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Neue Rezensionen von ReadingLies

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Ergebnisse 1–10 von 29
14 Personen fanden diese Rezension hilfreich
152.6 Std. insgesamt (74.3 Std. zum Zeitpunkt der Rezension)
Just a quick note, this game is up on Patreon since February of 2016, which now has almost 2K Patrons and has $11K+ in funding per month, so do expect a lot of content releases unlike any other Early Access games you will ever see on Steam.

Review TL;DR

Fantastic, as the game itself embodies the "I came looking for copper, but I found gold" meme. To be honest, it's more of a diamond in the rough instead of gold as it will take years (I'm estimating about 5 years) before the whole game is finished. However, for the price it asks in its Early Access stage, the content you're getting is already worth more than the asking price itself. I've enjoyed this a lot and I'm hoping that it welcomes me back with a feast of new content in a few years. For the developers, please contact me if you need someone to proofread the written content or if you need a QA Tester. *wink*

The Pros

  • Superb storytelling - I really admire the game's storytelling and how it affects you. I can confirm this as I'm more of a visual-reliant person, and I never really preferred text-heavy games.I still get a kick of the scenarios even if it doesn't have any visual to show.

  • Choices really matter - Whatever you do here has their own consequences. I think they executed this very well and fits the dark fantasy theme of the game perfectly. Getting a prized slave thinking your waifu won't mind? I don't think so, mate.

  • Covers a very wide variety of sexual interactions - This is something that most eroges lack, as it covers a wide range of "fetishes" to suit your taste (or discover something that you might like).

  • Phenomenal artwork - I'm sure that you've already seen the promo video and some of the screenshots from Steam store's preview. You know how it is.

The Cons

  • Bugs and typos - Having the nature of an Early Access, this is to be expected. Bugs I encountered aren't game-breaking and is pretty much negligible (the unli-item glitch is pretty hilarious once you discover it). Typos on the other hand, are aplenty. Most that you will find are "then"s being written instead of "than". Some grammatical errors here and there, but isn't necessarily something that ruins the mood.

  • Attributes are pretty irrelevant - The main character, Rowan, has stats (which affects the dice roll results of an event), skills (which affects the result of certain dialogues) and feats (which are one-time choices that boosts either your stats and skills). These are pretty cool should there be a better implementation in the future, but right now you can even progress through the whole game without improving your attributes as choices and events can be save-scummed.

  • The Steam version isn't frequently updated - The set back is pretty much how often the Steam version is updated. There are monthly builds available for Patreons though, so it's pretty minor if you have access with that.

The Verdict

Finished what the Steam version has to offer right now, I'll gladly give it a 9/10. Will definitely play (preferably from the start) once a big update comes in. This is certainly a 10/10 in-the-making. Get it here, or better, support the game's Patreon page!

If you like to see more recommended games that is worth the value you are paying, please visit my other reviews, or follow our curator group at Good Games Giveaways & Reviews.
Verfasst am 28. August 2020. Zuletzt bearbeitet am 28. August 2020.
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5 Personen fanden diese Rezension hilfreich
5 Personen fanden diese Rezension lustig
2,372.3 Std. insgesamt (1,470.6 Std. zum Zeitpunkt der Rezension)
Love it or hate it, the devs sure made a pretty good job so far.

EDIT 2019: Game is still doing a pretty good job.
EDIT 2020: Yep, pretty good job so far for the devs.
EDIT 2021: This is the year of licensed stuff hyping up the game more.
EDIT 2022: I was a Meg main, then Feng, then Kate, then Jane. Now it's Jill. Who's next? It was Ada Wong.
EDIT 2023: Oh, look. It's Chucky!
Verfasst am 29. Juni 2019. Zuletzt bearbeitet am 7. Juni 2024.
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40 Personen fanden diese Rezension hilfreich
15 Personen fanden diese Rezension lustig
40.7 Std. insgesamt (33.8 Std. zum Zeitpunkt der Rezension)

With the game's story starting off after the events of Re:Birth3, our beloved CPUs, CPU Candidates, and humans return on this installment that showcases three dimensions happening in different timelines namely; Zero, Hyper, and Heart Dimensions.


In a nutshell, Megadimension Neptunia VII is a compilation of three (3) different episodes: Zero Dimension, Hyper Dimension, and Heart Dimension.

Zero Dimension (which is the first one to be played from the three), shows a darker premise compared to the setting of the other games in which is presented in a post-apocalyptic fashion of Gamindustri in which a new goddess, Uzume Tennouboshi, the Orange Heart.

Hyper Dimension’s story and setting is very similar to the earlier Re:Birth games and focuses more a new character group called “Gold Third” formed by C-Sha, S-Sha, B-Sha, and K-Sha, and serve as the counterparts of our dear Gamindustri goddesses that also has a transformation similar to HDD referred to as “Gold Form”.

Heart Dimension focuses more on plot twists which is the result of the combination of both the Zero and Hyper Dimensions, wherein the CPUs travel to a strange, new dimension to find out who is the mastermind of the anomalies happening in other worlds.

