Northern Mariana Islands
Legend AAA+

CzaR: kurwa mogles przynajmniej dac zebrac bron a nie odrazu napierdalasz jak wsciekly!
ChinLa: gl hf mit dein bann
staymaster: ofc hahahahahaha
staymaster: you just 1 shot me
staymaster: every time
FLEAV-dA-k1Ng : noname guy with scream aim
FLEAV-dA-k1Ng : legit
heurkaBANG =D! : nice cheat
VAMPY.C: demo ... hackboy
VAMPY.C: against reconnect you hitted hard
VAMPY.C: hacks start and reconnect ?
VAMPY.C: hahaha
MSQT: whimp + cheat = god
Sin conexión
!mdito Trading 450+ Knives 26 OCT 2017 a las 10:10 
you only cheated on faceit you dumb ♥♥♥♥
Grande 10 OCT 2017 a las 2:27 
Signed by Grande
!mdito Trading 450+ Knives 20 MAR 2017 a las 9:43 
dont worry I will check your profile every week
enpLEx-999 20 MAR 2017 a las 9:43 
you can cry and coem with trashtalk all day long, ive played this game for many years, and i could see the hack after 2-5 rounds in one demo... just stfu and beat it kid.
steez 20 MAR 2017 a las 9:43 
"because i rek everybody? and have low hours?" go ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ man :D go play mm maybe you can get some ranks in that ♥♥♥♥ LMAO
steez 20 MAR 2017 a las 7:23 
why u playing with hack man cmon LOL