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Опубликовано: 14 апр. 2023 г. в 1:59

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Played all the maps and they are fun at first, but there's preset jump scares in all of them so you've seen them all after 2-3 runs of the map.

There is nowhere to hide in this game, so the only thing you can do to escape a ghost is hold a crucifix. Looping really isn't a mechanic, and it lacks the interactivity of the hunts that Phasmophobia has.

My biggest gripe though is the evidence, most notably the ESG, takes forever to gather! You can have an ESG in the ghost room for 20 minutes with no interactions, so the game turns into sitting in the tent watching the cameras. Sure you can sit in the ghost room and watch for the evidence, but that's just as boring and as I mentioned previously there's no way to escape a ghost hunt except for a crucifix (which costs about 2-3 games worth of currency to buy) so why would you??

This game has potential, definitely. But in its current state, the game is incredibly boring after you actually start diving beneath the surface of the spooky maps and jump scares. Every item in the game is incredibly overpriced, so if you die you're using starter items for 10 games to get 1 of each of the items again. Combine that with the lack of ways to escape a ghost, while taking forever to gather the evidence and you got yourself a recipe for frustration.
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