The gameplay, compared to the earlier games of the series has also improved. One of those improvements is the "Combo Make" system, which is somewhat staple in the series. This system helps you customize the attacks that you can use to combo in which the number depends on the current weapon you have equipped on your character (with a maximum of 5).

In these combos, there are three types of attacks that you can do; "Rush" attacks, which focuses fast multi-hit strikes, but gives fairly low damage per strike; "Power" attacks, which hits harder than the other types but has lower number of strikes; and "Strike" attacks, which is a balanced type in terms of power and strike count.
Another feature on this system is the "Traits" for each attack type, wherein successfully fulfilling the condition stated on the trait (ex. a standard attack requires you to NOT use a power attack) will bring in more damage output to the performed attack type.

Other gameplay features such as the "Disc Developer" and "Item Development" similar to the earlier games comes back in this game which serves as a method to make additional equipment or items for your characters. Disc Developer allows you to create your own original game discs by incorporating "Idea Chips" which has different kinds and varies from levels 1 to 5.Certain combinations can determine if the disc will turn into a "Godly" or "Sucky" game which offers additional positive or negative bonuses once equipped.

Item Development, on the other hand, allows you develop items, accessories, and even weapons for your characters to use. In order to make those stuff, you will need to have a "Product Proposal" which serves as a recipe and will require you to gather ingredients as well as achieving specific Lily Ranks between two characters to produce it.

Not only that, there also other mini-games that you can access (take Neplunker as an example), as well as additional maps and characters unlocked through the DLCs.

The Pros

  • Quality Art and Audio - Whenever I play Neptunia games, I always look forward to the soundtracks that I can add to my playlist as well as the "cutesy" and "ecchi" moments described by the artworks presented, both of which are plenty and of quality (and beware, asmost of the art are more revealing compared to the earlier games). High quality standard being kept by IdeaFactory is very much worth of praise.

  • Improved Difficulty Balance - If you played the earlier games of the series (Hyperdimension 1 to 3), most of them are pretty easy and smooth-sailing in terms of the battle system. However in this rendition, it seems that our daily mobs have learnt some spunk and will give you a hard time especially if you skip most of the enemies and ignore leveling your characters. This is a good adaptation which ups the challenge of the gameplay instead of just hacking enemies in a flash.

  • Tons of Hours in Game Content - Seperated into three different episodes (Zero, Hyper, and Heart Dimensions), this rendition of the series is arguably the most "content heavy" compared to the earlier Neptunia games. But the game having separate episodes split isn't the only reason why it has more content, the game showcases the comeback of characters from the earlier games (like IF and Compa), as well as some new and interesting characters (like Uzume Tennouboshi and the Gold Third), and also some new features in the gameplay such as the "Combo Make" which adds more flavor to the battle system.

    The Cons

  • Grind Heavy Gameplay - Due to the gameplay being more of a challenge than the earlier games of the series, this factor will translate into more grind time for players to compensate for the difficulty balancing. Another factor contributing to that is this time, there won't be an EXP boost add-on that could help decrease the grinding, especially in the end-game stages.

  • Reused Assets - As you progress through the game, you will notice that the enemies and some of the dungeons are somewhat reused with a different arrangement (ex. different color scheme but same model, same maps from the earlier games). While this is something that has been around since the earlier games and isn't something that is of a major downside, it would've been a nice addition especially since the game's theme is about other dimensions.

    Final Thoughts

    As usual, Neptunia games are of quality and it's a no-brainer to get for long-time fans, and it is a pretty good RPG to say at the very least for those who are new to the series (and to those who are new, beware of fan-service content overload).

    Rating - 9.2/10

    This review was submitted for Elite Giveaways, check us out for more reviews ranging from Indie games to AAA games.
Verfasst am 8. September 2016. Zuletzt bearbeitet am 8. September 2016.
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38 Personen fanden diese Rezension hilfreich
15 Personen fanden diese Rezension lustig
19.2 Std. insgesamt
Join Neptune, Compa, IF, and countless other characters in their journey to find out and beat the culprit that generates the monsters in Gamindustri!

Game Overview

Hyperdimension Neptunia Re;Birth 1 starts off with an overview of the game's story, introducing the CPUs (Console Patron Unit) that govern and protect their respective landmasses, and their never-ending conflict with one another which became known as the "Console War".

As the war reaches its peak, the goddesses hears a voice suggesting that it would be easier if the others would gang up on one to reduce competition, in which Goddesses Noire (Black Heart), Vert (Green Heart), and Blanc (White Heart) agreed on and ganged up on Neptune (Purple Heart). Purple Heart eventually lost and and was exiled from Celestia to the lower realms, losing her memories in the process and fatefully meets two human companions, Compa and IF. Along with Histoire, a mysterious girl who is the personification of Gamindustri's Tome of History, they go on to an adventure exploring its vast lands.

Now that the story's overview has been told, let's go and discuss about the gameplay.

