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5.8 hrs on record (5.3 hrs at review time)
I met these devs at PAX Prime 2012 and casually enjoyed it on a Rock Band guitar, coming away figuring I'd buy it to support them. I did, and now here we are years later and Retro/Grade has emerged as a personal favorite I come back to for a half hour at a time, a couple days a week. Given the size and breadth of my library and the Steam store itself, that's quite a feat.

I was a huge fan of Frequency and Amplitude in the PS2 days, though it took until Rock Band 2 to get me into the plastic instruments fad. I enjoy the rhythm genre immensely from both casual and challenging standpoints; if you do too, Retro/Grade is a surefire buy. The control scheme takes some getting used to, but the game is clearly a labor of love by a developer that had a great idea and polished the hell out of it. Great music, unique mechanics and a clever storyline. The levels are sadly few (what I would give for this to be a Steam Workshop game!), but that just gives you an excuse to hone your craft on the increasing complexity of the available runs.

I can't even remember how much I paid for this (probably launch price), but whatever it was, it was well worth it.
Posted 8 January, 2015.
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