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Pop's Favourite War Paints!
모음집 작성자 pop
I've released a lot of work over the years, and my feelings around my work naturally change, whether for better or worse. Here I have catered my own little collection featuring works that I am quite proud of and would love to see in future updates for Team
The Industrial Retribution Collection
모음집 작성자 pop
The Butterfly Chaser
모음집 작성자 pop
Don't mess with me while I'm butterfly catchin'
The Painted Collection
모음집 작성자 pop
Bunch of war paints that sample colours from Paint Cans found in-game Make sure to keep an eye out as I continue to add to this collection for 2023's Summer Season.
The Below Zero Collection
모음집 작성자 pop
A small collection of 5 war paints featuring a variety of War Paint creators following winter vibes. Make sure to check them all out, everyone here did exceptionally well! Credit for each paint. Also additional credit to Indever for the organisation of the
Halloween 22 Cosmetic Roundup
모음집 작성자 pop
Summer has left a good impression this halloween, and I would like to show it through some of the halloween cosmetic output this year. Theres plenty of items I like that I did not add as I am focusing solely on items that I would imagine gather a generally
Summer 2022 Case Bingo
모음집 작성자 pop
Let's see how accurate these predictions will be. No War Paints, Weapons, or Taunts. Nothing released by me. I wonder how mega right or mega wrong ill end up being. Might become outdated if the update releases closer to late july or anytime in august. GL!...
Don't blame the creators - Winter 2021 Overview
모음집 작성자 pop
The purpose of this collection is to showcase why you shouldn't complain towards creators about the Winter 2021 case selection. Valve selects gimmicky hats and therefore creators have to adjust to this standard. It has nothing to do with creator's not prod
페이지당 표시 개수: 9 18 30