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Останні рецензії користувача kilozombie

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1 людина вважає цю рецензію корисною
0.7 год. загалом
The robbers actually have two arms.

Also the game is barely-playable schlock garbage with a laughable in-game store. Free doesn't mean it gets to have such worthless bland content. I'm a hater!!
Додано 27 березня.
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3.6 год. загалом
Рецензія на гру з дочасним доступом
Fantastic atmosphere and the rough vestige of a freeform, replayable immersive sim that takes the control scheme and pace from Thief while doing its own thing with the nitty-gritty of the combat. I liked it, but I didn't realize I was only signing up for about 3 hours of content. Obviously it's Early Access, but I was very disappointed with how little is done in those three hours. Definitely worth your time, but probably not worth your money, given that many of its selling points aren't in the game yet. There are only three levels, and two of them are extremely linear-- only one acts as an actual 'immersive sim' with open-ended gameplay, and it's the tutorial level.
Додано 8 вересня 2022 р.. Востаннє відредаговано 11 вересня 2022 р..
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10.9 год. загалом
An unbelievable game whose moment-to-moment fun reaches the pinnacle of what a rhythm game can be. Even excluding the story, which is fun, unique, janky, and compelling at the right times, Everhood *knows* what is so exciting about music. Every dramatic turn, every instrument, every beat is used to creatively inform level design. Of course, the visual phantasmagoria of the game is just as important as the note placement; on the outside it's all a little *extra*, but that's because the game itself is an .mp3 visualizer, directly wired into incredibly tight movement-based combat that expects you to be overwhelmed, confused, and enthralled all at once. It transforms your brain into a beat machine. It turns difficult decisions of where to go and when to jump into complete instinct.

There is some legitimate difficulty here, but it really does want you to finish the game. Everhood just plans on putting you through the wringer first. I think that the only times the difficulty faltered for me was when I started to have to memorize a pattern or two... nearly at the end of the entire game. I think that's a good track record for how much enjoyment you'd get out of first-trying fights. Even the hardest battle I fought in the game had me so excited that I went back for more.

The story is worth your time. It has flaws, but where it does its own thing, I think it succeeds greatly. The main problem is with pacing- you'll know what I mean if you play through the last chunk of the game- but it really doesn't bog down the thing much in retrospect. I'd give it a go for the phenomenal rhythm gameplay alone, the best I've ever played, if you really have no interest in the story. Otherwise, enjoy!
Додано 9 серпня 2022 р..
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160.9 год. загалом (55.8 год на момент рецензування)
A physics-based calamity that manages to succeed in every facet that other mainstream Battle Royale games completely fail at. 'Diamond in the rough' doesn't quite cut it: this game is rougher than a nun's anus, but the diamond underneath (this metaphor is beginning to fail) is really, really something.

This isn't flavor of the month; this is joke of the future. If it's flash in the pan, be here for the flash. If you're tired of Battle Royale, this will provide something new. If you've never tried Battle Royale, there's no game as entertaining and ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ and legitimately _fun_, at its core.
Додано 10 червня 2018 р..
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Людей вважають цю рецензію корисною: 3
Людей вважають цю рецензію кумедною: 2
252.1 год. загалом (33.3 год на момент рецензування)
DEADBOLT astounded me, even though I'm an avid fan of Risk of Rain, the developer's other game, and know that they can put out something truly incredible. The atmosphere is flawless, setting its own universe into stone using snippets and pieces of imagery, and the art design is just grim enough to set the mood without taking itself overly seriously. The gameplay is somewhere in-between Hotline Miami and Gunpoint, as many others have said, but I can see obvious influences from Risk of Rain. Every hit feels satisfying. Every win feels earned and yet barely earned. Every loss is crushing. It's clear that, after only two games, this team has got its style down, and the game design is so well-crafted that it never left me wondering, "Why did they put that there?"

The story had me hooked all the way through, and although I yearn for a bit more of it, what's there already wraps up extremely well. I didn't want to kill the final boss, but he certainly wanted to kill me. I'm reminded of Providence, the Bulwark of the Weak. Hopoo certainly knows how to make a player feel conflicted...

