RamziaN 2024년 9월 4일 오전 11시 47분 
-rep trash
ZugoRr 2024년 8월 19일 오전 11시 52분 
Crazygurl 2024년 8월 2일 오후 2시 26분 
mva_xsu 2024년 1월 11일 오전 10시 53분 
After a good game in csgo, i added him because he seemed like a cool guy. We got chatting, over the next couple of months we became good friends. Lots of banter, lots of great CS and most importantly true friendship.
He invited me to his house for a csgo lan party. I accepted the invite and he said that he was looking forward to meeting me in real life.
When I arrived to his house, he pushed me against the wall and started nibbling my ear, i felt his hard c*ck push against my leg. I punched him and then ran home. Turns out he was gay. Don't trust this guy.
r 2024년 1월 8일 오전 7시 57분 
CPR 2024년 1월 7일 오전 12시 19분 
i left this as a reminder of the "fun" stuff i once had in my nicknaem
r 2024년 1월 7일 오전 12시 15분 
CPR 2024년 1월 6일 오후 10시 56분 
mva_xsu 2023년 12월 16일 오후 4시 44분 
+rep cokoliv what the freaksing ?
mva_xsu 2023년 10월 25일 오후 7시 13분 
A girl.... AND a gamer? Whoa mama! Hummina hummina hummina bazooooooooing! *eyes pop out* AROOOOOOOOGA! *jaw drops tongue rolls out* WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF *tongue bursts out of the outh uncontrollably leaking face and everything in reach* WURBLWUBRLBWURblrwurblwurlbrwubrlwburlwbruwrlblwublr *tiny cupid shoots an arrow through heart* Ahhhhhhhhhhh me lady... *heart in the shape of a heart starts beating so hard you can see it through shirt* ba-bum ba-bum ba-bum ba-bum ba-bum *milk truck crashes into a bakery store in the background spiling white liquid and dough on the streets* BABY WANTS TO ♥♥♥♥ *inhales from the gas tank* honka honka honka honka *masturabtes furiously* ohhhh my gooooodd~
BabyMonkey 2023년 10월 23일 오후 12시 46분 
+rep he so good that he can make people not talk in the mic
Scrappy Coco 2023년 10월 23일 오후 12시 46분 
Despite adulesent babymonk in team we win becuse frindship!
mva_xsu 2023년 5월 28일 오후 6시 07분 
Hi baby girl hehe. Everything's okay, I promise. I forgive you. It's okay, don't worry about it. Everything's gonna be okay. I love you. I love you so much. I love you more than there are grains of sand, on every beach, of every planet, of every galaxy of the universe. I-I need you in my life. I need you more than humans need water, and food to survive. You mean more to me than - home depot means to Mr Ladrado. You mean more to me than just anything. You mean more to me than gold and diamonds, mean to the greediest burglar. And you're just the most perfect, most beautiful girl in all of the world, and I love you so much. I hope you enjoy watching this, baby girl kiss, hehe. See you at school tomorrow baby girl. I love you raises eyebrows, hehe. I do, it's true. I love you more than anything else in the world hehehe. Bye baby girl. Stay perfect. Just for me.
xyo 2022년 4월 20일 오후 6시 31분 
SUSRRY BUT I'M DELETING YOU FROM MY AMONGUS LOBBY! (clicks delete!) LOADING... ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓ 99%................................ EMERGENCY MEETING! It is impossible to delete our friendship.You mean so much to me. Post this to 1O CREWMATES walls who you never want to be an impostor. If you get 3 back, you're not a sussy baka.
azzy 2022년 2월 19일 오후 1시 09분 
kill yourself you stupid fᴜcking b𝐢tch i will break your fᴜcking hands @ twitch con and smash ur head against a concrete wall you fᴜcking tw𝐚t

kidding ^_^
NaturedPuppet84 2021년 10월 27일 오전 7시 31분 
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mva_xsu 2021년 10월 6일 오전 10시 44분 
This kid is a blatant hacker. I believe he is hacking for the following reasons:

1. His bullets do more damage than mine
2. I didn't know he was there and he shot me when I wasn't paying attention
3. He always seems to not die when I am shooting at him, I NEVER MISS because I am the greatest CS:GO player of all time
4. He knifed me once
5. I lost the match and he caused me to derank
6. I did better than him during warm-up, so he clearly toggled on mid-match
7. His USP-S killed me in 1 shot despite me unloading my Glock in his general direction

