Pudzian Mariusz
Abdulrahman Alsayah   Netherlands
China has chicken to eat and pet, good Farmlands with horses and ponies, a kitchen, tv, water canal and hydroelectricity, Fishes and Fountains, cafe and montage, a good drainage system and heating ofc with a well for water just in reach. Never mind the library with an unbelievable collection of books and artwork and in the end coffins for the dead. :steamthumbsup:


1944 - present (2037)
Director of Engineering in Silk Road Economic Belt and 21st-Century Maritime Silk Road Development Strategy project (丝绸之路经济带和21世纪海上丝绸之路发展战略):

China-Pakistan Economic Corridor project 中国-巴基斯坦经济走廊 پاكستان-چین اقتصادی راہداری‎
- Khuzdar-Basima Road N-30
- KKH Phase II (Thakot -Havelian Section)
- KKH Thakot-Raikot N35 remaining portion
- Expansion and reconstruction of existing Line ML-1



I'm basically the Kobe of thinkers. I don't typically think in teams cos I can't stand the logic failure from others when I see it comes from not pushing themselves to do what is necessary and think the hardest. If you think with me you are gonna do great things or one of us is gonna be thinking elsewhere. I remember Kobe put it that the team-mates he won championships with are the ones he was close with still years later. The ones who said he was a bad team-mate didn't win ♥♥♥♥ with him. I'll always choose being the bad guy that demands you do your part over the good guy letting you get away with your ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ and bringing us both down
All the ♥♥♥♥♥♥ brain users use a low logic that is inferred from social zeitgeist, as oppossed to axioms, to "falsify" people notions, like bullet on the back of the head, or they are equally worthless and use the telescope utilitarian argument, and one click people in the body like AWP in csgo, skilless gun, just as they are skilless in their day to day life, and just as they will be lifeless, eventually, once the god reclaims their soul, and in the end they find themselves in final coffin.

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I. By that which is self—caused, I mean that of which the essence involves existence, or that of which the nature is only conceivable as existent.

II. A thing is called finite after its kind, when it can be limited by another thing of the same nature; for instance, a body is called finite because we always conceive another greater body. So, also, a thought is limited by another thought, but a body is not limited by thought, nor a thought by body.

III. By substance, I mean that which is in itself, and is conceived through itself: in other words, that of which a conception can be formed independently of any other conception.

IV. By attribute, I mean that which the intellect perceives as constituting the essence of substance.

V. By mode, I mean the modifications[1] of substance, or that which exists in, and is conceived through, something other than itself.

VI. By God, I mean a being absolutely infinite—that is, a substance consisting in infinite attributes, of which each expresses eternal and infinite essentiality.

Explanation—I say absolutely infinite, not infinite after its kind: for, of a thing infinite only after its kind, infinite attributes may be denied; but that which is absolutely infinite, contains in its essence whatever expresses reality, and involves no negation.

VII. That thing is called free, which exists solely by the necessity of its own nature, and of which the action is determined by itself alone. On the other hand, that thing is necessary, or rather constrained, which is determined by something external to itself to a fixed and definite method of existence or action.

VIII. By eternity, I mean existence itself, in so far as it is conceived necessarily to follow solely from the definition of that which is eternal.

Explanation—Existence of this kind is conceived as an eternal truth, like the essence of a thing, and, therefore, cannot be explained by means of continuance or time, though continuance may be conceived without a beginning or end.

I. Everything which exists, exists either in itself or in something else.

II. That which cannot be conceived through anything else must be conceived through itself.

III. From a given definite cause an effect necessarily follows; and, on the other hand, if no definite cause be granted, it is impossible that an effect can follow.

IV. The knowledge of an effect depends on and involves the knowledge of a cause.

V. Things which have nothing in common cannot be understood, the one by means of the other; the conception of one does not involve the conception of the other.

VI. A true idea must correspond with its ideate or object.

VII. If a thing can be conceived as non—existing, its essence does not involve existence.
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180 hrs on record
last played on 14 Jan
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76561199446814678 15 Jan @ 11:25am 
+rep ready for some serious teamwork
76561199566287317 26 Dec, 2024 @ 3:37pm 
dodaj do znaj prosze, mam pytanie
nwm dlaczego nie moge dodac z maina
ANGRA MAINYU 16 Oct, 2024 @ 9:24am 
pierdolenie b low
tsu` 15 Oct, 2024 @ 1:31pm 
WARNING! Carry on reading! Or you will die, even if you only looked at the word warning! Once there was a little boy called Joey, he was ten-years-old and he lived in a mental hospital because he posted a ♥♥♥♥♥♥ copypasta onto a People Playground mod's comment section . He got so bad he went to kill all the staff in the hospital so the Feds decided that best idea was to get rid of him so they set up a special room to kill him, as inhumane as possible. And he sat there in agony for hours until he died. Now every week on the day of his death he returns to the person that reads this letter, on a monday night at 12:00 a.m. He creeps into your room and kills you slowly, by pegging you and watching you bleed to death. Now send this to ten other profiles on this one site, and he will haunt someone else who doesn't. This isn't fake. apparently if u copy and paste this to ten comments in the next ten minutes nothing will happen: sorry man i am not taking the risk
Nuari 22 Aug, 2024 @ 12:32pm 
plays with professionalism
Kazigore 22 Aug, 2024 @ 10:50am 
nice player