In this game, the battles are played in a turn-based manner, and follows simple yet solid mechanics. Before you can start a battle, there are three instances that can either give you an advantage or disadvantage from the start. Hitting an enemy in the dungeon map will trigger a "Symbol Attack" notice in which your characters are guaranteed to act first before the enemies (and with some tweaks with the plans, you can even destroy the enemy instantly), while letting them approach you first will trigger "Surprise Attack" notice which is essentially the opposite of the latter.

Once you're in battle, you can four (4) main actions available which are; SP Skills, EXE Drive, Attack, and Defend. The SP Skills command list special actions that can be used by a certain character and exhausts a certain amount of SP stated. The EXE Drive command list actions that are like super techniques available for each character, which exhausts the EXE Drive Gauge instead of SP.

The Attack command allows your characters to do a series of normal attacks that are divided in three (3) types; "Rush" which does more hits and useful in filling the EXE Drive Gauge, but has less power per hit; "Power" which does lesser hits but packs more power per hit and is useful when the enemy has guard break; and "Break" which is balanced in terms of hits and power and is useful to "Break Guard" the enemy.Not only that, certain characters also has different hit boxes in which you can align so you can hit multiple enemies if they are in the space of the hit box. The Defense command is pretty much self-explanatory, in exchange for the character's turn they will take less damage when attacked by enemies.

Other actions include "Transformation" in which the goddesses activates "HDD mode" which consumes 20% of your SP and gives your the character's stats a boost, "Switch" to change characters place in the rear, "Item" to use a consumable in battle, and "Run" to flee from the fight by moving a character to the outer edge of the field (does not work during story event battles).

In terms of features, the newly introduced "Remake System" brings in alot of flexibility and replayability to the gameplay. It allows the player to customize various aspects of the game such as additional dungeons to explore, creating new items, adjusting the difficulty of the enemies, etc. In order to be able to use those modifications, you will need to collect specific materials, achieving certain lily ranks between two characters, or by meeting the required amount of share percentage on a nation. One thing to note though is that you are limited to how many plans you have activated, which is measured through the available space in MB.

Another feature is the "Disc Developer", which enables you to create game discs by using "Idea Chips" that has different effects and writing/burning (not the literal one) them on the said medium. Specific combinations will either result into a "Godly" or "Sucky" game, which offer positive or negative bonuses in addition to the effects coming from the idea chips.

The Pros

  • Improved Visuals, Gameplay, and Replay Value - By visuals, I am pertaining to the upgrade from the PS Vita with higher resolutions and FPS (though some people are stuck with the 30 FPS lock, you might want to check the guide in the game's community hub for reference on how to unlock it). In terms of gameplay and replay value, I am pertaining in comparison to the earlier games with the changed battle system as well as the new features such as the Remake System, both of which combines to deliver a solid gameplay and brings longevity to the game.

  • Fun and Charming Story - While the story isn't quite that deep and complicated like some of the popular RPGs, the game does deliver a comedic, humor-filled and fourth-wall breaking story that brings a fun and lively experience for its players. Sometimes funny, sometimes cutesy, and sometimes ecchi (thank you IF and CH for the fan services).

  • Beautiful Soundtracks and Voice Acting - To put it in a straight and simple fashion, the soundtracks made are divine which blends perfectly in the game's setting, and the voice acting for both English and Japanese voices are on point which brings out the character they play into another level. If you don't believe me, you can confirm that your self through the PVs and trailers available.

The Cons

  • Recycling of Assets - While the "regulars" of the Neptunia series might be used to seeing the same mobs and dungeons being recycled and re-used with a slight difference in spriting, I would like to perform due diligence to the fact that many new players might not be into seeing the same stuff again and again, which is a fair point to make in my opinion.

  • Repetitive and Grindy Gameplay - While RPGs are fairly known to being repetitive in terms of gameplay, Re;Birth 1 seems to be hitting off the definition of the word accurately especially if you're going for the 100% completion. May it be due to the randomness in the difficulty of the game that causes it or due to the grind for the materials in the Remake System, both of which at some point leads to the feeling that you've been repeating the steps and mechanics in the game.

The Verdict

Overall, it is a fun and solid game that can be enjoyed by the long-time fans of the series as well as the newcomers, and in my honest opinion, the positive side outweighs significantly the cons (unless you hate anime and fan service stuff, and if you are so, beware that there are plenty of those moments here), so even if you are remotely interested, I would recommend that you give it out a try!

If you like to see more recommended games that is worth the value you are paying, please visit my other reviews, or follow our curator group at Good Games Giveaways & Reviews.
Verfasst am 8. September 2016. Zuletzt bearbeitet am 8. September 2016.
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42 Personen fanden diese Rezension hilfreich
16 Personen fanden diese Rezension lustig
44.0 Std. insgesamt (43.4 Std. zum Zeitpunkt der Rezension)

Steamworld Heist is a side-scrolling, turn-based strategy game that is set on a space sci-fi/steampunk environment with its gameplay being inspired by the combination of both the X-COM and Worms series.


