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Geplaatst: 18 jan 2018 om 10:24
Gewijzigd: 9 mrt 2022 om 13:15

I will only recommend this game to a very specific group of people who:
  • Desperately want to have their time wasted and have no problem dealing with the morning-after regret.
  • Have an inhuman level of tolerance for verbose and childish writing.
  • Believe in pseudoscience and don’t even bother looking up the validity of it.
  • Are gullible and believe whatever bull**** people throw at you.
  • Can turn a blind eye to any ridiculous plot hole and deus ex machina scenario as long as the story moves forward.
  • Don’t mind their elaborative faculty being questioned and taunted by the devs again and again.
If you find yourself fit in at least four(4) of the categories above, go give it a try, you may have an incredibly fun time with this game. Otherwise you may just end up like me, tortured by regret and fury for all the wasted time and anticipation.

I know, Japanese visual novels (also Japanese literature in general) are well known for verbose writing, I had this in mind before stepping into this game. However, its excessive verboseness still overwhelmed me somehow. You might think I am exaggerating and overacting at this point, so, to sufficiently prove my points, I am going to give a demonstration of two techniques used in this game, two techniques that stretched this game from a story that could have been properly told in 5 hours into an endless marathon.

Technique 1:
I don’t know if this game was made for kids or not, but considering it is rated M in many countries, my suspicion might be incorrect. Anyway, the devs seemed to have highly underestimated the elaborative faculty of the players to an almost offensive degree.

As if describing a fact or ratiocination that sticks out a mile by the narrator wasn’t enough, they just have to recapitulate the same thing (indeed, the exactly same thing, no Rashomon effect involved) through the mouth of every character available at the scene again and again, and eventually, to have the protagonist to sum it up one extra time…

Here is an example:
(Note that it’s not an excerpt of any actual in-game scene, but a simplified demonstration of how this “technique” works, as is the example in the next part)

Origineel geplaatst door Example 1:

You rushed to the door only to found its handle missing.
Where the handle was supposed to be, left only an empty socket behind.
You tried to force it open *BAM* *BAM* of no avail.
People gathered around to investigate it. (“narrator describes the situation” Check ✓)

Character 1: “What are you doing? Let’s open this door and proceed!”
You: “I just arrived and found its handle missing.”
Character 2: “A door can only be opened by rotating its handle, I guess we cannot open the door then.”
Character 3: ”Let me handle this, I’m full of muscle! *BANG* *BANG*”
You: “I tried, it didn’t even budge.”
Character 5: “Let me give you a hand!”
Character 3: “Rawr… Doesn’t work!”
Character 6: “We can’t open the door normally, nor force it open. I figure this door is off-limits to us.”
Character 2: “That’s what I’m thinking, we cannot open this door at this moment.”
Character 4: “Then we are trapped! This is the only door we haven’t entered!”
You: “Maybe there is some other ways to open a door?”
Character 6: “Like teleporting through?”
Character 4: “How is that possible!?”
Character 2: “How about lockpicking?”
Character 1: “Without a handle, there isn’t any lock to lockpick I’m afraid.”
Character 4: “So we are trapped! We are going to starve to death!”
You: “Is it possible to find some explosives to breach it?”
Character 2: “Whew! Yes, we can plant some explosives to breach it through. Why haven’t I figured that out.”
Character 6: “Indeed, it’s a tough door no doubt, but I don’t think it can stand against explosion.”
Character 3: “Good idea! I know I can count on you.”
You: “Is that truly the only way?”
Character 1: “Or we can find the missing handle to fix the door, and open it the way a normal door would.”
Character 5: “Exactly what I was thinking. We can also try finding the missing handle.”
Character 4: “Does that mean we don’t have to die here if we can find the missing handle or get some explosives to breach it?” (“every character recaps the same thing at least once” Check ✓)
You: “So our current objective is clear, we either find the missing handle of the door, or get our hands on some explosives to breach it open. Everybody clear?” (“protagonist sums it up one extra time” Check ✓)

Did you get how painfully annoying it is?
Also note that since every line is accompanied by voice over and character animation, any simple scenario like this one could easily last ages.

Technique 2:
As you might have already known, the game is consisted of two parts. One is the “
Visual Novel” part, in which you simply read the story, and sometimes make decisions to push the story forward. The other one is the “Room Escape” part, which plays just like any other room escape game, except for the puzzles being mind-numbingly easy and straightforward.

What truly bothers me is that every character keeps saying sh*t that are either too intelligent and informative, or embarrassingly flirty (both from male and female), which is totally out the realm of their character personas and the overall atmosphere. There is one scene where they were just screaming and vomiting after the discovery of a bloody dismembered body, the next minute, they started flirting and recollecting childhood memories right beside the corpse!?

And that isn’t even the worst part, the worst part is that every character keeps commentating before/during/after your every single action! It might be hard to understand how, so here comes the demonstration.

