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Według 17 osób ta recenzja jest przydatna
74.3 godz. łącznie (45.0 godz. w momencie publikacji recenzji)
I once googled good jrpg romances and Grandia frequently came out

+I will start by saying maybe it is a bit dated in terms of visuals but honestly the artstyle of Grandia has its own charm. The sprites look great and the world just looks great throughout the entirety of the game.

+Easily among the greatest soundtracks I have ever heard while playing a game. The battle track is amazing and never got tiring. The many places like Parm or Dight have such wonderful themes. Even small themes you barely hear like the restaurant theme in the start are just a treat. Don't even get me started on how much the main theme makes you want to go on an adventure or how Sandy Beach of Gumbo is such a great emotional track.

+The combat is so fun. I really enjoyed Child of Light and I was surprised to see that this kinda had the same combat with the atb bar but without the Child of Light shenanigans. Combat is simple yet effective and addicting. I didn't mind grinding for hours even if this game didn't need you to grind as it wasn't too difficult. The way magic and weapons are leveled through constant use is fun as well. The animations of the different moves were just great and maybe it did get too repetitive and slow towards the end but they were memorable.

+The dungeon design is great. Maybe it is a bit linear but dam the visuals and soundtrack really add to the dungeon. They all feel unique and honestly I used the word linear but some dungeons are really creative with their puzzles. Traversing through the dungeons never felt like a chore and just added to the adventure.

+The world is just so full of life and it feels great to explore. I found myself talking to most NPCs just cause each different town really had a different culture and you can see it in not only the way the NPCs are but also in visuals and the soundtrack. I always have to keep going back to the visuals and soundtrack as they really just make the world so vibrant and great. The game is quite big and you would think you have just about explored everything and then you realize you aren't even halfway done with the game.

+The story is just so dam good. Maybe it isn't the craziest narrative out there but the execution is so dam clean. Very few games make me truly feel like I am going on a dam adventure and this is one of them. The story is quite straight-forward and not many plot twists but simple when executed is just so good. The story was clearly written for children but man even as a grown ass man, this game makes you feel like a child again even if you never played it as a kid. This game is very light-hearted in terms of aesthetic and story but dam it knows when to throw in those emotional scenes.

+The main characters of this game are super memorable. I personally think the characters truly are the star of my Grandia experience. Most of the playable are children and honestly that kinda made me not want to play the game at first. Upon playing this game, I quickly realized they weren't annoying but rather the children were written in a way that made them curious of the world and want to explore it. It was such a wonderful experience watching these children mature as they went through their adventures.

+The supporting cast was just wonderful. The party members relationship with the main characters was really good. I personally really liked Sue and Justin's dynamic. Mullen and Leen are excellent characters as well and it is great to see them develop and not just fall flat.

-I wish there were maps for dungeons. I think navigation might be a bit difficult despite me saying the dungeons were linear.

-There is no tutorial for battles. I think the original game came with a manual for you to read for the battles but obviously this version doesn't come with it so you will either just google it or just learn along the way. Granted the game isn't overly deep in combat, it is quite confusing when your move option is under defend and there's a combo and a critical attack.

-I think this remaster could have been done much better. I really really liked the artstyle but the CG movies didn't look good. Somethings just were blurry because they were stretched. Definitely could look much better. On top of this, why is there no turbo button in this remaster...

This really shattered all expectations and I can see why it is very beloved.
Opublikowana: 23 stycznia 2023. Ostatnio edytowane: 23 stycznia 2023.
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61.1 godz. łącznie (49.6 godz. w momencie publikacji recenzji)
Another Hanabi who controls fire... Surprise surprise

+I must start by saying visually this is up there among the most stunning JRPGs out there. From the world to the characters to the animations to enemies to the dungeons. Everything about this game just looks great. I rarely ever take screencaps of my games but dam this game made me stop to screencap it a bunch of time. Enemies are all visually distinct and honestly have some disturbing designs if you take the time to let them sink in. The animations of moves is just really good. There is always a lot on your screen yet it doesn't feel too much despite all the clutter.

+Soundtrack is so dam good. From all the many tracks of the different areas to the opening theme song done by Oral Cigarettes that is such a banger that it makes the playlist. Special shoutout to the hospital dungeon which didn't have a backing track and just random noises which spooked me. Sound design overall is super good, the moves just feel so meaty when you hit them and the way the soundtrack slows down during hypervelocity is such a nice touch.

