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Diposting: 1 Feb 2020 @ 6:43am
Diperbarui: 5 Mar 2020 @ 6:51pm

The original Dead Space already holds up excellently as one of the best action-horror experiences you can have, and Dead Space 2 improves on almost every aspect of that. The game is chock-full of memorable areas, action set pieces, and some of the best weapons I've ever used in a game.

The new setting, The Sprawl, is a much more high-tech facility than the dreary corridors of the U.S.G Ishimura, and what it lacks in oppressive, dreary industry it more than makes up for in spectacle and variance. Every area of the game is markedly different, with the Church of Unitology in particular being a standout of INCREDIBLE level design and art direction combining to make what's for my money one of the best areas in gaming. I'd pick DS2 up for that alone, even if the rest of the game wasn't so good on top.

The visuals look incredible, even now, and between that and the wonderful sound design / feedback of the weapons, its easy to get immersed in its messed-up sci-fi nightmare world.

It's the best, and I'd gladly recommend it to anybody with an interest in either the spooky, the action, or both!
ps: use the ripper and upgrade the hell out of it, its the best weapon in the universe. on god.
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