All of this is wrapped together like an undead Christmas present with Chris Christodoulou's incredible soundtrack. He blew me away with Risk of Rain and he's done it again. I'll be listening to these tracks for a long, long time coming. Too tired right now to state just how ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ awesome this OST is- just finished the game!- but all I can say is, listening to this is most of what kept me from alt+tabbing away from the game for 5 hours straight.

Last thing: it's pretty hard. Good luck!
Додано 20 березня 2016 р.. Востаннє відредаговано 20 березня 2016 р..
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Людей вважають цю рецензію корисною: 2
622.0 год. загалом (296.6 год на момент рецензування)
For the first 10 hours, Duck Game is a fun and ridiculous game full of crazy events and strange, clunky controls that somehow only lend to the madness further.

For the next 100 hours, Duck Game is a ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ ♥♥♥♥♥♥ ♥♥♥♥ ♥♥♥♥ full of tryhards that are worse than you who beat you because they're ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ cheaters and using lag to their advantage, winning 10-6 and beating YOU, even though YOU'RE the HOST and THEY SHOULDN'T WIN.

I have played for 300 hours, and Duck Game is now a fever dream. I cannot comprehend how large the skill ceiling for this meme game is, but now I have come to absolute zen. I have no rage, and I must quack.
Додано 17 грудня 2015 р..
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Ніхто ще не оцінив цю рецензію як корисну
77.8 год. загалом (29.8 год на момент рецензування)
It lets me bhop like Phoon so I love it.

Also, a lot of reviewers are missing the point of slow leveling- if leveling was fast, the level gap wouldn't be 1 vs 20, it'd be 1 vs 40 or whatever. The levels aren't TOO rewarding (aside from OP as ♥♥♥♥ cloak) but enjoyable to get, so a level 1 can beat a level 20 with some effort, and 10v20 is actually entertaining.
Додано 26 червня 2015 р..
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Людей вважають цю рецензію корисною: 73
5.9 год. загалом
Рецензія на гру з дочасним доступом
After a particularly long 4-hour session (of multiple deaths) and many other playthroughs, I'm going to give a review of this game, and it's pretty harsh.

Neo Scavenger is a game that has possiblity emanating from its mechanics. The writing is beautiful and manages to capture most any scenario that you're put into. Generally, it prides itself on being a survival, inventory-managing (think Deus Ex) roguelike that is incredibly unforgiving. Maybe a little too unforgiving.

Generally, when I lose a roguelike or a game in general, it'd be nice to have some idea of what I was doing /wrong/. I don't have that sense while playing Neo Scavenger. Most every playthrough, I think I am playing at the top of my game, as best as possible. Enemies can randomly hit you in the head with their fist and instantly kill you, even if you're geared up to the max. Unless you get ridiculously lucky, the cold of the environment WILL kill you. Eating the wrong things WILL kill you. If you got unlucky and didn't find a town, the cold or wolves or zombies or bandits WILL kill you.

It has stopped being fun to play. The UI is there. The mechanics are all there. The combat is thrilling. The art is there, the writing is there, and dammit I want this game to be so much more than it actually is. If you really want a hyper-realistic survival game, especially one as complicated as this one, then I can recommend it wholeheartedly. But if you're looking for an enjoyable, frantic gaming experience (as so many other survival games hope to achieve), Neo Scavenger unfortunately is far, far too luck-based to give any sense of accomplishment.

In addition, over the 5 months I stopped playing, the "skill ceiling" or "endgame" has gotten no higher or larger as far as I can tell. A legendary melee weapon (the crowbar) is handed out basically for free, the warmest clothing can be found in nearly every building, and one corpse's food can sustain you forever, as can the numerous woods, rivers etc. If you don't start out with certain skills (botany comes to mind) then you'll be stuck relying on finding towns to survive. and you CAN'T get new skills aside from the implants that I've never seen.

Overall, I think that with a bit of patching Neo Scavenger could be a great, renowned game. It's not that it needs polish; it needs content, and it needs a difficulty that scales directly with how skilled you are, and skill should /matter/ more than it does.
Додано 29 квітня 2014 р..
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Показані результати 1–8 із 8