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Sairus 13 Mar @ 5:06pm 
Killer shot!
Morlurana 11 Mar @ 10:08am 
Time to level up Ready for a game?
Bug 18 Feb @ 4:03pm 
TIFU by telling my kid to punch a Nazi.
Bug 18 Feb @ 4:03pm 
Last week my 9 year old randomly asked me what a Nazi is. It caught me off guard but I guess he heard the term at school and was too shy to ask the kids about it. His internet and screen time in general is very limited so it’s not something he can research on his own.
Bug 18 Feb @ 4:02pm 
We had a long conversation about the holocaust and I even showed him some age appropriate pictures of concentration camps (no death or gore, pictures of people skinny and sick that got the point across) he also saw some pictures of a Nazi salute and asked me about that. What he didn’t tell me is that some kid at school has been doing it. So I explained the best I could and made it clear that it is never ok to do, even as a joke. He asked me “what if someone does it to me?” and I half jokingly told him you punch them in the face because they’re evil. He’s never been violent or even in any fights that know of so I didn’t think anything of it.
Bug 18 Feb @ 4:02pm 
Fast forward to today, I get a call from school. My kid punched someone twice and sprained his wrist doing it. I go to pick him up and find out what happened and I guess another kid was walking around during recess doing the salute and did it right in front of my kid’s face. My kid punched him in the nose and then the mouth and was yelling and calling him an evil ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥. The kid got a bloody nose and two broken teeth. His parents were obviously pissed but then he admitted doing the salute as a joke and they had no idea he even knew what it was. It got a bit messy but it sounds like both are suspended for the rest of the week.