As you start the game, you will be introduced to five (5) levels of difficulty that suits your preference. Those are "Casual", "Regular", "Experienced", "Veteran", and "Elite", and as it increases in difficulty, it also yields more bonus experience the harder it is (and you can change it before you start any mission).

At your disposal is a space pirate crew composed of robots referred to as "steambots" and is led by Captain Piper Faraday. Along the way, you will find recruitable characters that can be enlisted by either proving your worth through the amount of "reputation" you have, paying them with "swag", or in some cases will join you by their own accord.

The gameplay focuses on mission-based levels which yields reputation in the form of golden stars that indicates how well you performed on that certain level once you clear it.There are objectives that you need to follow and once they are cleared, an escape route will be opened for your members to finish the mission. You can also find loot called "swag bags" and "epic swag" in these stages that appears in a form of a sack and a box respectively, and its contents are unknown until you have revealed them at the stage's end.

The way the battle system works in the game is turn-based and each unit can do two types of action per turn. Moving through the area and re-positioning yourself while in the orange highlighted area will allow to still be able do an action after moving, but if you "sprint" (represented by blue areas), your character will end its turn once you move on its position.
While you are able to do action, you can either fire your weapon, use your secondary equipment, or use your "active abilities".

Each weapon has its own merits, damage area, and aiming type which are all specified on their descriptions. In accordance to this, your characters can only equip certain types of weapon available for them (for example, Piper can only use Sharpshooter and Handgun weapons). Another type of equipment are the hats and secondary equipment, and unlike weapons, any character will be able to equip them (though hats are purely for fashion, while the secondary equipment has their respective uses).

Upon finishing the mission, you are will receive the reputation according to what objectives you have cleared and an additional star per epic swag you get minus the number of fallen members. You will also be able to unlock your loots and reveal what item they might be and receive awarded experience points that is distributed evenly to all alive crew members after the mission. When a crew member levels-up, they will get either a passive or active skill that will help through your future endeavors.

The Pros

  • Fun and Challenging Battle System - I really love the mechanics of their battle system as well as its weapon physics (like the ricocheting of the bullets and the splash damage from explosives), and even enacts the unsteadiness of the aim which requires both calculation and perfect timing of the player (which further heightens the challenge). It also has that added satisfaction when you land a calculated no-scope MLG pro shot, and that surprise factor when you accidentally hit an enemy that wasn't planned. Overall, it brings a very wholesome gameplay that makes you wanting more and more.

  • Tons of Content - From the numerous items, weapons and equipment (and swag) for you to collect, to the various characters available to recruit and play as, and the dozens of challenging missions that you can engage on, you can easily have a day’s worth of hours in gameplay time that awaits you. Oh, and the hats. Have I mentioned that there are various hats (like cat-on-top hat or some anime-related hat) available for you to suit-up your steambots?

  • Brilliant Soundtracks - Not only that the sound effects perfectly fits the sci-fi/steampunk nature of the game's theme, it also showcases some really nice songs/soundtracks that catches the ambiance of what a classic midnight bar should be. My favorite track is "Honeybee" by Steam Powered Giraffe.

  • Clean Game Graphics - Similar to the developer's earlier game (SteamWorld Dig), this new entry to the series presents a very clean art design throughout the whole game which is something that I always expect a game would have since not only it looks visually appealing, but also prevents possible confusion that players might encounter in terms of either the game mechanics or menus.

The Cons

  • Lack of Ability Choices - To be clear, I am pertaining to the lack of "skill trees" that are normally available in role-playing games. While the game is great at its current set-up, I do think that it would be more enjoyable for players to be able to customize their preferred characters rather than blindly waiting for the abilities/power-ups unlock as they level-up. For example, you kept on playing a certain character that you got early in the game because you already invested the experience points to that one just to know that another character is more suited to your preferences/play-style.

  • No Co-op/Multi-player Mode - Unlike the X-COM and Worms games, both of which inspired the battle system of this game, the game only has single-player story mode available (at least during this review has been posted), in which is pretty important in terms of replayability and gives its players the option to enjoy the game with their family, friends or even duke it out with their rivals.

  • Repetitive Gameplay - Same old nemesis by the games from this genre. While the game is very fun and challenging that will occupy you for hours and hours of gameplay, it doesn't deny the fact that the same gameplay is presented during the course of the game. I was actually excited when I reached one the point of the game where a certain NPC tells you about a "brawl club" that you can join in since it might be a mini-game/mode added that is different from the regular battles. And while that mission did introduce a new part of the game, where it introduced a three-way battle between you and two other factions, the battle premise is no different which was disappointing in a certain way.

Final Thoughts

For those who are fond of turn-based games, this game is easily a MUST-BUY. And for the people who even have the slightest of interest of playing, it is worth the try and am pretty sure you will love it.

