76561199261136451 10/out./2023 às 6:46 
added for trade
CAT 🌌 9/out./2023 às 8:25 
Hello :)
Νúξ 19/mai./2020 às 18:46 
+hes not toxic:w_heart:
Dinaki 3/abr./2020 às 16:05 
ok, thx for the comment)
_/\_ 4/mar./2020 às 11:28 
why ba
COIN GIVEAWAY 8/fev./2020 às 7:35 
Dear winner!
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Многочлен 5/fev./2020 às 13:06 
MOGSKINS promobot 21/jan./2020 às 4:58 
Join MOGSKINS and take part at promoaction 2 years working there! Take your 100$-350$ in skins to our users with promocode(also without it too)! You can easily withdraw skins without deposit. Link to MOGSKINS at my profile!
✪ İEMAR 28/dez./2019 às 6:27 
Thank you my brother xd
✪Majestic🗲 21/nov./2019 às 12:57 
Love you
Schekel Schekel 1/nov./2019 às 10:10 
Warum sagst du sowas? das stimmt gar nicht!
◢◤Sabre ◢◤ ◢◤ 28/fev./2019 às 16:55 
oi add me, I have gta5