Играно вр. за 14 дни:

Преглед на глобалните статистики за постижения
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11 of 31 (35%) Достигнати постижения::

Лични постижения

Speed Runner

Get an S Rank
Откл. на 13 ян. в 18:24

Crystalline Canopy

Collect every leaf in the Amethyst Ascent
Откл. на 13 ян. в 18:34

Swept Leaves

Collect every leaf in the Gusty Glades
Откл. на 13 ян. в 18:43


Restore the Amethyst Ascent
Откл. на 13 ян. в 18:25


Restore the Gusty Glades
Откл. на 13 ян. в 18:35


Restore the Tombstone Tower
Откл. на 13 ян. в 18:44


Restore the Neon Nexus
Откл. на 13 ян. в 18:54

Worlds within Worlds

Restore life to the entire forest
Откл. на 13 ян. в 19:02

Fast Learner

Obtain 5 B ranks
Откл. на 13 ян. в 18:34

Strawberry Mountain

Collect every berry in the Amethyst Ascent
Откл. на 13 ян. в 18:34

Leaves of Change

Collect a Golden Leaf
Откл. на 13 ян. в 18:19

Bragging Rights

Obtain every S Rank
1 / 26

Phantom Petals

Collect every leaf in the Tombstone Tower
24 / 27

Digital Foliage

Collect every leaf in the Neon Nexus
12 / 15

Gold Star!

Obtain 10 A Ranks
1 / 10

You got 20 A Ranks! Great Job!

Obtain 20 A Ranks
1 / 20

Too Fast!

Obtain 10 S Ranks
1 / 10

Mountain Runner

Beat all "Amethyst Ascent" levels in under 1:00

Run like the Wind

Beat all "Gusty Glades" levels in under 1:10

Speed Demon

Beat all "Tombstone Tower" levels in under 2:20

Fast Connection

Beat all "Neon Nexus" levels in under 1:30

Quick Victory!

Restore the forest in under 10:00


Bounce on a Jelly 10 times

Immortal Legend

Restore the forest without dying

Wind Currant

Collect every berry in the Gusty Glades
2 / 6

Berry Scary

Collect every berry in the Tombstone Tower
7 / 9

Raspberry Pie

Collect every berry in the Neon Nexus
3 / 5

Fast Picking

Collect every berry in under 10:00

Out of Order

Finish a daily challenge

The Full Story

Have meaningful conversations with Owl Sensei
6 / 9

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