` Saur
He lived in a house of diamonds
Saur's CS:S Gaming Enjoyability Rankings
1. pubs w/ friends
2. pubs
3. matches w/ friends
4. scrims w/ friends
76. pugs w/ friends
998. 10mans of any kind

Use a flashbang to gain an advantage!
Actuellement hors ligne
Enter a profile name. 13 mars 2024 à 17h25 
Saur, you still around?????
Marcus 3 aout 2019 à 5h06 
Hey dylan i don't know if you'll ever see this. But i just want you to know i really enjoyed our time playing together over the years and our introspective talks about the lord and well.. Life. Would be cool someday to catch up. Hope all is well, take care and god bless.
jav 14 juin 2019 à 11h56 
`Equinox™[KGB]» 14 mai 2013 à 16h56 
ღ✩ღhighpriestess 18 aout 2011 à 22h20 
CH 22 juil. 2011 à 19h56 
didn't see you gor a long time dude~