Я S.H.A.R.P. Kołowrat
Pezinok, Bratislava, Slovakia
Skinhead S.H.A.R.P. "We are Proud Boys and Girls!"
From the bottom of my heart, from the shadow of my soul i will spread fear and pain! Don't ever ask me why i play that crazy game! Coz all this questions are driving me insane! I'll wear my boots until the day I die! It's not a fashion, it's a way of life!
Skinhead Culture!
True skinhead!

They tell you what clothes to wear and they tell you how to cut your hair. But we show what we are, we are skins. We pull on the boots and roll up the jeans. Cuz I'm not a nazi, I'm not a red. I've had enough of your politics. I'm not a nazi, I'm not a red. For all I am is a ... SKINHEAD! That's what I am, it's all I wanna be. I don't want no right wing politics and no red-star hypocrites. I won't kneel down in front of you, even though you want me to! For all I am is a ... SKINHEAD! That's what I am, it's all I wanna be!

Way of our freedom!

You cannot build your own house for that you'll need a license. That will cost you money for ridiculous prices. You have the choice to rent or buy, but they made the prices extremely high. So now you need to work 8 hours a day to cover for the bills which you have to pay.

The companies own your primary needs. If you lose your job you'll be out on the streets. People talking about freedom, people talking about bullshjt they know nothing about. You'll get rewarded for succes and punished if you fail. The rich can pay a fine the others go to jail. Freedom is there for those who are rich but if you're not you're societya's bjtch. And than you have to work until you're f4cking dead. Just because you need a roof above your head.

Some people put there trust and hope in politicians. Who're hunger for power and look for recognition. Egos go high talents go low. It's time to face what we already know ....


Samozrejme že milujem žltnúce listy jesene. Samozrejme je to krásne vidieť čerstvo napadnutý sneh.
Potom vidieť znovu sa prebúdzať prírodu k životu. Jar je tu a teraz sa opäť slnko ukazaju, ale s4kra ja túžim ♥♥ lete! Nič sa nevyrovná grilovaniu pri jazere, túžim ♥♥ slnku a ♥♥ lete. Keď sa párty koná až do rána bieleho.Takže otvorte pivo, je čas na párty. Poďte ďalej priatelia, rozhliadnite sa a bavte sa! Milujem tatranské leto!


Det var då, då det inte fanns nåt krig. Inga vapen på vår jord och alla mådde bra! Tider då alla hade mat och ingen i nöd och alla hade jobb!