+The voice acting was really good as well. I didn't try the English dub but dam the Japanese one goes hard. There is a bunch of notable VAs in the cast like Yuito having the same Japanese VA as Yuji from Jujutsu Kaisen. That being said, all the voices of all the playable characters does a great job.

+The gameplay is so fire. It's hard to contain how fun the combat is in words but dam there is just so much constantly happening on your screen. I think brain crushing might be the most annoying thing about the combat but besides that the combat is just so addicting. The weapon combos are visually satisfying, the psychokinesis attacks sound so meaty and feel good to hit. The L2 psychokinesis attacks with the quick time events were engaging and didn't get annoying to do. The real star of the combat was the dam SAS system. You get to use your teammates' powers temporarily and when you upgrade your brainmap such that you can use more than 1 at the same time, the game just becomes so much more fun. It also helps that this game is not just brainlessly mashing, you will find yourself needing to go for perfect dodges into counters versus bosses which I will admit did beat me a few times.

+On this note, there is no powercreep. You can use whichever party members you want in this game and you don't even need to really invest in them as the brainmap system is only on your main character. You can freely swap characters based on who you like without having the pressure of caring who is better.

+The dungeon design was really good. Maybe the levels themselves were a bit too linear but honestly I don't really mind the linearity. The different maps didn't feel derivative and I always have to go back to how great this game looks. They really make it feel like you are in the place like in the mountains being a long climb rather than segmented or the abandoned hospital not having a soundtrack to make it creepy.

+The playable characters were well-developed. Each character has bond events which you use to get to know each character better. Maybe the characters were a bit too trope-y but they executed them well. I liked the character development they go through individually throughout bond episodes and even characters I didn't like at first, like Shiden, I ended up appreciating and even going out of my way to using.

-I think the static cutscenes might seem novel at first but it does ruin the experience. I hate the action scenes done in stills instead of actual action. It does take away from the experience and is a really big deal especially since this game has a lot of cutscenes. This is actual a major downside as it does make going into the story much more boring. Somehow despite everything seeming really high budget, the static cutscenes feel so low effort. This also affects the bond episodes because there is so much and it does make it a slog to go through some especially when it is your second playthrough. I am so unsure as for why they chose to do this and why people greenlit this idea.

-The actual side characters could use more work. Kodama was the best design and had so much potential but we didn't get to see much of her develop. We also never really got to see Fubuki in action the whole game.

-The story had some pacing issues. The narrative was decent but the pacing sometimes just went in overdrive and we get information overload. They tossed in maybe a few too many plot twists just cause they can. Overall the narrative wasn't bad but pacing issues and static cutscenes really killed the story portions.

Super super fun game. It isn't the longest so you can finish both playthroughs in under 40 hours.
Opublikowana: 27 grudnia 2022. Ostatnio edytowane: 23 stycznia 2023.
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Według 5 osób ta recenzja jest przydatna
25.6 godz. łącznie

+I'll start by saying the soundtrack is decent with the different sections having different tracks. The voice acting is decent as well. The last game I played by FURYU was alliance alive and it didn't have any voice acting at all so I am happy to hear something this time during the cutscenes. I am surprised that there is no Japanese dub but it didn't bother me.

+The combat itself has some sort of depth to it and you can't just mindlessly throw your characters in the middle of everyone and expect to beat maps this way. This is especially true if you are going for S ranks in the missions. I honestly failed some missions the first time I tackled them.

+The map design was honestly really good. I am happy to say the missions did not feel derivative and you actually had to think in some of them. There was a mission where 4 bots would constantly spawn smaller bots and you had to find your way to kill the 4 bots and it was really annoying yet satisfying.

+I really enjoyed playing this game multiple times. The replayability of this game is really high since every time you go through the game, the set of traitors is different and thus you can have different teams every time you run it. I think this makes investing in certain characters feel worse than normal but it's fun to actually think about how much you are investing into characters who might turn out to be traitors later.

+I like the level-up system. You just get xp based on whether or not you are in the fight. This way you don't have to worry so much about who gets the kill or even who stays alive. In fact there really is no incentive to keeping your characters alive as long as you complete the map itself. This does add an extra resource and I am happy it is like this since you don't want to invest so much in characters are grind so much in this game.

+I like the traitor system they are rocking where after every mission you will voices of the characters. Using these voices you will have to narrow down who are the potential traitors and then you will spend your vision points to figure out who these traitors are. This is a clever way to incentivize players to go through all the maps so they can narrow down the candidates for traitor.

