"Get killed or die trying" -Dewi

„Jugendliche sollen sich in die Rolle eines kompromisslosen Kämpfers und Vernichters hineindenken […]. Hier findet im Kindesalter eine paramilitärische Ausbildung statt […]. Bei älteren Jugendlichen führt das Bespielen […] zu physischer Verkrampfung, Ärger, Aggressivität, Fahrigkeit im Denken […] und Kopfschmerzen.“

Kidney failure's just a part of the game.

My balls shriky-dinky 'cause the 'roids so strong.

I work out with a tire, baby boy,
I wonder who can lift it higher, baby boy
Lift that tire b1tch,
Put your back in it and lift it higher b1tch
stab the needle in my ass 'till I am rich
Make me god with the chemical sciences.

Therapy's for losers.

Buy all my steroids in bulk, wanna get big as the hulk.

The road, the bus, my tiny little nuts,
Your finger, my butt, you know what's up.

You could fill a library with the things i don’t know. In fact they do. They call them libraries.
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Counter-Strike 2
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chơi lần cuối lúc 26 Thg02
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chơi lần cuối lúc 22 Thg02
umbrozヅ 5 Thg03 @ 12:52pm 
+rep good player :steamthumbsup: :steamthis:
💛Forcemaster🧡 1 Thg03 @ 11:06am 
Game battles await us!
-99 26 Thg02 @ 9:28am 
jⱥꝩcɇ 21 Thg02 @ 9:42am 
+rep skilled player and nice mate
Wrathsmith 6 Thg02 @ 7:45am 
invite me
Janek Stranek 2 Thg02 @ 8:28am 
+rep GGs dude