? instead of only alphabetically?

new bad stuff from latest patch 1.21: (that's right, the bad list got longer, not shorter :( )

- the new tabs in the new inventory menu are a bit ridiculous. crafting/alchemy materials tab was already biggest offender. now they're still sharing a single page and it's even worse than before. now if you have more than 1 page of items it will cause delay loading the screen (or shop ). meanwhile the horse gets his own tab that will remain forever empty... no logic here. plz give crafting and alchemy their own separate tabs. and give bombs 1 less column.

- there is no longer instant tooltips for items when hovering mouse over them in inventory. means it takes a while to fade in before you can see if a weapon is junk or an upgrade. same for decoctions. quite annoying. double checking the stats of a weapon before vendoring it just got a lot more tedious.

- axii puppet skill no longer working. can't do achievement.
Опубликовано 29 мая 2015 г.. Отредактировано 28 июля 2016 г..
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107.7 ч. всего (52.5 ч. в момент написания)
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I haven't played a game this awesome since Xcom: Enemy Unknown.

This is turn-based combat. 4v4. Single player rogue-like dungeon crawler.
Also has a big economic game outside of combat trying to upgrade your town and heroes.
A rogue-like where RNG will own you.
A single bad round/event can cause devistating long-term effects.
It has procedurally generated dungeons.
No save scumming. It is ironman mode only.

The soundtrack (combat music) is awesome, as is the narrator.

Don't read further if you're already sold and don't want any light spoilers on what kind of game mechanics you will face.

Your heroes suffer stress and can eventually stop doing as you wish if you don't let them rest.
The heroes will gain both benefitial and negative traits.
The negative traits will force you to get rid of them, or spend a lof of effort fixing them.
You can always recruit new heroes, but they start at level 0.
You want to keep your heroes alive, and level them up, to progress in the game.
Your heroes will require downtime after a mission, so you'll need 2-3 or more squads to keep you functional.
The synergy of your party makeup can be really good.
Опубликовано 8 февраля 2015 г.. Отредактировано 8 февраля 2015 г..
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411.3 ч. всего (19.1 ч. в момент написания)
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Опубликовано 22 декабря 2014 г..
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67.0 ч. всего (35.3 ч. в момент написания)
Опубликовано 5 октября 2014 г..
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277.5 ч. всего (244.4 ч. в момент написания)
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Опубликовано 30 января 2014 г..
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1,777.5 ч. всего (1,372.6 ч. в момент написания)
i'll recommend you try it yourself. it's free after all... but in no way can we take this game seriously as a competitive game (like the 1st 2 games were). honestly its not even acceptable as a pub game compared to pubbing the original. the differences are just so sad.

i'm only going to list the negative game mechanics that the devs have refused to change... because they are targeting a purely casual audience.

for perspective... let's list some fundamental problems here in no particular order... that makes the game such a waste of potential.

- you can sprint or slide while reloading.

- you can fire immediately with basically zero time between swapping primary weapon with interactions like stop bleed, revive, slide, vault, jump, take objective... your weapon is always ready to fire as if you have 4 arms.

- most buildings and areas have open ceilings. and easy/low skill to throw nades in common areas from various safe locations.

- "supported" position is basically no recoil. such skill.

- you see your entire team's icons through walls so you rush around corners without a care. there is no adrenaline factor when coming around corner and holding fire until you identify that it is not a friendly... so redundant since ther is a minimap. basically another major brain substitute.

- minimap shows red markers if an enemy fires his weapon. free intel. brain substitute.

- friendly fire is on but you only do 5% health damage per bullet, even headshots. so that just promotes cod spray through teammates. no big deal.... pointless.

- yeah. the medic's role was gutted. now you can bandage yourself to stop bleed. medics are just there to make the game super forgiving with revives. this series used to be 1 life to live per round... like counter strike. then the medic got revamped in aa3 with secures and revives.. and it was unpopular... but it's here in aapg.

- you can get revived after being shot in the face or killed by grenade. you are immune to damage while waiting for a revive, both bullets and grenades... you can still talk to your team.

- everyone is unable to keep on task (map/mission objective) because the win condition really focuses on revive. everyone wants to be revived.

there is no penalty after being revived.. your run speed is hilarious for someone who was at zero health and brought back for a 2nd chance to steal the win from the rightful victors.

- it is sad that the most often way to win a round is to just rush around and kill off the entire enemy team. ignore the objective because it is so unlikely to be completed. defense has such luxury to ignore objectives...

- the round timers are way too long. the pace of this game is faster than cs, yet the round timers are 4-5 minutes. it is a total joke. no pressure on the clock to do the objective. "take your time and kill all enemies." that's what the mission briefing should read...

- no unique missions. just universal kill all enemies before time runs out. and same loadouts each map. tons of smoke and no tools to counter sniper lanes (need m203/320 to deter/delay defense rushing assault spawn like aa2, smoke doesn't cut it. sprint and reload makes it much worse)... thus no maps are able to stand out as unique missions.

- i really want some loadout specific maps. m16 cqb would be great. not m4's no auto snipers. add some actual doors and make some real CQB into the game. none of this sprint around and hold down mouse 1 crap.

i could list more features that are just implemented without any real though, but what's the point. the devs claim they want our feedback, but we give it and it goes ignored for years. the devs refuse to compromise on certain major issues (casual stuff listed above). the devs don't appreciate such detailed feedback. the devs just want you to like everything they decide on or GTFO. they don't understand what makes a great game great and they've admitted as much. yet they will ban you from their forums and delete your posts with no good excuse. there is no accountability for their abusive actions. ....just amazingly horrible public relations. and i am a retired US Army Veteran as well as a veteran comp player of the series going back to 2002.

aa2 is a polar opposite to what this franchise has become. you can't take this seriously. and the game will go nowhere competitively. it's a non-starter.
Опубликовано 19 ноября 2013 г.. Отредактировано 13 апреля 2015 г..
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