Anthony   New Mexico, United States

Yes, I like hit and wait games.:larian::Chrono_e::coolthulhu:
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Yes, I like hit and wait games.
1. Watch your back
2. Shoot Straight
3. Conserve Ammo
4. And never, EVER cut a deal with a dragon

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Judo chop!
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1,127 Hours played
More will be included in this review once the game is released, but I want to emphasize that this is an early access version. Think of it as a pre-order (yes, I admit, I'm a sucker) that grants you the bonus of playing the beta. Please keep that in mind. Considering this, I am delighted to say that as a fan of CRPGs (just look at my gaming history), I am thoroughly enjoying this game. As a DM, it definitely follows the 5e format, but some elements stray from strict adherence to 5e rules, resulting in occasional overpowered situations.

Early Edit: For Act I alone, I have already invested nearly 300 hours in this exceptionally well-constructed CRPG. I have temporarily paused playing until the full release. If you're wondering whether or not you should acquire this game, despite the whole OGL debacle, I wouldn't want to penalize Larian. The game is exceptionally well crafted and surpasses most of the lackluster content Wizard publishes in the tabletop realm. That's precisely why I switched back to Pathfinder after the OGL debacle. If you enjoyed Divinity or any other turn-based game, get your hands on this gem. It's absolutely fantastic, and turn-based gameplay far surpasses the tiresome action pause mechanic. That mechanic was dreadful. Turn-based is where true greatness lies.

First Full Release Playthrough:

Game is awesome, everything I was expecting and more. Act 3 needs some bug fixing, but I'm sure many have been fixed since I went through all of Act 3 before the latest patch. It's definitely a game for the ages and will be in gamer consciousnesses for decades to come like the original DND games of the golden age of CRPGs, such as Icewind Dale, Neverwinter Nights, and the original Baldur's Gate games. Been following Larian for decades and this right now is their magnum opus.

*I was also able to romance a Mindflayer...

I will be nominating the game for 6, 2023 game awards. It consumes me.
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This is probably one of my favorite games of all time, it has a lot of replayability. I could go into a more detailed review, but if you like top down turn based RPG's its one of the best, has flaws, but still a great game.

With mods it's getting close to perfect.

I have bought this game on GoG as well.

One of the best RPG's ever made, right their with old Bioware games, and the Witcher 3.

I am a huge fan of Larian, and truly looking forward to Baldurs Gate III.
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One mod to fix every community complaint about the world's greatest RPG, fully compatible with all of your favourite mods! REQUIRES NORBYTE'S SCRIPT EXTENDER TO RUN. Divinity Unleashed keeps the core DOS2 experience everybod
2,350 ratings
Created by - Kalavinka
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