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Marvel Rivals
Ostatnia aktywność
156 godz. łącznie
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54 godz. łącznie
Ostatnia gra: 4 marca
329 godz. łącznie
Ostatnia gra: 1 marca
Gutter-Runner-Ratboi 21 września 2024 o 9:34 
The 21st of Septembew happens once a yeaw (365 days) meaning that the chances of dying on the 21st of Septembew awe 1/365. The song Septembew - 'Do you wemembew? The 21st night of Septembew - was wwitten by Eawth, Wind and Fiwe. Based on quick googwes seawches, the chances of dying in an Eawthquake awe 1/20,000, the chances of dying in a townado (Wind) awe 1/60,000 and the chances of dying in a Fiwe awe 1/1,177. Using these numbews, we get the cawcuwation 1/365×(1/20,000+1/60,000+1/1,177) which is equaw to apwoximatewy 2.5×10-6, which is 0.0000025 ow 0.00025%. This means that any given pewson has a 0.00025% chance of dying on the 21st night of Septembew to eithew Eawth, Wind ow Fiwe. Using this numbew and the cuwwent wowwd popuwation (about 7.7b ow 7,700,000,000) we can wowk out that - thwough the cawcuwation 0.00025% × 7.7b - that a gwand totaw of 1,925,000 peopwe who awe awive wight now wiww die on the 21st of Septembew to eithew Eawth, Wind ow Fiwe.
Gutter-Runner-Ratboi 6 października 2023 o 20:28 
Is better than me at everything I challenge him in. -rep