Imagining yourself entering a room with two other characters, the room is completely empty except for a tea table in the center and a key atop it. The exit is on the opposite of the room, locked. The solution here is quite self-evident, you grab the key, unlock the door and get out, not much to talk about really. However, such simple scenario would evolve like this in this game:

Origineel geplaatst door Example 2:

(Just when you enter the room, game freezes.)
Character 2: “Oh, this room is so empty, can we just chill out here for a while and take a break?”
You: “Time is running out, I’m afraid we can’t afford the luxury.”
Character 1: “Yeah, let’s find out the solution to this room.”
Character 2: “You men are always this rushy.”

(Game resumes control, you start to explore the room)

(Just before you are about to grab the key)
Character 2: “Look! There is a key on the table.”
Character 1: “Yeah, I saw that too, I wonder what it opens.”
You: “Let’s take a closer look.”

(Right after you pick up the key)
Character 1: “Hey, what’s that you’re holding? A key?”
You: “Yes, I just found it lying on the table.”
Character 2: “Oh, it looks so stiff and hard.”
You: “Wait, can you say that again?”
Character 2: “Say what again?”
You: “The one you used to describe the key.”
Character 2: “Oh that’s awkward, please forget about it!”
(“ridiculously unnecessary flirting” Check ✓)

(While you attempt to further search the room)
Character 1: “Since there are only two doors in this room, one is the one we just entered, the other one must be the exit, why don’t we check it out.”
Character 2: “It looks locked though, but maybe you can unlock it with the key you just found?”
You: “Only one way to find out.”

(When you approach the door.)
Character 1: “Oh, this door is so strongly fortified, there’s no way we can force it open, got to use a key.”

(After you insert the key and open the door.)
Character 1: “Man, you are such a talented door-opener, I love the way you insert the key into the lockhole, how fierce.”
Character 2: “You guys are disgusting!”
(“ridiculously unnecessary flirting again, seriously?” Check ✓)
You: “Just shut up and let’s get out of here.”

Are you feeling it now?
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35 opmerkingen
D3U5S 14 mrt 2023 om 11:24 
If you hate the writing, play the ds version. They completely butchered the dialogue for this port for literally no reason.
moshiwakeda 3 dec 2022 om 1:38 

Bad writing.

"long writing" is not a thing
rayuh 30 nov 2022 om 19:42 
its not that op has a problem with how long the game is, more that the game is so poorly written for so long.
Stat 6 nov 2022 om 18:25 
people who hate long writing seem to write a lot, kind of odd.
moshiwakeda 6 aug 2022 om 13:48 
The degree to which the writing is stretched out to the absolute mind-bogglingly max allows me to spam the skip button and just scan the text instead of reading it properly.

It's hilarious to me, that on top of the overwrought writing, you also have to replay the same situations several times. I've never had anything so exhaustively explained to me. Who wrote this stuff? I haven't seen anything like this before, ever. And it's really strange if you think about it.

This is some deep and comprehensive cringe.
moshiwakeda 6 aug 2022 om 13:48 
The only thing I actually enjoy about this game are the puzzles. But even those are utterly ruined with pointless dialogue. Can you shut up and let me solve the puzzle? No. At every step I take the characters have to interrupt me to state the completely obvious. It's as though the writers thought of literally everything and anything that anyone might say, and had the characters say all of those things.

There are some cool ideas in this game, but it's written as though it's for a grade school textbook. In that respect I find it somewhat admirable. An 8 year old would actually be able to play this game.

I agree about the weird flirting. I've watched very little anime, and I've noticed that this seems to be very much an anime thing. It's so close to almost gross, that it's actually just gross.
Kyoriso 27 mei 2022 om 16:23 
Meds. Now.
helldraco 24 mrt 2022 om 9:14 
Just finished a run.
Don't understand why the majority of people aren't like you (and me): it was a complete waste of my time from A to Z.
abuplaysroblox 12 mrt 2022 om 15:40 
"-except for the puzzles being mind-numbingly easy and straightforward." Oh man, I wish my critical thinking skills were even half as good as yours if you found the puzzles easy.
Omid 9 mrt 2022 om 20:15 
If you didn't want pointless dialogue, have you ever thought about just switching to adventure mode, or whatever it's called? I'm a little disappointed you spent all this time writing this review yet you didn't even use a function of the game specifically for people like you who don't want the pointless dialogue. Also, just skip dialogue if it's unimportant and it's going to piss you off, simple.

For me, I had it mostly on adventure mode, and sometimes switched to the narrative mode. For those that don't know, adventure mode makes it so there is no narrator explaining anything, and not much of an internal dialogue.

As for pseudoscience, Nobody actually believes this story is realistic fiction by the end of it. I enjoyed the random pop philosophy discussions, which maybe you took as truth statements? Of course the major plot point of the story is not real science, it's science fiction.