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2,419.8 hrs on record (2,354.1 hrs at review time)
For a game that is about history, you sure can do some wacky things in the name of digital autocrats. It's a deep, confusing, silly strategy game. It's an excel spreadsheet with a GUI. If you like wasting an entire day to reform long dead empires, you'll love this game. I know I do.
Posted 19 February.
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9 people found this review helpful
4.9 hrs on record (3.3 hrs at review time)
Sunset Riders-a-like with its roots firmly planted in 1970's explotation/ crime thrillers. Tons of references for us old heads but enough fun that younger folks will enjoy the gameplay.
Posted 12 October, 2024.
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68.3 hrs on record (12.7 hrs at review time)
It's Halo.
Posted 1 May, 2024.
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4 people found this review helpful
3.2 hrs on record
Bugged out and locked me out of a vital quest item. Overall, not a great PC port.
Posted 7 February, 2024.
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10 people found this review helpful
10.9 hrs on record (10.1 hrs at review time)
Janky controls, dated models, and gun play that is as un-intuitive as it is unique... But holy hell is it fun. The community is small but dedicated. They're consistently on and (mostly) welcoming. You get use to the shooting and will be downing bandidos in no time. Just remember to be patient and deliberate with your movement. All of this for the low, low price of free. Excellent little game. Highly recommended.
Posted 18 January, 2024.
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9.2 hrs on record (5.6 hrs at review time)
Fun little boomer shooter with light RPG mechanics. The levels are short, the weapons are plentiful, and the controls are smooth. My only issue is their dynamite throwing mechanics but no one does it better than Blood.
Posted 4 January, 2024.
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26.4 hrs on record (5.6 hrs at review time)
Fun little arena shooter. If it's on sale, pick it up. Not a ton of content but smooth gameplay.
Posted 22 August, 2023.
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12.1 hrs on record (8.3 hrs at review time)
If you like 40k, you will like this game. This is an easy recommend for any Space Marine fan. Similarly, if you like the boomer shooter genre, you will most likely enjoy this game.

If you are a casual like me who doesn't care about the 40k setting or likes Doom more than build engine titles, you probably won't like this.

The Bad:
The level design is lacking and honestly sub-par for a modern game (e.g. the secrets aren't really secrets. Just spaces a little off the path), there is no automap, there are only a few useful weapons in your arsenal, the balance of enemies are all over the place which can lead to jarring difficulty spikes, and their controller/deck support is terrible.

It feels like they are trying really hard to copy Doom 2016 but they fall far from it.

The Good:
You do actually feel like a Space Marine. The run cycle is nearly perfect for setting you up as an engineered death machine. Some of the smaller enemies back this up too and gibbing them is satisfying for a few levels until they get to be more of a nuisance. The weapons are 40k accurate from what I can surmise, as well as some of the larger enemies. It helps that it's not too expensive.

As I said, your enjoyment of this game hinges on you really liking the 40k brand. If you do, it's worth the full price. If you don't, wait for a significant sale.
Posted 13 July, 2023. Last edited 13 July, 2023.
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38.2 hrs on record (37.9 hrs at review time)
Great remake. Does everything right in terms of feel and difficulty, but dials the graphics and set pieces up past '11'.


-You need an SDD for this game to run properly. Seriously. You won't be able to get the first stasis module.
-The gameplay does stutter on certain setups. I didn't have any issues personally.
-Crashes can occur, as with any game. I personally only experienced one and the game saves often enough that it wasn't a problem.

Overall, I would pick this over the Resident Evil 4 Remake.
Posted 8 July, 2023.
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2 people found this review helpful
72.7 hrs on record (55.7 hrs at review time)
The more I play this game, the more I realise that buying the original on sale is a better option. I found Leon to move funny in this iteration. They did improve on the game play slightly but not enough to make a huge difference.

Get the original for cheap and play that. You'll have largely the same experience.
Posted 1 May, 2023.
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