nazi caterpillar
"In the past, this information has been suppressed, but now it can be told. Every man, woman, and mutant on this planet shall know the truth about de-evolution."
Red 40 Womb Injector 24 ENE a las 4:09 p. m. 
There was mpreg in the dilbert show, featuring famed voice of spongebob. In season 2 dilbert gets pregrnant so theres mpreg in the dilbert show. If you like mpreg the dilbert show is for you. You know dilbert? Yeah that comic guy has a show and he gets ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ pregnant, look it up.
cromn 24 ENE a las 12:40 p. m. 
That hawks. Uhh... okay? That was tuah. That was spit. Yeah, obviously they're Haliey fans. This guy expects like - everyone on the planet to be a Hawk Tuah fan. You don't seem too bright, but then again Haw- Hawk Tuah fans never really were. They were the most gormless stoners on Twitter. You know? So you can't expect oldschool Hawk Tuah fans to be - like - too bright, right? They're just gonna be like "THIS GUY'S A NOOOOB!", when it's the year 2025 and nobody's ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ spit on that thang, everyone is like twelve years old in the chatroom, and smoking poles and this guy's like "THIS GUY'S A NOOB! HE DOESN'T KNOW HOW TO SPIT ON PENIS!". Shut the ♥♥♥♥ up, ♥♥♥♥♥. These are all twelve year olds, you moron. Of course they don't know! This is a Sprunki player. You know? Or a Dandy's World player - or - you know, something like that. Think everyone's gonna be a forty year old deadbeat dad like you? Come on, man. Leave the poor kid alone.
cromn 22 ENE a las 1:21 p. m. 
how long could you ride on a gigantic penis shaped mechanical bull
Red 40 Womb Injector 16 DIC 2024 a las 7:34 p. m. 
Can I say swarthoid and ♥♥♥♥ on steam
cromn 7 DIC 2024 a las 2:22 a. m. 
In the name of Allah the most gracious the most merciful. All the praise and thanks is for Allah, the Lord of mankind, jinn and everything that exists, and may the prayers and peace of Allah be upon the most honorable of all the Messengers, Mohamed. To our beloved Sheikh and able emir Abu Musab Abdul Wadud, may Allah keep him safe. May the peace, mercy, and blessings of Allah be with you. I pray to Allah that my letter will find you in the best of spirits, moving from one victory to the next. We have received the glad tidings of your victories in the Islamic Maghreb which came to us here in the East like a gentle breeze, reminding us of the victories of our forbearers, and it made us, along with other Muslims, very happy. We pray to Allah that you continue to be victorious.
Red 40 Womb Injector 26 NOV 2024 a las 6:58 a. m.