Rating - 9.4/10

This review was submitted for Elite Giveaways, check us out for more reviews ranging from Indie games to AAA games.
Verfasst am 8. Juli 2016. Zuletzt bearbeitet am 8. Juli 2016.
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74 Personen fanden diese Rezension hilfreich
15 Personen fanden diese Rezension lustig
50.8 Std. insgesamt (43.0 Std. zum Zeitpunkt der Rezension)
An indie metrodvania that holds its own against the mainstream games of the genre, Ghost 1.0 presents an immersive and challenging experience for its players

Game Overview

Ghost 1.0 is an indie metroidvania that is set on a sci-fi world where robots and machinery are becoming a trend to humanity, whatever the purpose for them may be.

You play as "Ghost", a digital ghost who performs mercenary work and was hired by two genius hackers in their attempt to uncover the secrets behind the success of the Nakamura Corporation with their robots. Your mission is to infiltrate the Nakamura Space Station and steal their Artificial Intelligence algorithms.

Along the way you will find countless enemies that will try and prevent your progress as well as puzzles that require your patience and creativity to clear. In order for you to progress through the story, you need to clear certain objectives given to you by your clients. Along the way, you are given various options that could improve or upgrade your character.

There are shops available for you to spend your hard-earned "energy cubes" for weapons, upgrades, and items. You can also gain skill points by finding them in rooms related in your objectives. These skill points can be distributed to five (5) different skill trees, which also give certain bonus points to your characters as you distribute them.

Another way to further improve your character is by finding "secrets" in most rooms by performing a certain action (for example, clearing all of the monsters or unlocking a shortcut door). Once the secret has been unlocked, a burst of "souls" will scatter around the map and collecting them will result into an item or power-up for Ghost.

The game also has two different modes for you to play in: Classic and Survival. Classic mode's play-style retains the feature of previous metroidvania games where the game starts smooth then slowly increases in difficulty as your progress. In this mode, you can also save your progress through certain points scattered around the space station. Survival mode's pace is quicker than classic; you get items and power-ups that earlier than it should though the challenge presented in this mode is the perma-death feature, wherein if you die, you lose all of your progress.

The Pros

  • Interesting Story Delivery - In respects to other people's belief that the game's story is simple, predictable, and cliché (in which I don't disagree in some points), the way that they deliver it is somehow fresh and immersive. A proof that you know when the delivery of the story is good is that when its environment affects your actions. For example, the robots in the game interact with each other and act like they are humans in both of their words and actions, like when they sense danger, they flee from the source or ask for help and I felt really bad when I mistakenly killed an innocent robot as my drone shot at him

  • High Replay Value - From the countless arsenals and upgrades that you can collect and use at your disposal up to the numerous secrets and achievements that the game has in store for you to uncover, there is no doubt that this game can make you go back for it and stay occupied for a long period of time.

  • Well-made Audio - The soundtracks made for the game are suits the sci-fi/cyberpunk environment as well as the sound effects in every model and area, which creates a wholesome experience. Not only that, the voice acting in the game is also on-point that they portray the characters perfectly.

The Cons

  • Repetitive Gameplay - While the game normally adds new aspects to make it fresh for the player, it doesn't change the fact that you will replay and revisit sections of the game for either objectives or for achievements. This negative feature appears mostly on all metroidvania/rogue-likes where you grind most of the time for upgrades and repeat the stages when you character dies, hence the game being repetitive with the notion of rinse and repeat.

  • Some Item and Skill Insignificance - While most of the items and skills that you get as you progress through the game are very helpful and significant into clearing the stages (like the double jump and air dash), there are some of them where their usefulness ranges from mediocre level into potentially harmful to your character. For example, there is a skill that significantly increases the amount of stronger robots that you will fight during an alarm phases (a mandatory scene where you are locked down in a room and robots spawn until your hacker disables the alarm). Though I understand that the added difficulty might result in them dropping more boons, you wouldn't really expect yourself to spend the skill point on something that is dangerous for you without an assurance that you will get something in return for your troubles.

The Verdict

It is a pretty fun experience to having played the game with its comedic and nonchalant way of story-telling and immersive and challenging gameplay. With respects to that, I do recommend the game to everyone who is even remotely interested and am pretty sure that you will enjoy it.

If you like to see more recommended games that is worth the value you are paying, please visit my other reviews, or follow our curator group at Good Games Giveaways & Reviews.
Verfasst am 7. Juli 2016. Zuletzt bearbeitet am 7. Juli 2016.
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59 Personen fanden diese Rezension hilfreich
18 Personen fanden diese Rezension lustig
12.6 Std. insgesamt
SKYHILL is a turn-based, rogue-like where imminent hunger and the lingering smell of death surrounds you. Can you survive and reach salvation?

Game Overview

SKYHILL is a point and click, turn-based, rogue-like RPG that is set on a post-apocalyptic theme inside a hundred floor hotel full of mutants and dead residents.

The main game play centers on the main character's quest to descend from the building in order to survive and avoid dying of hunger or being killed by the prowling mutated beings. Starting with the active and passive perks selection, you take refuge on the highest floor with a work space for you to upgrade your facilities or craft weapons, food, medicine, etc. and a bedroom for you to regain health in exchange for losing energy. Upgrading your facilities will result in further improvement or additional item recipes for crafting.

