Aaron Henselin   Cary, North Carolina, United States
No information given.

bit | switch [www.bitswitchgames.com]
seraphymstudios [www.seraphymstudios.com]
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Vitrine des évaluations
9 heures de jeu
Atomospheric, intelligent and more than just a little creepy, The Swapper is the latest best-in-breed indie puzzle platformer. 8 hours of gameplay are filled by well crafted puzzles in an open world, but driven by a perfect learning curve and an exploration of the self.
Vitrine des succès les plus rares
Enigmafyv 9 févr. 2013 à 9h30 
So what's your thoughts on Antichamber? It looks pretty cool. Thought I'd ask someone that's played it.
Jax 12 juil. 2012 à 13h30 
Hello there sir. I'm only commenting on your profile so I can get the badge. Not that I don't like you or anything, or that I don't want to talk to you. As a matter of fact, I'm talking to you right now on Skype. It's just that here, I get a badge for it. See, if you were to give me badges for talking to you on Skype as well, maybe I'd be typing this message over there in that other window. But you don't give me badges. So there.
Spitfire1515 16 déc. 2010 à 23h36 