Odznaka z Between Me and The Night
Part-time Hardcore Gamer
Poziom 3, 300 PD
Odblokowano: 19 czerwca 2017 o 20:17
The Arcade
1 z 12, seria 1
The Ghost
2 z 12, seria 1
The Girl
3 z 12, seria 1
The Archer
4 z 12, seria 1
The Shadow Knight
5 z 12, seria 1
6 z 12, seria 1
The Cat
7 z 12, seria 1
The Keykeeper
8 z 12, seria 1
I was a little boy
9 z 12, seria 1
I was a teenager
10 z 12, seria 1
I am
11 z 12, seria 1
The Knight
12 z 12, seria 1