You should strive not to be the one who is chosen, but the one who chooses.
gdf! 26 mrt om 18:18 
i check now the last train, in the first half your individual score is so negative and we win so easy the game, the last half u put the crosshair to the heads behind the wall in the demo, and prefire y random sites with no info. U are lvl 10 faceit with a very bad stats, and in the demo u can check angles nice, your preaims are so bad, but u prefire it, or puto the crossair in the body and give running one taps... So hard play vs buy acc
del1nN-_- 7 mrt om 17:31 
02Хиро 18 dec 2024 om 15:35 
3100 elo cyk
💜Dozahn 31 okt 2024 om 12:21 
good reflexes
trapstar enjoyer 2 jun 2024 om 5:30 
снизу срет 15 авг 0.8 кд, а сверху (я) папа 13 авг
forsit 29 mei 2024 om 7:30 
бездарный сын бездарного говна