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3 people found this review helpful
54.0 hrs on record
Early Access Review
Honestly, I was okay with it for awhile and it's worth playing given the price. But it leaves a sour taste in my mouth, just like Diablo 4. You can spend a dozen or two hours and not get a single item that's an upgrade for any of your gear and struggle as the monsters get moves that leave you stunned and instantly killed. I hit level 80 and was able to do tier 12's and the game still drops level 8-60 items most of the time and nothing decent for me. It's such a waste of time.

So it has me convinced it's really not for me endgame wise. Just like Diablo 4, the endgame isn't rewarding enough to proceed for long unless you've got like... No life or something.

Overall, not really recommending it because it leaves a bad taste in my mouth and I'm done for now. Looking forward to Monster Hunter wilds next month! At least I won't be praying to their awful RNG for anywhere near as long and I'll actually have fun while I'm at it.
Posted 24 January. Last edited 24 January.
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3.9 hrs on record
I can't do soulslike games like this anymore. Jedi Survivor isn't this level of frustration but the bosses are way too hard, perfect dodges get me killed, attacks aren't well telegraphed and I get stuck at every single boss fight even within the first hour of play. With how positive the reviews are on steam I'm convinced one of the following is going on: The games reviews are being boosted, everyone playing it is a masochist, or I'm just incapable of figuring out how to play. To each their own, but I'm still going to ask about a refund since I only played it a few hours and almost all of the gameplay was just me stuck dying to the same thing over and over ad-perpetuity. When a good fraction of your time is spent in loading screens because it's too hard and there's no difficulty setting?

Well... Here's hoping steam understands that if you give me back the time spent at loading screens or the same spot forced to run back to the boss that keeps sending me to those loading screens I'd be back down to < 2 hours from almost 4.

When you're funneled down a hallway and there's nowhere else to go and that hallway has a boss that mops the floor with you... It's kinda nice in other games to have the opportunity to go somewhere else and get stronger until it's easier. This game, seemingly, does not have that. And I'm not about to run in circles for another hour (which I literally did in my short amount of time) looking for where I'm supposed to even go.

The game is really pretty though like, seriously. And I love some of the Yaoguai designs.

Brief update: 100% convinced this game was boosted by CCP and didn't deserve any of the steam awards it got. Considering where the votes came from and given the economic incentives it's no wonder I got fished into a rather bad (But pretty) game. I'm absolutely shocked it won any story awards at all for its lack of one as well. By now, most people already know the jist of Journey to the West these days. But as far as story telling goes the game doesn't really tell much. Steam really needs to realize when they're being spammed by people with incentives or it's just one country that otherwise isn't even known for doing more than shunning video games in general stacking the vote. lol
Posted 30 August, 2024. Last edited 31 January.
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67.8 hrs on record (44.8 hrs at review time)
It's fun, worth playing around with but there's at least one gaping flaw: The grind is too extreme and the "gacha" mechanics are absolutely awful things that shouldn't be in any respectable game.

The fact they put in so many time based gate keeping mechanics burned me out not long after I hit level 50 and even made it so I wasn't all that interested in finishing too much of the main storyline. Many of the quests are fetch this fetch that and take too much time to travel between. There's limitations on how many caps you can earn a day along with other items and it's obviously just there to pad out a sub that I'm probably gonna cancel this month.

Absolutely worth it for the time I spent, but after unlocking my second legendary perk card I'm feeling absolutely burnt out. Especially with the RNG. Honestly gets me a bit bummed out to know I have to play gacha games for everything here. Nah, this game is one I'll get bored of inside a single month. Not one to offer to pay a sub for.
Posted 5 May, 2024. Last edited 25 May, 2024.
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18.1 hrs on record
Early Access Review
This isn't a hard no, but the game takes far too long to progress and the map that's generated is often pretty lifeless and boring. There really needs to be more interesting content for me to really recommend the game, albeit it did keep me mildly entertained.

Basically, the procedural generation is resulting in maps that are stale and boring. There's not enough interesting stuff to run into. You can play on for hours and find almost nothing of interest because it's just the same generic biomes over and over again with the same five or six mobs per biome that usually aren't even there. It's really hard to find things, like looking for needles in haystacks and it just... Takes forever.

If the gameplay could be made a little more fast paced and there was more variety I'd be all over it though. Waiting 20 minutes for a teleporter to start up is just a nightmare and the game shouldn't reward me more for afking after setting down a bunch of drills than actively playing. (I learned how to hack the JSON save files just because I couldn't stand how long this was taking and even then it didn't really become what I'd call "fun" so... Yeah. Since like, everywhere I went there was nothing to do.)
Posted 17 March, 2024. Last edited 17 March, 2024.
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A developer has responded on 28 Aug, 2024 @ 4:08am (view response)
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33.5 hrs on record (13.3 hrs at review time)
It's one of the best games in the year it came out, lots of fun despite being a bit grindy but once you get the fast travel pack (The golden unlimited use one) you start wasting less time running around to be sure.

The story is really good, and it's a lot of fun going through the game trying to figure out what's going on. If you haven't had it spoiled yet: Don't let anyone spoil it for you. It's really a good story and I didn't see it coming the first play through. That's the *best* way to play this game.