Every floor, there are three sections that you can venture. The center "stairs section" where you can descend from floor to floor showcases the elevator (busted or not) which you can use once you get the VIP Key card, as well as vending machines that sell random items depending on its type (food, medicine, materials) in exchange for a coin.

The other rooms on the left and right directions are open most of the time but they can be locked and will be available only if you have a key, though there are no indications that a room is locked and the key will be used the instant you click on it. These rooms has different kinds of events that can either be of benefit to you or bring harm or even lead to your death.

Encounters with the game's mutants are also an inevitable part of the game. Each of them have different attack patterns, power and health, but it all boils down to whether you could take them down before they kill you.

Your character can equip two weapons (bare hands if you don't have anything) and every one of them has an attribute that can give damage bonuses depending on how high your stats are. Initially, you start with five (5) points for each attribute (strength, speed, dexterity, accuracy) which you can improve any of them once you level-up (point distribution might vary depending on what perk is on play).

Of course, as you progress to the lower parts of the building, you'll face deadlier mutants that block your way into salvation. And should you ever accomplish that feat and descend safely, is it really salvation that awaits you?

The Pros

  • Detailed Crafting System - It might look a like plain and simple collect and create crafting system but as you go over the course and discover the scarcity of materials from your surroundings, the crafting system of the game adapts very well to the situation. Want to make a juice? Just pick any two fruits that are not spoiled and you're good to go. Want alternative options to a weapon you're planning to make that matches your attribute build? The game has plenty of weapons to craft as well as alternative recipes to adjust on your item availability.

  • High Replay Value - Most of the people who will play the game will most likely fail at some point and could lead to a start of a new game (which is basically what a rogue-like is), but of course, you will be unlocking perks that might help you on the next session or the information that you got on your earlier one might help on the next. Those factors, including the many secrets, events, achievements, and plot-twists the game has to offer, one will definitely playthrough the game again and again.

  • Atmospheric Audio - The showcases atmospheric soundtracks, on-point sound effects and voice-overs throughout the game. The best part of the audio that is very memorable to me is when you unlock and use the "Retro Cinema" passive perk. Not only that it turns the the whole game into a black and white fashion, it also turns the audio into an old-school retro-esque finish which is a pleasant surprise to experience.

The Cons

  • Mostly RNG-Based - The probability of a mutant encounter, the items you will get from each room and each event that might happen in it, your character's chance to hit the enemy. All of these are just some of the game's mechanics that rely on luck which is rooted from its random number generator (RNG). Do not get me wrong, it isn't bad to have randomness in a game especially in a rogue-like which relies heavily on that factor. However, excessive addition of it could kill the game play as it might seem that you're not accomplishing the game through your own skills and you're just relying on the chances, which is how I felt during my playthroughs.

  • Repetitive Gameplay - While the game has many ways that could immerse the player on its gameplay that leads to its high replay-ability (either through the game's backstory and plot twist or through seeking the game's secrets and unlocking different achievements), it is still a fact that these mechanics and features are subject to "rinse and repeat". Unless there is something that is rewarding for the player to push further and play more, the repetitiveness of the game will result in the loss of interest after hours of gameplay.

The Verdict

While it might not be everyone's cup of tea, it certainly is a fun and challenging game that is a keeper for the fans of the genre. If you, however are thinking twice into buying a copy, getting it for a discount is a real bargain and a must-try.

If you like to see more recommended games that is worth the value you are paying, please visit my other reviews, or follow our curator group at Good Games Giveaways & Reviews.
Verfasst am 21. Juni 2016. Zuletzt bearbeitet am 22. Juni 2016.
War diese Rezension hilfreich? Ja Nein Lustig Preis verleihen
52 Personen fanden diese Rezension hilfreich
16 Personen fanden diese Rezension lustig
21.1 Std. insgesamt (16.3 Std. zum Zeitpunkt der Rezension)
Need a breather on heavy, mind-pressuring games? This visually captivating, auditorily pleasing, side-scrolling platformer is what you're looking for!

Game Overview

TurnOn is a casual, side-scrolling platformer that conveys a story through stellar audio and visual presentation without the use of words. (Except for the guides and instructions, of course)

In this game, you control an alien that takes the form of an electric ball and lead it through its journey to restore the light in Electro City.

The gameplay is pretty simple and straightforward - you traverse through electric lines/wires and apparatuses which activates and/or repairs them through contact while collecting blue lightning symbols. Each of these actions will have an impact to the score you will get upon finishing the level. Still seeing people in need through the level? Search again for hidden paths that you might've missed.

Also, you will find adversaries that might stand either your way or the people living in the city, and some of them require different mechanics in order to be cleared. Though there isn't a game over that could force you to start over, there are still some cases that may halt your progress through the game.

Falling through the lines and touching the ground will result in you being sent back to your checkpoint, but everything that you have collected are still with you, every apparatus activated, and no damage taken. However, if you exhaust your life bars (represented by the green lightning symbols on the upper left part of the screen) you will restart the level from the start.

