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投稿日: 2015年7月13日 6時12分
更新日: 2016年11月25日 15時33分

NOTE: I have been playing this game for some years now. And am judging based off my own opinion and experiences.

As said above, I have been playing since nearly the start of this game, with little to no complaints. Though Neverwinter is now long past any similarity to what it used to be, it can still be an enjoyable game with lots of story and lore. Though the community takes a little to get used to, and work with.
For the content they have added and thus also taken away, I would say that I could not agree with a lot of their actions on this as it has taken away a lot of the casual play and enjoyment away from what the game once had. Though it is free to play, it does have heavy pay to play elements to it as well, which is highly evident in PvP. The new class changeups have also played against what used to be an accepted balanced system. The new mod to be released will add in Strongholds for individual guilds to take and/or fight over in PvP battles. This will indeed give a new reason to be a part of a good and trusted guild, which many can be found here.
I will say that if you have friends or plan to make some Neverwinter can be a good place for that. Personally, I have made many online friends here who I still know a couple of years down the road. I give Neverwinter, my old home away from home, a thumbs up as it is a good game to play for free to play.
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