+On the note of traitors, luckily you can still use the gifts of those who were erased by equipping it on someone else. This does open up the customization in this game. Unfortunately in the equipment department you can only just buy new things every new floor but in the gift department, you are free to customize your character however you want. Granted the branches aren't many and you can't do too many different things, you can invest into what you feel is important in your characters.

+The overall gameplay loop of good combat in good maps into find out who is the traitor to kill them and upgrade your characters is just very addicting and is the main reason I played this game multiple times.

-Visually this game is ugly. Both 2d and 3d models are ugly. The enemies are repetitive in design as well.

-The story is weak. It really doesn't make sense why characters are traitors even after I got the true ending. All the different endings are weak as well honestly. No big twists. Nothing shocking nor amazing.

-The characters had potential. I enjoyed their stories for the most part but then they all ended up feeling lacking. The characters all ended up feeling underdeveloped. This is truly a shame cause Yoko had so much waifu potential. In my final playthrough for the true ending I honestly just didn't talk to the characters at all except for the required talking part in the start of each playthrough.

-Why is there no skip animation button... The high replay value is stunted by this.

-I get what they were going for with deep visions and all but they just felt so tedious and boring and way too long and more often than not, you will be going through deep visions of characters who aren't even the traitor so it would be nice if you could just skip the process overall.

Overall a really clever and fun game. It was lacking in certain departments but it was fun and cheap. Not a big time investment either.
Opublikowana: 23 grudnia 2022.
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Według 20 osób ta recenzja jest przydatna
36.4 godz. łącznie (21.3 godz. w momencie publikacji recenzji)
Where do I even start with this one

+The soundtrack is good. The battle tracks are hype. That being said, most of the time you won't even be hearing background music. When you traverse Akiba, you actually hear Akiba itself. From the crowd to the cars to the ads constantly playing. This is what you will be hearing for most of the game and honestly it was really good.

+The Japanese dub is super good. I didn't even try the English for this one. The VAs do a stellar job and there are some big names here. Nana is Mako from Kill la Kill, Rin is Erina Nakiri and Tohko is Senjougahara. The cast was good and even those I didn't mention did a phenomenal job.

+Visually it is decent. I think it is obvious that it is a vita game but honestly for a 2015 vita game, it doesn't look that bad. The character 3d models could use more detail but besides that it looked pretty good. Nothing stand out but nothing I would complain about.

+The combat in concept is good. I can talk about the negatives later down but dam I really enjoyed stripping the opponents. I think not only was it funny but the combat wasn't just button mashing to my surprise. This is especially true in the harder difficulties where you really need to be counterattacking constantly. Chain stripping has to be one of the greatest quick time events ever created.

+The drip in this game is so good. This is where you will be spending most of your time in this game. You want funny outfits, funny weapons and funny animations. I was rocking the Neptunia body pillow as my weapon of choice throughout all my playthroughs. The stripping animations like the drunken master or the telekinesis are super funny. I liked the animations of the different unison strip and the finishers just don't fail to make me laugh. The fact that your cosmetics can be seen in the cutscenes is godlike. Even the idle animation. My character doing his stupid mime shenanigans in serious scenes always kills me.

+The equipment system of this game is good. You can upgrade any weapon of your choice to have 999 stats. This lets you choose whichever weapon you think looks nicest. Of course the Neptunia body pillow is the goat but I respect all weapon choices.

+The world is just funny. Everyone is walking around with some sort of weapon even if the weapon is dumb and they are always ready to throw hands. You can just shove people and suddenly a whole gang of people start attacking you. It is quite funny and honestly really fun to just attack and strip all the bystanders.

+The characters are all nice. The main cast has a set of characters all fairly unique. They just follow their tropes but at least there is a choice for everyone. All the girls (except for the maid for some reason) has their own ending. They aren't the deepest characters but they are likable and entertaining at least. Again it is a bonus that we see these characters in our chosen cosmetics in cutscenes as seeing tohko pose like a gorilla definitely adds to the humor.

-The controls hold back the combat so much. I mentioned the combat is good in concept but dam these controls are some of the worst controls. Holding a button will cause you to go for the strip instead of attacking except this happens way too much especially when you don't want it to. Similarly the unblockable attacks is just awful as not only do you have to wind it up, but doing it is a button + directional input which you can accidentally do all the time. Jumping is bound to square... Not only is it bounded to square for some reason but it is also a terrible button that will get you killed the moment you press it.

-There is no real lock-on system. The game locks-on to the nearest enemy but you don't always want to be hitting that opponent.

