United States
"How is prostitution illegal but alimony isn't? They're basically the same thing; you're paying the ♥♥♥♥♥ to leave."

- Martin Luther King Jr.
Maum 11/dez./2020 às 15:18 
can you add me?
Lucas 21/jul./2020 às 17:06 
-rep married me and left me alone with the kids
Jeanne 28/abr./2020 às 18:09 
-rep hacked my dark souls and gave me 9999 toasts
Jeanne 28/abr./2020 às 17:37 
Fenrear 21/out./2018 às 1:10 
more like people dont like cheating ♥♥♥♥♥ like you
prov 8/jun./2018 às 19:29 
People can't lose with grace these days