The Pros

  • Charming, Calming, and Hilarious Gameplay Experience - Summarizing the gameplay experience that I felt as I played through the game, it was very calming, charming, and fun experience that I would proudly say that I enjoyed it thoroughly. I mean, I never would've thought that I would see a character in a game crying over not having a cable signal. If that doesn't seem funny enough to you, then I guess you're Jaden.

  • Artistic Game Graphics - The game is very appealing through and through in each of every visual aspect it presents. The landscape and scenery fits the very theme it presents on every level, as well as the visual effects filled in it. The character models are clean and well-animated, along with the comic-strip cut-scenes. And most of all, the aesthetic lightning work in each and every level is impeccable.

  • Beautiful Game Soundtracks - Ranging from serene piano tracks to cheerful up-beat songs, this game has a lot to offer in the auditory department. And when I do say a lot, I really mean it. Each and every level has its own unique track and aside from the cut-scenes and the map soundtrack, almost nothing was ever re-used. Everything is quality-made and the proof of that are the hours I spent listening to the tracks while idling the game. If there is something that is missing, it is the availability of a soundtrack DLC for users to listen and enjoy.

The Cons

  • Irritating Sound Effects - Although the game has a pretty good array of soundtracks that is very pleasant to the ears, there are certain sound effects that will make you tone down the level due to discomfort, especially if you're new to the game. A good example of this is when you "respawn" to your checkpoint upon touching the ground. Fortunately, the game lets you adjust the volume of the sound effects. However, the downside is that you might not know other SFX that you're missing to hear.

  • Hard to Navigate - Just to be precise, I am pertaining to the game having no cut-scene skip and absence of the settings menu while you are on a level. Regarding the cut-scenes, you can actually speed them up by continuous left clicks or by spamming the ESC button, however, it still takes at least five (5) seconds in doing that before you proceed to the level. Having an option to skip them would be pretty handy for people uninterested or has already seen them several times. Same goes for the settings, which should be available while in-level instead going back to the main menu just to adjust the volume or video settings.

  • Minor Visual Bugs - During the course of my play through (which I could safely assume that I've reached at least one-thirds of the game), I have encountered two minor visual bugs, though take note that these bugs didn't have any impact on my play through. The first one I found was on the end part of the "School Routine" level which involves a speaker still being highlighted in blue even after activating it, and the second one is when you're going through the level selection and passing between the "Bulb Monument Street" and "Unusual Date" levels which shows an empty flat terrain.

    Both of these bugs are recorded on my screenshots page here: (Screenshots)

The Verdict

Truthfully, there isn't much of a discussion to this considering that I can't find anything that big of negative aspect could persuade you into NOT buying it (unless you're not into casual gaming). And if you are a fan of this kind of game, I'm pretty sure you will love it.

If you like to see more recommended games that is worth the value you are paying, please visit my other reviews, or follow our curator group at Good Games Giveaways & Reviews.
Verfasst am 14. Juni 2016. Zuletzt bearbeitet am 14. Juni 2016.
War diese Rezension hilfreich? Ja Nein Lustig Preis verleihen
46 Personen fanden diese Rezension hilfreich
15 Personen fanden diese Rezension lustig
43.6 Std. insgesamt (6.4 Std. zum Zeitpunkt der Rezension)
Want a fun Action RPG with a fun game play that rocks to the vibe of the 1980s? Look no further as Megamagic: Wizards of the Neon Age is what you need.

Game Overview

Megamagic: Wizards of the Neon Age is an open world action RPG that focuses on a theme inspired by the vibe of the 1980s. You play as Phoban, an aspiring wizard who attempts to follow the footsteps of their father by joining the Order and the younger brother of Deimon.

Getting a grasp on how the gameplay goes is fairly easy as the game guides you through any new stuff or mechanic that you encounter throughout the whole play through. The game has five (5) different spell categories that you can learn and master which are: Neonmancy, Vegemancy, Sanctumancy, Fulgomancy and Necromancy. These spells, along with the minions that you can summon at your disposal (referred to as "grims") needed to be learned first and requires a certain number of item drops to be crafted before it is usable in combat.

All in all, there are twenty (20) spells and sixteen (16) grims that you can craft and research, with each spell having their own use and functionality and each grim with their own unique passive and active skills.

The Pros

  • Unique Game Concept - Deviating from the whole level-up norm of role-playing games, the unique setting of the game to get "stronger" is through collecting scrolls to craft your different kind of spells and finding and observing the abilities certain minions to turn and summon them as your grims, which are both unique and interesting. In addition to that, the game play of it being acted on real time makes it more engaging and challenging at the same time.

  • Clean Game Graphics - Aside from the game getting the visualization of what the 80s feel like and setting the theme perfectly, what I really like in the graphics is that it shows a really clean interface through-out as well as with the designs of all of the game assets (characters, scenery, effects, etc.).

  • Beautiful Soundtracks - This is definitely one of the greatest assets that the game can offer, and I can proudly say that I have idled the game a few times while on play just to listed to its soundtracks. It is very captivating, nostalgic, and most of all, it doesn't sound annoying even after long periods of playing.

