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Додано: 25 черв. о 1:46
Оновлено: 1 жовт. о 1:19

https://imgur.com/a/AtH64v4 "updated achievements" says the Steam description, but it doesn't have Steam achievements, not even Ubisoft Connect Achievements. I was so disappointed when I realized.
BTW Ubisoft is so scared that when you start it the 1st time, a screen pops up saying: THIS IS FROM 2003, CHARACTERS MAY BE STEREOTYPICAL. UBISOFT ACKNOWLEDGES THE NEGATIVE IMPACT OF THEIR REPRESENTATION.
Who cares, I'm Latino & Secundo is great.

proof: https://imgur.com/a/ALjTlk5

UPDATE: WE WON, they've added achievements, source: https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/2556990/view/4369140095308368040?l=english
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Коментарів: 61
shaggytoph 1 жовт. о 1:19 
fireyf 27 черв. о 14:39 
How was Secundo stereotypical? Because he has an accent? People have accents. How does that have a negative impact? Come on Ubisoft
Obi-wan Jabroni 26 черв. о 15:14 
bro stfu no one cares
☠SOON☠ 26 черв. о 14:35 
Top Zozzle I generally just ignore all ubishit but saw this was mixed so I enjoy reading the loony brigade and their rabid defense of slop. Thanks for the heads up shaggytoph
Timmy 26 черв. о 9:45 
me when I lie:
G Smith007 26 черв. о 9:32 
shaggytoph oh thats so crafty i didnt know that, thats ubisoft been disgusting as always
G Smith007 26 черв. о 9:08 
I always like to work towards achievements once ive completed the game once. Achievements are secondry for me but i do love unlocking them.
G Smith007 26 черв. о 9:05 
zT4_J2_S0z Ill step in and say you dont have a clue. Leave alone people who enjoy the achievement aspect. Ive never played a game without achievements since the xbox 360 era. Imm a completionist and theres a fun satisfaction completing them on your profile and creating a list of games completed ot look back on. If you dont get it then fair enough, but done be mean to people who spend enjoyment in other ways.
G Smith007 26 черв. о 9:03 
confirmed for ubiconnect but no steam which is very misleading and typical ubisoft disappointing again with not care for the steam platform. they might as well not be on it ever I would rather them bugger off
Glurak 26 черв. о 7:59 
There are achivements on ubisoft Connect what are you Smoking?