-The AI in the higher difficulties is way too frustrating. I don't mind difficulty but when they are doing nothing and holding block so they dodge everything, the game gets annoying. I get we have unblockable moves but those just aren't good when facing multiple opponents.

Honestly the way they executed the combat could have been much much better but the game was still fun and it was really funny.
Opublikowana: 21 grudnia 2022. Ostatnio edytowane: 21 grudnia 2022.
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Według 2 osób ta recenzja jest przydatna
63.4 godz. łącznie (34.3 godz. w momencie publikacji recenzji)
Waiting for npcs to enter areas was numbing my brain...

+Visually this game didn't appeal to me at first because of the character's 3d models but if we look past that, this game does look nice. The art is good, the dungeons look look nice, the arena you battle in looks cool and the UI looks super clean. Definitely a bit dated when you look at the 3d models tho.

+The soundtrack of this game is so good. There are different musicians and mu herself who all have different tracks and are all so dam good. Mirei's track is super good for one but Kuchinashi's track is some loop on spotify good. The way the lyrics seamlessly come in the track when you enter battles is so delicious.

+The voice acting for this game is phenomenal. You are a silent protag so don't expect your character to be speaking a lot outside battle but dam the voice acting for both the club members and the musicians was good. Bonus points that they got Rie Takahashi to voice Mihue.

+I will go against most people and say I liked the dungeon design. There were a lot of fights with enemies that all look the same while you go around hearing the same track while backtracking a lot. Wait this sounds terrible... Actually, it fits the game thematically. You are stuck there with your character trying to get out of Mobius with them. The enemies being all the same is just a product of Mobius only having high schoolers. All this being said, I genuinely enjoyed running around the dungeons despite the backtracking and the enemies being repetitive because the story carried the dungeon traversal and the map design itself wasn't bad.

+When you are too strong for the opponents, they just ignore you which is nice. This probably was the biggest reason I was enjoying the dungeons as I didn't flee from fights and with enough fights, I just ended up running through all the opponents I didn't want to fight.

+It is nice that there is no power creep at all in this game so you can invest your resources how you want on whichever character you want and you won't feel weak. It is also nice that your characters not in your party still get xp (even tho it's just half). You can even invest your resources in npcs if you want to as you can add them to your party. You can do this but why would you...

+The story was so good. At first I was annoyed by it but it really picks up and dam it goes dark fast. It also picks up because you get to see the story from both the club's side and the musicians' side. It was slow at first but the pace picks up but not abruptly. I am happy this game touched some dark themes and they tackled them very well. The character arcs were also all good and definitely add to the story. It did a really good job at portraying the trauma of all the individual characters and we really start to understand why they are the way they are.

+The characters of this game is truly where the game shines. Each of the club members and musicians have 9 episodes worth of character arcs so we get to know them better. Looking at the characters on surface value they all seem cliche and annoying but these characters really add depth and they aren't bad at all. I think the character arcs of the musicians is much much better than the club members. Surprisingly enough, I think Stork had the best character arc despite being the man he is.


-I really enjoyed the combat at first but wow there is no depth at all. The combat is the same from start to end with not much strategy needed. Characters unique strengths don't matter at all and it gets a bit annoying to fight things. It doesn't help that it is super easy because you fully regen between battles and your dead allies get xp so you can just dump every resource you have the moment you go into a fight.

-The equipment system is just boring. You just get equipment from the treasures and drops and it doesn't even make sense how strong some equipment is in the early parts of the game and how weak some of the drops are later in the game. Whenever I got something new, I didn't even bother looking to change my equipment until right before a boss and even then, I didn't need to swap equipment.

-The 3d models are so dated. The Overdose skill of the protagonist is super ugly and I feel bad when I have to use it cause I have to look at it.

-This game has one of the worst subquest systems I have ever seen. They have 500 npcs which are all bland and you can't even tell them apart from each other without their nametag. These npcs each have a subquest. There is also the causality link where you can only start talking with certain npcs when you befriend adjacent npcs on the tree. This is honestly such a good concept but there is just so many npcs and they just have no depth. It is also frustrating to find the npcs needed for a tree as they are just running around with in the most random places beside someone who you will accidentally talk to 5 times before you get to talk to the npc you want. Did I mention you have to talk to an npc THRICE to befriend them... It does not make any sense why they don't just make it once and they just drop their subquest instantly. So you have to talk to them thrice then open a submenu to tell them to drop their subquest like it is so annoying to get the subquest which can be so simple to do. I can't believe it is more frustrating to get subquests in this game than to do it.

