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Diposting: 20 Jul 2019 @ 11:47pm
Diperbarui: 20 Jul 2019 @ 11:48pm

First impressions after a single 3-hour run:

- All aspects of the game are fun so far (combat, exploration, deck-building, story and choices, RPG elements). The deck-building in particular feels immediately familiar with its features, yet sufficiently fresh in its implementation.

- The art is obviously very appealing.

- The music is unobtrusive but pleasant.

- The writing is satisfying (as far as English is concerned) and the UI is sufficiently clear, and nice to look at.

- Overall difficulty (i.e. your odds of completing a run) seems high by design when playing on Normal. Yet I have to note that the AI does a lot of dumb things in combat and seems to make up for it with high stats or powerful abilities. It's a little annoying to get the feeling that your opponent is going easy on you by attacking terrain for no reason, moving units when they should be attacking, placing buffs in between obstacles where they can't be applied to any ally, etc. If intentional, I would have preferred combat difficulty to have more to do with the cards at the enemy's disposal, terrain setups and raw stats, while keeping a sound strategy at all difficulty levels. If not, I feel the game could use an AI improvement as a patch down the line, but it's not game-breaking on its own.

Definitely a recommendation from me for anyone interested in rogue-likes and/or deck-builders as it aptly combines both genres. Also runs perfectly on Linux Mint!

FR: La traduction semble bien au premier coup d'oeil dans les menus, mais contient pas mal d'anglicismes et semble avoir imité le manque de virgules de la version anglaise, ce qui peut nuire à la lecture. Je ne suis pas allé plus loin pour voir de quoi a l'air la narration.
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