Together, as a community, we need to band together against this type of behavior. It isn't right for a person like this to be able to win a competitive game that I deserved to win. Rest assured, my dad works at Valve and will have his account banned

azzy 2021년 8월 9일 오후 5시 14분 
send me a friend request, I need to have sex with you
azzy 2021년 7월 22일 오후 4시 13분 
mva_xsu 2021년 7월 14일 오전 3시 59분 
At the end of Endgame, Thanos agrees to undo everything he's done if the Avengers can beat him in a penis measuring contest, but none of the avengers even came close. Even the Hulk is shorter than Thanos by a noticeable amount, and their girth isn't even comparable. That's when, at the last moment, Captain Marvel pulls down her pants and unleashes the phattest hawg the universe has ever seen. Shamed by her immense size, Thanos undoes all that he has done, and then commits Japanese ritual suicide. AKA seppuko, He is now buried in an unmarked grave in Area 51...
azzy 2021년 6월 20일 오전 3시 44분 
this man has proven that there are people in china
mva_xsu 2021년 5월 8일 오전 9시 15분 
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mva_xsu 2021년 4월 8일 오후 2시 39분 
My IQ is extremely, almost embarrassingly, high. I've never actually taken an IQ test, mind you, but my educated guess is that, if I did, my score would be whatever is the highest possible. No doubt your IQ is lower than mine, but please don't feel stupid or insecure about this, it's not your fault.
mva_xsu 2021년 2월 17일 오후 2시 40분 
+rep salam
mva_xsu 2021년 2월 12일 오후 4시 50분 
bud ticho !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! idiote t-§e at§)ae ¨-§est-§es
Fratti 2020년 11월 30일 오후 1시 50분 
Daleký brečení nový úsvit
Bůh války
Detroit: Stát se člověkem
V ticho
Smrti ztroskotání
Černé duše
Velká loupež auta 5
7 dní do umírání
Raketová Liga
Liga Legend
Výplatový den 2
Lara Kroft: Stín hrobojezdce
Vzestup hrobojezdce
Hranicové světy
Bytí šavle
Seriozní Samuel
Padající kluci
Člověk spadl placatě
Skákat král
Volání do služby: Černé jednotky studená válka
čarodějník o víně a krvi
čarodějník kamenné srdce
Polovina života: Alyx
Hluboko kámen vesmírný
Bušit párty
Volání do služby: Válečná zóna
Pochodeňsvětlo 2
Záhuba večná
Metro co ti k tomu mam napsat XD
Bojové pole: špatný podnik
Bojové pole: těžkálinie
Útěk z Tarkovu
Obyvatel špatný: BIozahardní
Jenom Škoda 2
Zabíjející podlaha 2
Asasín skupina: Originál
Asasín skupina: Odhaleno
Pro Čest
Čelit Úder: Globální Urážlivý
Fratti 2020년 11월 27일 오후 3시 47분 
kde mam svuj pilsner >:///
Hypn1c 2020년 11월 8일 오전 5시 06분 
I just noticed we have been friends here since 2017. good times.
76561198982924165 2020년 11월 4일 오전 2시 44분 
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76561198982924165 2020년 11월 3일 오전 6시 25분 
mva_xsu 2020년 10월 17일 오후 1시 20분 
hraje hry
Scout/Hare the Coywolf Mutt 2020년 9월 24일 오후 4시 43분 
Who the ♥♥♥♥ are you?
mordy 2020년 9월 11일 오전 9시 22분 
shut up
mva_xsu 2020년 9월 2일 오전 10시 27분 
+rep cocainer
azzy 2020년 8월 25일 오전 5시 52분 
im fùckijg homeless jessae
do you know whee I can fid a good spot to sleep my wife kicked me rout
azzy 2020년 8월 9일 오후 1시 34분 
pogchamp wtf czechHOW slovakia in real life?????????????
713UMBREE 2020년 8월 8일 오전 2시 20분 
mva_xsu 2020년 7월 27일 오전 7시 41분 
r 2020년 7월 25일 오전 4시 07분 
oh my ♥♥♥.king god please go away
SnowCale 2020년 7월 24일 오후 7시 43분 
r 2020년 7월 24일 오전 4시 28분 
who the ♥♥♥♥ are you now
The Graped 2020년 7월 24일 오전 1시 50분 
r 2020년 7월 22일 오전 6시 52분 
alan uplbě frajer
Cheesecake 2020년 7월 22일 오전 12시 44분 
Alannnnnn zajebl
mva_xsu 2020년 7월 21일 오전 8시 02분 
sss 2020년 7월 21일 오전 7시 51분 
lolol triggered
sss 2020년 7월 21일 오전 6시 55분 
sss 2020년 7월 21일 오전 6시 55분 
Scourmya 2020년 7월 18일 오전 2시 37분 