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1 VAC-udelukkelse registreret | Info
1790 dag(e) siden sidste udelukkelse.
성기훈 2. aug. 2020 kl. 21:24 
Hiya cutie-pie, how is your day coming along? ^-^ ~ 💕
성기훈 1. aug. 2020 kl. 17:29 
Hello my friend ^-^ I wish you a wonderful start into the new month! ❤️
ragna 3. maj 2020 kl. 0:05 
Selling Steam Account / $60 / view my profile for more info
lowerbodyyaw 27. apr. 2020 kl. 15:29 
Game Server Identificator: 90132097277831172
Using MatchID: 3392259146412720413 | Map: de_mirage | Score: 13:2
Victim has 4 kill(s) 15 death(s) and 11 Points.

Reporting SteamID: 76561199018053302
Starting Accounts [BOT #289]...

ZONERBOT​.​XY​Z - (1) Report with confirmation ID: 3392261609576464542 sent!
ZONERBOT​.​XY​Z - (2) Report with confirmation ID: 3392261611723948084 sent!
ZONERBOT​.​XY​Z - (3) Report with confirmation ID: 3392261611723948115 sent!
ZONERBOT​.​XY​Z - (4) Report with confirmation ID: 3392261611723948123 sent!
ZONERBOT​.​XY​Z - (5) Report with confirmation ID: 3392261611723948142 sent!
ZONERBOT​.​XY​Z - (6) Report with confirmation ID: 3392261611723948152 sent!

30 Reports for this 𝚏aggot.
Thanks for using zoneR 's service 💎
lowerbodyyaw 27. apr. 2020 kl. 15:04 

      🌟 Banned by ZONERBOT​.XY​Z 🌟
      The ONLY ONE working Report.Bot!


        Ban date: 2020-04-27 16:04:30

jessy 6. mar. 2020 kl. 22:48 
I added you for no reason I just want high level friends on my friend list. Sometimes I wake up at night and go look at my steam profile if someone has removed me or accepted my request. I get really sad and consider suicide when I see my steam friends go from 9 to 8 at 4 am. I love you and I want to see your awesome profile picture on my friend list. Please accept we could talk sometimes and play some games together. I am rich and I could buy plane tickets so we could meet each other. I hope you add me I am very lonely. :nekoheart: