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Publicada: 11 out. 2022 às 1:14

Análise de Acesso Antecipado
I don't know what a Tarkov is, and after playing this, I don't really care.
Marauders is fast, fun, and incredibly tense; the 20-minute ticking clock on your raids is a delight, and the sound design is immaculate. It's a perfect mix of weirdo loot goblin object hunting and brutal, short gunfights you can end in a couple well-placed headshots.

I got whooped for my first hour or so, but after I jumped a high-level player with nothing but a Luger, 10 shots, and a dream, I was hooked. The feeling of getting in, stealing everything in sight, and getting out is a blast, and so far every game has been unique and thrilling.

As an added plus, the Oceania / Asia servers have felt completely fine to me the entire time I've been playing. I know there was an initial hiccup with hackers blasting people frame one and forced party disband nonsense, but after the ban wave I've seen pretty much nothing of the sort.

I've been having a blast, and it really scratches that high-stakes FPS itch I've been missing.
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