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Eм☹тιon ウェーブ
              .∥  S L A V E 自分を殺すためにどのように
           ___   .∥ 1) Place the rope on a flat surface in the shape of the letter "C."
       /    `ヽ ∥
      ,:'      、ゑ 2) Form an "S" shape with the rope. Leave the lead of the rope
     ,'    ;  i  八、  long so that you can tie it to something when you've finished.
     |,! 、 ,! |  ,' ,〃ヽ!;、  
       |!| l川 l リへ'==二二ト、  3) Compress the "S" shape. Compress the "S" shape until all
     リ川 !| i′  ゙、    ', ',   three rows of rope are nearly on top of each other.
     lルl ||,レ′   ヽ   ,ノ ,〉
       |川'、  ,,.,.r'"    ,,ン゙  4) Pinch the three lines of rope together in the middle.
        `T"  ! ,/ '.ノ,/|  
         /   ,!´ !゙ヾ{ | 5) Take the top of the original "C" and wrap it around the
          /   ,'   i ゙ ! ,l゙  pinched space. Then Poke the end of the rope through top
      ,r‐'ヽ-、!   ',  l|  of the loop left by the S  
      {    `ヽ   !  「゙フ
      ,>┬―/   ;  i,`{  6) Pinch the coiled part of the rope and pull the loop on the
     / /リ川'        ', ゙、    right-hand side of the bow until it closes the loop on the left.
    / ,/            ゙、 ゙、
   ノ  /           ', `、 7) Adjust the noose until the coils look nice and tight and
   \_/   ;          ゙、ヽ、 the loop is the size you wanted.
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           |  .! |  |     
           |  | .|  |