harley's hamburger
Pixelized castles and wavy plains
Two-headed cattles, the sky is in flames
I empty my lungs from air, spit out the disease
Feasting on fungus, my pain I’ve released
Zurzeit offline
thretofjoy 29. Jan. 2023 um 13:43 
i started to give up, but it worked as soon as i touched myself
Chiatea 15. Jan. 2023 um 11:34 
Your honorable letter and fine writings have arrived. Praise be to Allahu ta'ala! When you read it, your love and devotion to the poor became clear. Because this love is the capital of happiness. They are the celis of Allahu ta'ala, they are always together with Him...
Chiatea 15. Jan. 2023 um 11:34 
The beginning of the advice is that it is necessary to follow the owner of Islam “alaihissalâtu wassamamu vettehiyya”. Those who do not follow the Messenger of Allah will not be saved from torment in the Hereafter. After that, it is necessary not to be fond of the ornaments of the world, and to ignore its existence and absence. For, Allahu ta'ala does not love the world and does not value it. For this reason, it is better for the servant not to be worldly than not to be. Everyone knows and even sees that the world does not benefit anyone and it gets out of hand quickly. Take a lesson by seeing the state of those who are fond of the wealth and position of the world, those who struggle to attain them but leave all of a sudden! May Allahu ta'ala honor us and you by following the highest of Prophets "against alaihi 'alaihissalatu wassalam"! Amine.
17. Dez. 2022 um 9:00 
Ahura Mazda replied unto him: My name is the One of whom questions are asked, O holy Zarathustra!
My second name is the Herd-giver.
My third name is the Strong One.
My fourth name is Perfect Holiness.
My fifth name is All good things created by Mazda, the offspring of the holy principle.
My sixth name is Understanding;
My seventh name is the One with understanding.
My eighth name is Knowledge;
My ninth name is the One with Knowledge.
My tenth name is Holiness;
My eleventh name is who produces Holiness.
My twelfth name is AHURA.
My thirteenth name is the most Beneficent.
My fourteenth name is in whom there is no harm.
My fifteenth name is the unconquerable One.
My sixteenth name is who makes the true account.
My seventeenth name is the All-seeing One.
My eighteenth name is the healing One.
My nineteenth name is the Creator.
My twentieth name is MAZDA.
Chiatea 14. Dez. 2022 um 13:54 
Quranic concepts were taken from the Arabian past


This name was well known before the time of Mohammed as can be proved by the names of relatives of Mohammed: his father's name was Abd-ullah (slave of Allah) and his uncle as well as one of the hanifs was named Obeid-allah.

Besides this, Mohammed's reference to Allah was not criticized by the infidels of Mecca, as can be seen in the chapter 'The Collection of the Quran'.


(Also called the Holy Masjid) is described as a shrine of worship by Deodorus Sicolus in 60 B.C.


The pilgrimage to the Ka'aba was practicized before Mohammed's time, including visits to Safa and Marwa and also the throwing of stones against a stone pillar, symbolizing Iblis (the devil), in Wadi Mina. This is still practised today.
11. Dez. 2022 um 15:18 