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1 person found this review helpful
1.5 hrs on record
+ It works compared to other big FPS games of the year
+ It's actually a good game true to its franchise
+ Free to play

- Feels kinda old and slow despite the slide/grapple mechanics
Posted 29 November, 2021.
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3.5 hrs on record (3.4 hrs at review time)
It makes me feel very anxious and relaxed at the same time. It's somehow very chill and not-at-all-chill game which has tons of surprises and surprising mechanics ranging from fun & hilarious to absolutely devastating and unfair. Def. recommend for hardcore gamers but also for casuals who dont care if they're ever going to finish it. You can just have fun and enjoy all the randomness the game throws at you. Every run will be interesting, you can be sure of that.
Posted 30 November, 2020.
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24.2 hrs on record (21.1 hrs at review time)
Very enjoyable arpg despite the numerous little bugs here and there, haven't encountered any game breaking ones myself. It's a familiar feeling game if you've played Diablo 3/PoE before. Spun smoothly to the endgame with my barbarian and the spinning will get even more glorious once the devs iron out the flaws with weekly patches.

Who would win? Legions of demons or one spinny boi : )
Posted 24 February, 2020.
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39.4 hrs on record (20.2 hrs at review time)
Game by Spiders that isn't janky at all! Very intriguing yet familiar mix of past rpg's, something along the lines of Witcher 3 + Dragon Age. Of course it isn't fully polished AAA quality (for example the AI is really dumb - including enemies and your own party), but you can truly feel the passion that the creators have pumped into it. Really charming game. Well done devs!
Posted 27 November, 2019.
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1.9 hrs on record (1.2 hrs at review time)
Quake 2 @ 50fps, yikes!
Posted 4 July, 2019.
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7 people found this review helpful
6.7 hrs on record
Campaign was pretty nice, great scenario and audiovisual fidelity.

Multiplayer is sadly yet another laggy and desynced mess, but i guess it is to be expected from these amateur second rate developers. If you can stand the inconsistency in TTK caused by lag and constant weird deaths/killcams that dont reflect what you saw in the game at all, there are also other issues; spawns dont seem to make any sense in any mode causing retarded and chaotic gameplay and weapon balance favors full auto guns way too much.

The multiplayer is basically a great scenario held hostage by ♥♥♥♥♥♥ development. Seems only Treyarch can do functional and fun CoD multiplayer these days. Too damn bad that the WW2 setting didnt get made by them. I'll probably play this like 10ish hours more and uninstall forever like it was with SHG's previous bag of ♥♥♥♥.
Posted 18 November, 2017.
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41 people found this review helpful
68.9 hrs on record (66.4 hrs at review time)
You know the drill - war, war never changes. The ultimate edition is quite a package and after playing endings for the three major factions (ncr, house, yes man) out of four I feel really full of waging war. I gotta go back to experience the ultimate bad guy route as the Roman psycho sometime later after I have survived the hangover from having drunk hundreds of Sunset Sarsaparillas. Its a really good RPG with extremely well written dialogue and abundance of choices up to you. The vanilla game really has it all on its own, the DLCs are just a bonus - like spin-offs of the main world of Mojave Wasteland.

I dont really have anything bad to say about it, except for some annoying bugs like enemies getting stuck inside the terrain and the player occasionally falling through world etc. Gotta lock that FPS to 60 as well to avoid severe bugs with physics. You can even make the game look decent(ish) by todays standards by exploiting the offerings of nexusmods.com and ENB.

So the DLC;
-Loved Dead Money, great story building around the theme of Greed with intriguing gameplay elements; it deliberately makes you approach the game from different angle than you were accustomed in the base game.

-Honest hearts was a bit of a letdown, kinda uninspired area with basic gameplay and run of the mill storyline, it answers some minor questions and rumours heard in the base game though.