  • Local Co-op Ready - The game features the ability of enabling up to four (4) additional players to control over your "grims" (summoned minions), however their actions are limited only to the actions that the grims are able to do (in which they are only able to do the normal and special attacks).

The Cons

  • Weak Story Delivery - Don't get this wrong. This doesn't mean that the game doesn't have a backdrop that makes it deeper, as it does execute well in foreshadowing and setting the theme. However, the game suffers on a poor dialogue delivery of the characters, which in turn fails to make it more immersive story-wise. For example, a sacrifice of a certain character when giving up his life for his loved ones should be somewhat dramatic, right? In this game's case, it failed to give that dramatic feeling. Hence, displaying a poor delivery of the story.

  • Low Replay Value - Aside from the fact that this game could be played co-op locally with your friends or replaying the game through another difficulty, there really isn't anything that could bind you to into playing the game again once you have finished a single play through. Some reasons include the story's linearity (although, there are some few choices that can be made in the game but it doesn't really affect the story that much), as well as the lack of side-quest presence (though some summons and spells might require some grinding to get them all).

The Verdict

In the sum of all the pros and cons, this game is fun to play and is definitely worth the value it asks.

If you like to see more recommended games that is worth the value you are paying, please visit my other reviews, or follow our curator group at Good Games Giveaways & Reviews.
Verfasst am 31. Mai 2016. Zuletzt bearbeitet am 1. Juni 2016.
War diese Rezension hilfreich? Ja Nein Lustig Preis verleihen
71 Personen fanden diese Rezension hilfreich
22 Personen fanden diese Rezension lustig
14.8 Std. insgesamt (12.9 Std. zum Zeitpunkt der Rezension)
A brilliant entry for the survival-sandbox game genre which showcases a mix of sci-fi, fantasy and an apocalyptic setting in a very unique way.

Game Overview

In a TL;DR fashion of the game's backstory, humans went full ret@rd and blew themselves up with radiation and stuff so their "Creators" had to reset the entire race and got each of them some floating iron balls to make sure they ain't up to dumb things again.

Welcome to Novus Inceptio!

In this game, you are basically an Adam or Eve of a newly resurrected world. You are accompanied by a personal robot referred to as "A2-A" given by your Creators to assist you as you thread a new life in these lands.

There isn't a particular set of goals aside from surviving these lands or to build your home however and wherever you are permitted to. The crafting system that the game offers is very detailed and complex at the same time in terms of the materials needed for each end-product, and are separated in sections which are weapons, tools, alchemy, cooking, etc.

You can also explore of different areas or dimensions of the game which are referred to as "anomalies", which are still subject to change as the updates come but are currently divided into few types.

The Pros

  • Interesting Game Concept - Along with the very interesting back story and setting that the game has also comes in a great game concept. Some of these concepts really add up to the uniqueness of the game like the aging feature where not only your character ages in time, but also even your surroundings. Another one that I am really fond of is having the freedom to build up your character's skill set is also something that most games doesn't offer.

  • Detailed Crafting System - The crafting system that this game has pretty much works like every other building/survival/simulation games, the difference that it has from the other ones is that they have made a very meticulous approach on it. For example, some games only require wood and rocks to make a basic hammer and chesto-presto it is done after a few moments of waiting. In this game, however, the materials that you need to provide to make the said tool are more specific, like you would need a rope/string to hold together the wood and the rock, instead just of the two main ones.

  • Captivating Visuals - It is pretty clear even from the screenshots of the game that it looks very captivating even without me explaining the whole thing, but if I could add something, it is that it has a pretty clean interface that really looks like your what MMOs in the present day has to offer.

  • Good Audio - The audio made for this game plays out naturally and the ambience effects really make up the feel as a whole. The sound of a process being completed, the rustling of the leaves, the ebb and flow of the water, the whistling of the birds are some of the examples that this game has to offer in terms of audio presence.

The Cons

  • Weak Hazard Presence - As of the time this review has been written, there isn't a fall damage factor present in the game, which is a standard in these types of games as it gives a more realistic appeal. Climate penalties also are not present in the current version of the game, in which I hope they developers will add at least before the full release.

  • No Multiplayer - Usually, these kinds of games are multiplayer-able even in the early stages since these types of games without a narrative or at least a goal doesn't fare for long, except if the game play is fun. However, as promised by the devs, this feature will come in eventually on or before the game exits early access.

  • Bugs and Errors - Considering that this game is still on its early stages, it is expected to have bugs and errors lingering throughout the game and there are quite a lot of them frankly. Sometimes, there are movement/motion bugs where you go super slow when

The Verdict

Judging from the whole package that it offers as of its current form, it does feel that many things are still missing from it, but it does show the potential to become a great game.
All in all, I do think that this game is worth at least the try.

If you like to see more recommended games that is worth the value you are paying, please visit my other reviews, or follow our curator group at Good Games Giveaways & Reviews.
Verfasst am 15. Mai 2016. Zuletzt bearbeitet am 17. Mai 2016.
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