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Publicada: 6 mai. 2017 às 13:58
Atualizada: 22 nov. 2022 às 16:11


Please before you buy make sure you are aware of the following things


-Rust is not a game, it is a job

There is no playing rust casually, no matter how hard you try. You will be playing 24/7 during wipe and you will spend most of that time hitting nodes or trees or smashing your desk cuz some punk who
has less of a life than you stole all your stuff.

-If you rage a lot in games this game is not for you

You could literally be Budah and still rage in this game. No matter how good of a player you are there will be times where a scripting 13-year-old will offline you while you are sleeping and take the last 3 days of work from you, that's just how rust is. Rust as a game is all about the highs and lows, it has huge highs but massive lows, you have to be prepared for that if you plan to play or you won't have a good time.

-Rust is more addictive than cr@ck

Seriously no one knows why it just is, If you have any sort of responsibilities in life this game is not for you.


Or just join a zerg of 60 ppl and bully children : )

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