(Of course, it made me cry and gave me mild PTSD so there's that too.)
Posted 9 January, 2024. Last edited 9 January, 2024.
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155.5 hrs on record (87.9 hrs at review time)
I recommend it, though I get fed up with being stuck in traffic and how long it can take to travel around sometimes! Plus the cutscenes at least in the original storyline take forever and I wish I could skip them. Sorry, I don't really care to watch a rockers girlfriend pour booze on her tits for five minutes. I want to play the game!

Those complaints aside it's fun and there's lots of content.

Update: I have to say my number one complaint other than the cutscenes being too darn long is that there are absolutely no endings I'd ever be happy with in the game.
Posted 26 September, 2023. Last edited 4 October, 2023.
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1 person found this review helpful
73.0 hrs on record (63.5 hrs at review time)
It's a pretty good game, the only thing I'd say I don't like about it is that leveling up past 30 is slow as hell and a lot of the various busy-work things the game has you do gets a bit redundant. I bought it awhile ago because everyone was raving about it and honestly it's one of the best games I've played that came out in 2023 and I don't regret it. It gets old, though and there isn't a lot of replayability.

(For the folks who might hate on me for playing it just because JK gets some money? She's got all the money she could possibly need and I donated $20 to the transgender legal center. I think I did more than my fair share to show I care about trans rights. If you want to support them, boycotting a game does nothing. Ostracizing people for playing a video game that reconnects them with their childhood only makes things worse.)
Posted 19 March, 2023.
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351.1 hrs on record (18.8 hrs at review time)
So previous review still stands to an extent, especially for any servers with actual PvP which I can only imagine is absolutely heinous. However once I tamed an Argentavis and started getting loot on a server where things were made a bit easier things got more fun later on. It's addicting, possibly too addicting and other than the fact I've wasted hours looking for an otter that never showed up on the lost island it's been relatively fun so far once I stopped being annihilated by even the weakest creatures and started taming things.

Buggy and full of obnoxious gotchas, the game is fun if you're willing to suffer absolute NONSENSE losses all the time. I had a character leveled up and when the server went offline for a reset, all my stats went down more than 30% and I was missing half my stuff I got today. Yet my characters level was the same. So excuse me what?

They put buttons in the middle of places that say upload character and then it DELETES ALL THE STUFF YOU CARRY WITH NO WARNING. Like what does upload to server mean? Is there no user friendliness involved here? They don't seem to maintain anything properly or test the game for bugs before they release updates. If you want to play a game where it's like Valheim with dinosaurs and other monsters and combat where half the time your arrows do nothing at all before you lose everything because of a server glitch or something then... Well, have fun!

But really, everything I do on this game I feel like their buggy software is programmed to take away and that's not okay. It's not even a game I'm fighting with, it's the bad software. To think I had issues with the software I design from time to time -- This takes the cake. I would never have greenlit merges to the code that made the server shutdown sequence eliminate progress players have made and forget custom settings. Oh, you have a setting that lets people get extra points per level here? Why not go and just delete that when it resets even though the server is set that way. Great idea right? Let everyone log back in with 30% lower stats because you never test rebooting a server with custom settings. Obnoxious. It's not even close to a "get good" situation which some of the "I died to a monster" situations are. (Even though a lot of the time the combat feels clunkier than a first generation Elder Scrolls game.)

If you know how to avoid all these bugs, I bet you can have fun now and then. But it's really, really, super obnoxious to new players.
Posted 8 May, 2022. Last edited 26 May, 2022.
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149.2 hrs on record
I was tempted to start playing a bit again since it had a mobile version and some of the deals on steam for a quick membership pack etc were tempting. Long story short, it was addicting because of the grind and spiders but that's literally all it is and there isn't much that I find rewarding out of it. Other players are terrible, the trolling of people trying to level runecrafting was a last straw. I literally wanted to bludgeon myself rather than continue listening to people in the chat which is why I presume they have the mute options. It takes AEONS to get to any fun real content that's worthwhile since everything is for high level players. They also charge more for their membership than many high quality games and I'm moving on to Guild Wars 2 and Endwalker. Smell ya later Runescape.
Posted 18 October, 2021.
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163.6 hrs on record (59.0 hrs at review time)
The game's a lesson in how to make an unplayable game due to PvP, especially if you ever just feel like doing your own thing or play solo. Even if you don't, the sloops don't stand a chance against any larger ships if they're not noobs. So basically you either get a chill server where people aren't trying to murder you on sight and have some respect for you or you don't. And 9/10 times you don't. PvP is broken if you're solo because there's literally no way to avoid being sunk instantly and people know it if they can get your mast down and catch you off guard. It's basically GG, and no game where you lose hours of work is worth that frustration. The game throws no-win scenarios at you like spawning skeleton galleons on a solo slooper at the same time as a sloop, anchor balling you and knocking you off before you know what hit you.

Volcanoes have auto-aim and did I mention that players literally just troll the seas half the time? I have to play so cowardly it's ridiculous just to try and get by and I pretty much refuse to PvP since I hate it so much.

Played a bunch more just recently and I stand by my last review and I think I'm done playing. It's not possible to have an enjoyable time playing this game with other people out there trying to murder you. You literally never stand a chance and there's entirely too many of them. This game isn't for me, I enjoy the idea of hoarding loot and getting gold but that's really all there is to it. The cosmetics are a decent touch but you don't really get to enjoy them that much and the only times I've ever had fun playing were when I was either completely alone on a server or just happened to have a peaceful run. PvP? Not even remotely interested in your broken mechanics.
Posted 4 July, 2021. Last edited 9 August, 2021.
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