Despite the flaws which I just said, this game was still really really fun. A bit difficult to recommend to those who don't already play JRPGs tho.
Opublikowana: 28 listopada 2022. Ostatnio edytowane: 28 listopada 2022.
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Według 1 osoby ta recenzja jest przydatna
Według 1 osoby ta recenzja jest zabawna
132.1 godz. łącznie (65.8 godz. w momencie publikacji recenzji)
Replaying one of my first ever JRPGs and my first Disgaea again.

+Visually looks very good. The artstyle of these old NIS games really age well. I can be playing Disgaea 1 and 2 and even the Phantom Brave and still be impressed by the visuals. Obviously not as good as the later Disgaea games visually like 4 and 5 but I definitely prefer this over the aesthetic of the 6th game.

+Soundtrack as always is filled with bangers. The town theme just brings back so many childhood memories of me going to my PS2 after class to grind Cave of Ordeals 4 for a couple of hours. Upon listening to it now, maybe I prefer the tracks of Disgaea 5 but these are still good.

+I love the voice acting so much in Disgaea games. I play this game in English dub exclusively so I can't speak for the Japanese dub but dam Adell and Rosalin are great. Yukimaro and Tink had some excellent voices as well and of course let us not forget Beauty Queen Etna with a fantastic performance as always.

+Looking at the gameplay, it really is just Disgaea. The same repetitive loop of grinding the same level over and over again and reincarnating is still here and we still love it. An upgrade in terms of items compared to Disgaea 1 as now the max level has doubled since that game. The item world definitely improved with the inclusion of pirates and mystery maps as well. Overall the gameplay is the same as the first game but not as refined as the later games.

+I already mentioned the item world improving but there is a bunch of things that improved in this game compared to the first game. For starters, you can jump in the overworld now. This doesn't actually change anything tho. Resetting the shop doesn't change the items now so you don't have to go through an RNG roll to get something good. I mean you still do but now you aren't tempted to just go out and back in. Disgaea 1 on PC has male thieves but I am happy to say Disgaea 2 has female ones. The addition of felonies to make grinding much easier.

+I really like the level design in this game. I enjoyed a fair amount of dark world stages as some of them have really unique solutions rather than just kill all the opponents. I am happy to say, I actually had to use my head in some of these maps as you can't brute force some of them.

+I must mention the gameplay loop one more time as this is the reason we comeback to Disgaea over and over. It is repetitive. It is way too grindy. But dam these games were so satisfying. If you like big numbers, nothing is more satisfying than seeing your first K in damage or even M.

+When comparing the first 5 games in terms of story, I will have to rank Disgaea 2 as my second favorite. Disgaea 1 story was still the best for me but dam this game had a fairly fun story. Taking Zenon's daughter back to him to kill him and end his curse to save your family kinda vibe. When reading that alone and having no context of Disgaea games, you might think the game is serious but worry not. The comedy is top tier. It is a bonus also that this is the PSP version of the game so we even get to experience the Axel story which is not bad honestly.

+The set of characters in this game is definitely up there among the bests in Disgaea. I really liked Adell and Rozalin as a main duo and they really drive the story home. The side characters like Yukimaro really add to the serious tone of the story while characters like Etna keep it comedic. Axel was a really fun character to have and I definitely prefer him over midboss in Disgaea 1.

+The dialogue in these games are very entertaining. Definitely not as entertaining as the first game as the story is much more serious but it is still really good. Disgaea episode previews are great no matter the game also.


-Dark world stages are a slug to unlock and go through. I definitely had more patience as a kid.

-I definitely had more patience as a kid cause unlocking Land of Carnage was a pain. 16 maps from RNG was an awful idea.

-Quality of life is lacking in this game like diagonal throws and cancelling your move all the time is here like in the first game but this is cause it is an earlier title.

-For a game with so many endings, why can't you ever skip the credits...

-On the note of endings, I wish they had an individual counter for ally kills. Why even have endings around this number if you won't even give us an in-game tracker...

Disgaea games really hold up today. Maybe these aren't as refined from a gameplay standpoint as the later games but dam this one is fun and entertaining.
Opublikowana: 24 listopada 2022. Ostatnio edytowane: 24 listopada 2022.
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Według 2 osób ta recenzja jest przydatna
41.4 godz. łącznie (16.7 godz. w momencie publikacji recenzji)
Booba 3: Isekai beach episode

+Visually this game looks really good. Besides the character designs being nice as always, this game definitely looks much better than Shinovi Versus. Not as good as Burst Re:Newal visually but this game is definitely better looking than a lot of games released in 2017.

