Federation of Bosnia and Herzego, Bosnia and Herzegovina
NEED team or 4 players full time 7h - 20 h

I am the most talented leader of my generation
I live just to change your role

We now have the technology to take ET home

Ben rich 1955

man it's not ego i'm just better than you
see you're out of meta, i hear what you're saying you're talking about faecit level and score and kill
and I can see you have a mind like an octopus
from now on i stop talking to you
I advise you to learn cs because I see that you are completely lost
Currently Online
gj 28 Mar @ 8:46pm 
boosted lvl 10
🔥Zarius⭐ 20 Mar @ 11:55am 
dominates the game
Baby Yuriko (✧◡✧) 14 Mar @ 1:08pm 
MontageM 14 Mar @ 12:59pm 
hi rufkko
MontageM 14 Mar @ 12:55pm 
q wanna play a few matches?
Mur31k11 11 Mar @ 7:08pm 