-Old World Blues was amazing, definitely the best dialogue offerings in the whole game and such a fun story with ludicrous weapons and gadgets to be obtained. I didnt want it to end =D

-I'm bit on the fence with Lonesome Road, it has its moments as a "final boss" of sorts and discovering the rest of the Courier's tale but it falls kinda short with its boring map design, endless +4 radstorms and fighting sections full of Deathclaws and Ghoul grunts with deathclaw-like health. It gets a bit old to get ambushed by an instakilling monster while crossing a minefield the hundreth time. And that freaking storm always comes out at such a ♥♥♥♥♥♥ time you will find yourself thinking if that crap is scripted or is your luck just running completely out.

Overall the ultimate edition is a very good game with not too many annoyances, well played Obsidian Entertainment!

Posted 9 March, 2017.
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3 people found this review helpful
80.0 hrs on record (78.0 hrs at review time)
Well, its definitely an upgrade from the ye olde vanilla version; the visuals are stunning and even more so with light modding. Put on some flora/fauna/lightning/weather mods and the SKSEless SkyUI and its perfect really, no need for total overhauling anymore with this version. I couldnt get it to crash even one time, the vanilla version (albeit heavily modded) resorted to crashing dozen or so times. Thanks the 64-bit executable I guess!

Ultimately its still the exact same game with same (almost) game breaking bugs and such. For example I had to use console to finish grinding Thieves Guild to its former glory; Karliah and Sapphire got stuck somewhere in the world and the "Under New Management" -stage wouldnt start without respawning them back to Guild grounds and restarting the stage manually. Some annoying "guards are pursuing you" bugs too appear, where you commit a crime in Solitude and they are apparently still pursuing you even if you ride your horse to the other side of the world. Luckily there are loads of info shared on the web how to fix stuff using the console so in the end its okay I guess...

Despite the shortcoming I had loads of fun, tried lots of different playstyles and enjoyed the grand adventure. Looking forward to TES VI for sure! Recommended :)
Posted 9 March, 2017.
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1 person found this review helpful
19.1 hrs on record
Played AC2 about 5 years ago and recently came about this one since I had heard the game is the best in the series. Oh boy, if this is the best I dont want to know anything about the rest of AC's. Only thing I really enjoyed were the naval battles in the first half of the game, and towards the end even those get really old and boring since there are not much depth to them after all. Gotta say the last story related naval fight was such a buttclench galore since I couldnt be arsed to GRIND the ridiculous amount of upgrades that were recommended for the showdown. That says something about the difficulty of the game as well, sweeped it through with almost default ship and default gear.

So the mechanics are exactly the same as in the older games except added pistols. The combat is a chore and as easy as ever, even when you're surrounded the enemies just wait to die one by one by your counter+attack combo. The story is dumb and childish with unbelievably monotonous recurring escort/follow/eavesdropping missions. The assassination scenarios seem to be almost carbon copies of each other as well. The "present day" scenes were annoying as before and the "hacking minigames" were just cringy as hell. The game is BLOATED with useless collectibles and boring challenges/side missions comprised of the same stuff as the story quest but of lower quality. The amount of boring useless crap is so high it makes other Ubisoft busywork-fests feel like deep, meaningful art.

To be honest they should've just kept the base they have for naval battling, pirating and taking over ships in hand to hand combat and work it further. If they would've scrapped every stale assassins creedy element in the game, deepen everything related to the sea, sailing and pirating and called it only "Black Flag", it would have probably been a much better game. Enjoyed ~4 hours of it, speedran the rest, not recommended.
Posted 21 January, 2017.
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7.6 hrs on record
Probably the best demo I've ever bought (from a sale). No but seriously, all the mechanics in the game are incredibly well polished making the gameplay - be it stealth or straight up shooting - very enjoyable and smooth experience. The story is some wacky ♥♥♥♥♥ and I dont recall/understand even half of the metal gear saga's lore, but im 100% sold to play the Phantom Pain at some point purely because of the gameplay qualities presented by this title. If you're fan of stealth, PLAY IT.
Posted 21 January, 2017.
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