+The soundtrack is actually really good. Besides the usual tracks, I am surprised to say there are so many different ending credit tracks. The track that played during the credits after Hikage's story mission sounds super sick.

+There are more characters in this game compared to Shinovi Versus and Burst Re:Newal and dam their voices are all great. I already commended Eri Kitamura before with Homura's voice but dam I can't believe I missed Asami Imai (Makise Kurisu, Noire, etc.) on Ikaruga or Ai Kayano (Darkness, etc.) on Katsuragi to name a few of the amazing cast. They all do a phenomenal job.

+On the note of characters, this game has the most characters among the 3 Senran Kagura games I've played and I am happy to say not one of them is necessarily better than the other. You can enjoy grinding your favorite character all you want. Not only that, the 27 characters all feel fairly different from one another so gameplay isn't necessarily repetitive despite some formulaic dungeon design. Asuka and Hikage with the install ultimate ninja art might make them my favorite to play in this game.

+I just mentioned the missions but there are close to 200 missions and despite being a bit derivative, there is a lot to do in this game. Don't worry if you don't want to go through all 200 missions, only 57 are story missions while the rest are side content.

+Clothing destruction. Of course this mechanic is back and it's better than ever. Using arts automatically breaks clothes now so it feels good to do our usual gameplay mashing l1 + button. I felt bad using arts in Shinovi Versus when you would just pop bosses without breaking their clothes but no need to worry about that now. Again it still doesn't feel bad to take damage now because of this mechanic.

+On the note of clothing destruction, creative finishes are a great addition. Automatically strips the opponent and gets a fancy finish when you kill and is super funny (until you see it too many times).

+The cosmetic grind is super good in this game as you would expect but with bonus creative finishes on some cosmetics as a bonus.

+The dialogue of the previous game was funny and not bad but I think this game definitely made me laugh the most. They definitely upped the script writing for both the main story and the side stories.

+The side stories really brought out the characters and the stories were quite funny. I personally super enjoyed Asuka's and Haruka's story as they were really entertaining but I personally went out of the way to do all 27 of the side missions and even the extra missions.

+The story was so much better than the other 2 games I have played. It was obviously funny and stupid at parts as you would expect in a Senran Kagura game but dam this game had its depressing moments with the girls having to face people who have passed away. All this while having the dumb antics that you can expect in Senran Kagura definitely made the story not bad at all. It is a bonus that there is way way way less powerpoint text reading in this game compared to the other games.

+Asuka. Still the best girl but dam the other girls were good. Asuka when she uses her ultimate art tho.

-Despite being way way way less powerpoint text reading, it was still annoying and boring to read text without the character models on the screen or something. Definitely hope they keep decreasing this in the future games.

-Creative finishes got super annoying when you had to keep seeing the same one over and over and you can't even skip the animation.

Definitely my favorite Senran Kagura game so far.
Opublikowana: 17 listopada 2022. Ostatnio edytowane: 4 stycznia 2023.
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Według 4 osób ta recenzja jest przydatna
62.5 godz. łącznie (38.4 godz. w momencie publikacji recenzji)
Dam this game definitely outdid all my expectations for it.

+Visually, this game is pretty good. Not the most outstanding graphics but their VN portions are pretty good. There are very few movie portions so you will mostly be seeing their anime portraits anyway which is nice to look at. My favorite design has to be Tiara but dam all of them have great designs.

+The soundtrack is really good. The shop themes are nice. The many dungeon themes are actually really good. The subterranean tower and dasuhiro plains had some super good soundtracks. The fairize track is just an absolute banger, I wish it didn't get replaced by the critical damage track when you go low.

+I only played the game in English but I will applaud how well the English VAs did in this game. The emotion and humor of the game was really brought out by these voices. I do wish the subevents were voiced.

+Gameplay-wise, it follows your IF-Compile Heart formula with its own twists on the formula of course. To start I really liked the dungeon crawling in this game. Maybe it might seem a bit repetitive but honestly the dungeon design was better than most IF games I have already played. It also helps that said dungeons aren't super long anyway. Also there is a dash button in this game.

