.pJguerrero ##IsNowAlive ヅ
http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198048939953 [ Clean ] √ .   Madrid, Madrid, Spain
:csgostar:--> SEND ME A TRADE OFFER [Click Here] <--:csgostar:
Don't get offended if I removed you, It was all just accident since I don't know whom I'll remove when my friendlist reach full. So don't hesitate to re-ADD me if ever I accidentally removed you! Thanks~!

Before wring a summary, I just want to say if " You could not add me in some reasons " Just comment in my profile " Saying that you could not add me and asking to ADD YOU "

I am a boy who wants happiness. I just keep play and playing to gain more knowledge and to know more about the game.I started playing when I was like around 7 years old.
I still remembered the first gam that I played is Counter Strike 1.6 and the second one is Warcraft ( D.O.T.A) - my first hero was gondar,
at first since im still a kid, I really don't like that kind of genre/game.
I just played it because it is popular and in demand, but rightnow I get addicted on the very-most popular game ever in history it is called DOTA 2.

been on steam since: September 17, 2011 (3 years service already)
Level 42 on steam!
Currently Offline
Items Up For Trade
Items Owned
Trades Made
Market Transactions
*I would like to thank to everyone who bought from me! I am truly grateful for trusting me! Hoping to do business with you over and over again! So please don't hesitate to ask from me! See you <3*

I have this game available for trade: ( CTRL + F, then write the game you want to browse )

What I listed below is just for you to see! I still have any more in my inventory, so if you want to look all my updated and new stocks just look through here : http://gtm.steamproxy.vip/id/pjgaming/inventory/#753

* Arma 3
* Rocket league
* Ark Survival Evolved
* Counter-Strike: Global Offensive
* Counter strike series
* Modern Warfare Series
* Call of Duty Series
* Assassin's Creed series
* Grand theft Auto series (GTA)
* Serious Sam Complete & Series
* Xcom Series
* Painkiller Series
* Arma Series
* Nether series
* Need for speed series
* Half life complete & series
* Transformers fall of cybetron (and it's DLC)
* Valve Complete Pack
* Tom Clancy’s Splinter Cell Blacklist
* Skyrim
* The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim - Legendary Edition
* Borderlands 1 GOTY & 2 GOTY
* Witcher 1 & 2
* Left 4 Dead 1 & 2
* Portal 1 & 2
* Prototype 1 & 2
* Payday 1 & 2 ( and its DLC's)
* Dungeon Defenders 1 & 2
* Unreal Deal Pack
* Infestation: Survivor Stories
* Mount and Blade: Warband
* State of Decay
* Mark of the Ninja
* NARUTO SHIPPUDEN: Ultimate Ninja STORM 3 Full Burst
* Project zomboid
* Arma 2
* Arma 2: Combined Operations
* Prison Architect
* Fallout GOTY & Fallout ultimate edition
* Nether
* Anno 2070
* Garry's MOd
* Spelunky
* Outlast
* The Long Dark
* Toy soldeirs

And many more in my inventory: http://gtm.steamproxy.vip/id/pjgaming/inventory/#753

-----> You can PM me for the LIST OF MY PRICES for each games <------
Welcome to my Life [Ladies & Gentlemen]

1: http://gtm.steamproxy.vip/id/Tewok ( http://forums.steamrep.com/threads/report-impersonator.5626/ )
2: http://gtm.steamproxy.vip/profiles/76561198004060658
3: http://gtm.steamproxy.vip/profiles/76561198033005611
Nickname: I am PJ
Trustworthy ?? : [√]
Inter. Language: English
TF2 Playtime : 1k++ Hours
Dota 2 Playtime: 1k++ Hours
CS:GO Playtime: 500++ Hours
Steam Rep : Status [√] [Clean]
Member on steam : Almost 5 years
Steamprofile / Inventory : Never been private
Steamreputations : Over 1000+ Reputations
Favorite Quote : " Like to keep it _"Mysterious"_

