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Found Him

Beat the game once on any mode

Early Adopter

Beat the Sir Fallen demo or beat L-2 Demo Days

Bump, Set, NO!

Make it to the top without hitting a spike.

Grand Old Flag

Activate 34 different flags in a single run.

3,600,000 Milliseconds

Finish a run in 1 hour or less.


Jump 1000 times

High Jumper

Jump 25,000 times

Bionic Legs

Jump 100,000 times

Ouch! Who put that there?

Land on spikes 100 times

Holy Feet

Land on spikes 500 times

Swiss Cheese

Land on spikes 5000 times


Land on a slope 100 times

Slip and Slide

Land on a slope 500 times

Sir, I've fallen

Land on a slope 5000 times

Runner's Club

Walk a mile


Walk a half marathon

Marathon Runner

52,427 steps taken

Half Hour Special

Finish a run in 30 minutes or less.

The Flash

Finish a run in 15 minutes or less.

Know where your towel is

Find your mislaid towel.

Where'd all my eggs go?

Find your basket.

Thorny Reputation

Find the white rose.

Super Speed

Finish Shadows of the Phoenixheart in less than 15 minutes

Sir Fallen the Anime

Beat Shadows of the Phoenixheart in the time it takes to watch an anime episode

Arcade 1

Found the first arcade!

Arcade 2

Second level found!

Arcade 3

You are quiet the collector!

Arcade 4

Icy tundra time!

Arcade 5

The final boss

Recover the Phoenixheart

Beat Shadows of the Phoenixheart

Gold Bell

Ring the golden bell

Silver Bells!

Its not even christmas

Hidden Bronze

Ring throughout the universe

I'm Boiling!

Enter the lava castle for the first time

Covered in sand

Found the backdoor to the sand castle


Why is this here?

Lower Door Unlocked

Permanently unlocked the lower door

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