+The combat follows the normal combo system you would expect from these types of games. Very addicting loop and very fun to grind. I even went out of my way to get lvl 999 on every character from how addicting I found the combat. It had its own twists on the usual formula with character specific moves and fairize. The big difference with this game and other IF-Compile Heart games that I have played is that there are 6 characters on field so you can do a lot in this game. There was also the usual skip animations button the make grinding much easier.

+Now what makes the combat more exciting is the world shaping mechanic in this game where you can add extra buffs and debuffs to dungeons. This not only adds an extra layer of strategy and fun to the combat but it also helps the grind immensely as there are xp, wp, money buffs as well in world shaping.

+I like the weapon point system as you get to allocate points based on what you feel you need so there is some freedom of customization for characters.

+Now for the story... The story was super dam good. I was so impressed with my first run that I ended up playing a second run instantly then a third. I am impressed that this game didn't just go for one route with 3 different endings. There are actually 3 different routes that all have a very different story. Each of these routes had such a nice story and their own twists and turns. Nothing was too unpredictable but the story was executed very well.

+The protagonists are so dam good. I was skeptical if IF-Compile Heart games can even write male characters. The characters are all fairly different depending on the route you take and they did a good job in all 3 routes. I think my favorite overall character has to be Pippin. Even characters that I first disliked like Galdo grew on me as I played the other routes.

+The dialogue was really good and I had a fair amount of chuckles as I progressed through the game. All the characters are just tropes really but executed well and when backed up with good dialogue was definitely a fun experience. I went ahead and even went through every sub-event I could as I progressed through the game.

+This version has a good amount of free DLC.

-Even if the playable characters are good, I must say the antagonists felt kinda flat. They felt one-dimensional and boring and were evil for the sake of being evil. I do wish they made them funnier in this game like they did with Neptunia antagonists.

-The combat is fun but it felt like there were too many useless mechanics. How often do you use a different combo and how often do you care about part breaks. It doesn't help that you can't visually see part breaks.

-Some pub quests are extremely frustrating. The rank-up quest to rank C and the rank-up quest to rank A were tedious and awful.

-It has to be a bug to not count air attacks when they are skipped. So if you want the achievement or if you are grinding the air attack challenge, you have to resist the urge to skip animations.

This game definitely is up there among the greats of IF-Compile Heart games.
Opublikowana: 12 listopada 2022. Ostatnio edytowane: 18 listopada 2022.
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20.6 godz. łącznie (15.7 godz. w momencie publikacji recenzji)
Idol Nep

+Visually this game looks great. The 3d models are really good and definitely much better than most other neptunia games. The cutscenes in this game looked great. I really like the enemy design as there is a fair amount of variety in this game and the character designs are really good.

+The soundtrack of this game is really good. This is to be expected in an idol game after all. I really like the different tracks of the world. I like all 4 tracks of that you can shuffle through in boss fights. It might get annoying to hear the emotional overdrive track a lot but still a great soundtrack overall.

+The voice-acting is really good. Of course, the usual 4 goddesses continue to have good voice acting. The side characters and the new main characters are have some really good voice acting. I am a fan of both the VAs of mewtral. Vice's VA also did an excellent job. I really like the VAs of all the great eight as well.

+As always, I really enjoyed the dialogue of a neptunia game. Nothing too surprising as they really focus on making these really goofy. I am a fan of the many Noire lonely jokes they put in this game as she is the best and it felt like they put a ton of that in this game.

+Most of the characters are really good. Noire being the best remains and the other 3 goddesses are still great but dam the other main characters are good as well. I am a fan of miss pukorine herself and mewtral is such a duo. Faira and Kado are great characters but unfortunately neither are playable.

+The story is ok. It's nothing new but hey it's not done poorly. Just your normal story of heroes going to different worlds and saving them one at a time.

+The gameplay is just braindead shooting. I enjoyed it. You can swap between the goddesses and the vtubers if you want different gameplay. You can also build your characters however you want really with the vcube system so there is some sort of building aspect in this game which is nice.

+It is nice that you can use any of the characters you want really as long as you properly build them. Maybe some characters are a bit better than others but the powercreep is nothing obvious so you can really just stick to your favorite characters.

+I liked the dungeon design in this game. Not too long nor too short but it felt very substantial. The different places felt different and it didn't feel like a chore to explore every corner of each dungeon.

-I said most characters are great but dam Nol and Dia are just awful characters. They are so annoying and they have some awful dialogue.

-I did say the dialogue was good in normal neptunia fashion and it is don't get me wrong but dam some of the dialogue in this game is mad cringe.