[NOTE] This is the only Account that im using
My profile / inventory is always public and never been private :D
I just received a report somebody impersonate my account -_- :)
Once again. i never bought TF2 items or DOTA 2 items via PAYPAL

There is a friend got scammed 4 buds using impersonating my account
Once Again This is The one & ONLY account IM USSINGG !!!! :D


Weird conversation with some friends/strangers:

RudolfHimmel: pJ
RudolfHimmel: I don't suppose you'd wanna make a partnership for a porn site?
RudolfHimmel: lol
.pJguerrero #♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥: I don't like ♥♥♥♥♥
RudolfHimmel: wat

4:48 AM - HdCoffee: sex me
8:05 PM - HdCoffee is now Away.
8:06 PM - .pJguerrero #SellingLoadsOfGameS: LOL


Problems are messages , Every problem contains within itself the seeds of its own solution
Crates Unusual UNBOXED - none ( I don't really have LUCK Tbh :(( ] but still wishing to get TEAM CAPTAIN ( wahahaha )
Crates Unboxed - Around 50 ))

Im starting to LOVE Unboxing CRATEs ( First 10 Unbox ) was :
1: Strange Widowmaker
2: Strange Festive huntsman
3. The Surgeon's Side Satchel (errr) crate #54
4. Festive Ubersaw
5. Festive Ubersaw
hahah I've just unbox another strange festive again :P
6. Strange Festive Buff Banneer :D
7. Festive Grenade Launcher
8. Festive Grenade Launcher ( -.- )
9. Strange Festive Axitinguisher ( ^_^ )
10. Festive Frontier Justice ( sad )

----------- I will never unbox anymore hahaha :D ( Im DONE ) xxD (( That was I've tell to my self when I unbox #5 but so ON Im Inlove with UNBOXING Crates ! hahaha so addictive

My SteamREP link : http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198048939953

|steamID: .pJguerrero #Music ♫
|steamID32: STEAM_0:1:44337112
|steamID64: http://gtm.steamproxy.vip/profiles/76561198048939953
|customURL: http://gtm.steamproxy.vip/id/pjgaming
|steamrepURL: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198048939953

This is the Only Alias I've only been Using :
This user has also played as:
.pJguerrero #HappyHoliday
.pJguerrero #HappyNewYear
.pJguerrero #Merry Christmas
.pJguerrero #Awesome
.pJguerrero #Away
.pJguerrero #Dinner
.pJguerrero #Happy NewYear
.pJguerrero #Music ♫
.pJguerrero #Sleeping
.pJguerrero #Practice
.pJguerrero #IsBackInSellingGame

Skial Rep : http://www.skial.com/xentrader/pjforum.8583/
Dota2traders : http://dota2traders.com/threads/76561198048939953-pjgaming-pjguerrero-reputation-thread.18856/
Source OP REP : http://forums.sourceop.com/threads/129555-pJguerrero-REPUTATION-THREAD-)?highlight=
Tf2Traders REP THREAD : http://tf2-trader.com/index.php?topic=28776.0

Steam REPUTATIONS already OVER 1000+
SteamTRADES Rep Thread [www.steamtrades.com]
Screenshot Showcase
Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit
5 9
Recent Activity
1,742 hrs on record
last played on 24 Jun, 2021
375 hrs on record
last played on 5 Jul, 2020
671 hrs on record
last played on 14 Apr, 2020
Twister 31 Jul, 2024 @ 11:34am 
My condolences to all family and friends...
CoolSexHaver 20 Jun, 2024 @ 10:01am 
PJ has sadly passed away... I am sorry to inform you guys. Please respect his family's privacy during this time.
ShiHsuan 7 Feb, 2024 @ 4:18am 
added for trade
Twister 3 Apr, 2023 @ 12:36pm 
added for a potential trade
GLOVEZ 1 2 3 9 Feb, 2023 @ 5:04pm 
Have you a price for EA racing pack?
Jayden 17 Oct, 2022 @ 4:36pm 
added for trade