-This game didn't really have any difficulty spikes. I sped through this game and enjoyed it but I do wish some parts got a bit harder. I will admit the final secret boss is quite difficult but besides that it was quite a breeze.

-For a game that lets you swap parties and characters on the fly, I did not feel the need to use more than one character. I solod this whole game with Noire and occassionally used Neptune with a high TKMK stat.

-There is this main hub but dam it felt useless. The shops provided barely anything and the one minigame was boring.

-This game crashed thrice on me...

Not the greatest neptunia game but it was still fun. Very chill and short game.
Opublikowana: 31 października 2022. Ostatnio edytowane: 31 października 2022.
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57.4 godz. łącznie (30.4 godz. w momencie publikacji recenzji)
Wat is this game even

+First visually this game looks great especially considering it was made in 2016. I see games that have worse 3d models now. The movie cutscenes are few but look great and the overall aesthetic is nice. In fact the pool scene was a movie cutscene. The character designs actually remind me a lot of Re:Zero. The monster designs aren't the most boring thing in the world either.

+The game's soundtrack SLAPS. The battle theme to the theme that plays when ur hanging out with a heroine, they are just all godlike. The voice acting was done super well as well. I played this game in English and dam even if he was just a side character and not even a waifu, Chlotz va did a great job.

+The gameplay loop is so fire. You hangout with a girl, you make children then you grind. If you aren't fond of grinding then maybe you won't really enjoy said loop. Those who are fine with some grinding, you also might not enjoy too much. Those who are ok with a grindy game will definitely have fun.

+Breaking down the gameplay loop of this game, first the combat is actually quite deep. That being said, you don't really need to go super deep into the combat mechanics to finish the game but dam. There is quite some creativity with team-building and all and you can also transform your babies into gundam and there is positioning and chains and all. There are a lot of mechanics but the game isn't too complicated and is honestly very fun. I am happy the combat is quite fun and tries to be different.

+Next the dungeon crawling might be annoying for some but I quite enjoyed it. This game lets you save anywhere so you can just stop anytime and you can also start from any floor in a dungeon as well. This game's dungeons are very reminiscent of Persona 4's dungeons in that they have a theme but they are just randomly generated. If you enjoyed that then you will enjoy this as well.

+The baby making. There is a lot of RNG and with the baby making but dam it is honestly a fun system. I really enjoy the team-building aspect of this game and finding your best team. You also can't just make babies in the start of the game and stay with them forever since there are level caps so this makes players constantly adapt which is quite fun. Now the best part is the dam animation and music behind this. The music choice has no reason to be such a dam banger but dam.

+Now for the dating sim aspect, this is truly where the game shines and it directly affects the baby making. There are 7 waifus and honestly 6 of them are quite godlike. I wasn't a fan of Serina the loli but if you enjoy lolis maybe you might like all 7. Each of these girls are cliches and they don't really deviate from their archetype but dam they are well made. Each of them have a fairly interesting back story and are great choices for waifus. This is truly the main focus of the game and they doubled down on this by having no time limit! You can actually go through every girl's story in a playthrough as long as you are constantly going in labyrinths and resting.

+The dialogue of this game is just top-tier. I honestly found myself laughing a fair amount during it. It wasn't just the waifus, but the side characters like Chlotz, Alec and the people in the lab are quite fun as well. The dialogue in the dating sim is quite funny and the dialogue choices of the mc are pretty good. There are also very very few touch events but hey they are there for all you degenerates.

+Chloe and ♥♥♥♥♥ are best girls.

-The menu of the town and the academy is really annoying to navigate. Why are they diagonally adjacent to each other instead of just being beside each other.

-Going into a battle takes 10 years. There is this big warning sign every single time you enter a battle and this might be the worst aspect of the game.

-I enjoy grinding and all but why is it that every baby you make starts at level 1. Luckily you can make grinding funner since everytime you leave the dungeon you can hang with the girls again but it did get annoying to grind new babies over and over.

-Whenever I open the menu to scroll down to use a simple map, sometimes i pick something wrong. Whenever press back, I always restart at the top of the menu...

-Some story parts should have been told better. Some events just happen or are said instead of shown which kind of brings down the emotional impact said events should actually have on the player.

-It is way too easy to skip the movie scenes. I skipped a fair amount but thank god there was a video online of all the cutscenes.

Overall this game was really fun and definitely a sleeper pick. The only real bad thing in my opinion is the start of fights taking 10 years anyway.
Opublikowana: 24 października 2022. Ostatnio edytowane: 23 stycznia 2023.
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