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the JFK ritual

The JFK ritual was a media ritual on 11/22/1963 in Dallas Texas, where Knight of Columbus John F Kennedy was shot in a Lincoln car, based on masonic symbolism of killing of the king (the mystery of the death of Osiris/Hiram Abiff, 11+22=33), filmed by mason Abraham Zapruder.

- Neptune in Scorpio era
- Predictive programming
- the Dealy Plaza shooting ritual
- Main actors
- References to the Lincoln shooting ritual
- the Zapruder film
- Symbolic meaning
- Aftermath
- Misleading books on the JFK ritual

Neptune in Scorpio era

From the moment the population was being programmed by mass media, Hollywood movies, radio and tv, the cult of Saturn created rituals to initiate them in the modern version of the Saturnian one eye mystery religion. The first big tests were the Lincoln assassination (assassin David Herold was trained by jesuits), the Titanic ritual, the two world wars, the Lindbergh baby kidnapping and the Black Dahlia media rituals. The audience believes the media and is trapped in Wonderland, in a false reality like Plato's cave.

The Neptune (idealism) in Scorpio (dark secrets) era is closed with the Apollo moon missions and the Sharon Tate murders, inspired by Revelation 911, about Apollyon and the key to the bottomless pit.

In the Thelemic calendar 1948-1969 was the docesade of the High Priestess. The Mia Farrow-Sharon Tate mystery contained a lot of references to the Marilyn Monroe-Jackie Kennedy ritual as the split into mirror alters in mind control.

Neptune (idealism, dreams, stage illusion) in Scorpio, all characters in the 60's represented the idealism of the American Dream and were affiliated with actors, directors. The whole ritual became part of the collective subconscious as an iconic Hollywood scene. Elm Street became an iconic dream place (movies like Nightmare on Elm street).

Predictive programming

- 1951 8/17 MGM movie The Tall Target with character John Kennedy, played by actor who died earlier same year, about murder of Lincoln with character Ruby Dee (gem alter, ruby slippers Wizard of Oz). Paula Raymond (=Raymond in The Manchurian Candidate) and Will Greer (JFK's driver was named Bill Greer) as Homer Crowley (ref to Aleister Crowley).

- 1954 10/7 Suddenly Knight of Malta Frank Sinatra, a friend of JFK and supposed lover of Jackie Kennedy, plays character John who tries to assassinate the president, also featuring CIA agent Sterling Hayden who played Jack D Ripper in Dr Strangelove, originally planned to be released on nov 22. Sinatra's song High Hopes from the movie A Hole in the Head (JFK's headshot), was used in JFK's campaign.

- 1962 10/24 The Manchurian Candidate (MC=Mind Control) of John Frankenheimer (=John F, friend of RFK) about a planned murder with a mind controlled assassins, with Frank Sinatra, Angela Lansbury and Laurence Harvey (=Lee Harvey, later married Paulene Stone of Swinging London project).

Laurence Harvey kills on a black and white masonic floor and makes the 2nd veil sign of the York Rite. Laurence Harvey later acted in William Shakespeare's the Winter's Tale about Winter King Frederick V (John Dee's rosicrucian Frederick and Elizabeth wedding). Angela Lansbury played in The Harvey Girls with Judy Garland (Wizard of Oz) and movie with JFK's brother-in-law Peter Lawford, member of Sinatra's Rat Pack. The MC was released on 10/24 like Melvin Purvis who shot John Dillinger at the Biograph movie theatre.

The Dealy Plaza shooting ritual

Dallas is close to the 33d parallel (like the dropping of nuclear bombs in 1945, highest degree in the Scottish rite). 11/22 (11+22=33). The Dealy Plaza was deliberately designed as the Kabbalistic Tree of Life pattern with Elm Street as card 20/ path 31 Judgement/Aeon (letter Shin= value 300, the nr on the license plate of JFK's car).

JFK was shot, sitting next to Jackie Kennedy, wearing pink (=dissociation, Alice in Wonderland programming). The three suspects that were arrested are the 3 ruffians in the killing of Hiram Abiff ritual in masonry. Like Howard Hughes, John F Kennedy played the archetype of Horus in the Aeon of Horus.

A mysterious lady in the background played the role of Lady in Red. Her name Norma Jean Lollis Hill refers to Norma Jean, the real name of Marilyn Monroe (mm=33) before she dyed her hair blonde. The lady next to her, taking a picture (the lens Mercury), Mary Ann Moorman (mm=33) was born 8/5/1932, the date of death Marilyn Monroe 8/5/1962.

The same day Aldous Huxley died, the writer of 'The Doors of Perception', utopian 'Island' and dystopian 'Brave New World'. Brave New World is a phrase from a play within a play from The Tempest, based on John Dee and his rosicrucian Frederick and Elizabeth wedding.

Main actors

- JFK was a Knight of Columbus, his father a Knight of Malta. The media reported he had an affair with Monarch mind controlled slave Marilyn Monroe.
- Jackie Kennedy was trained by jesuits, JFK and Jackie frequently visited the jesuit church in Hyannis (the 'Kennedy Church'). Kennedy's son Christopher was jesuit trained, Stephen Smith, the husband of JFK's sister was jesuit trained. Jackie gave birth to JFK jr in jesuit Georgetown University Hospital. John's brother-in-law Steven Smith was a jesuit. RFK jr was at his Georgetown jesuit prepatory school when he heard about the death of his father. Jackie wore a pink dress with pillbox hat (Alice in Wonderland mind control).

- Robert Kennedy as evil twin brother played the Jungian Shadow of JFK, he was assassinated in a similar media ritual 5 years later.

- FBI director Edgar Hoover was a Shriner and Knight of Malta, Allen Dulles, assistent director Cartha DeLoach also was a Knight of Malta.

- Lee Harvey Oswald was invited to jesuit college Spring Hill, 2 weeks before assassination. Marina Oswald (=Marilyn).

He was arrested in the Texas Theatre (owned by Howard Hughes), watching the movie 'War is Hell' from 1961, year of birth JFK, with actor Baynes Barron born 5/29 like JFK (Sinatra's character in 'Suddenly': John Baron). Mercury=element air, the lens through which we see reality. The Texas Theatre was the first air conditioned theatre, like the Biograph Theatre of John Dillinger had a big sign of being 'cool refrigerated'.

- Jesuit Lyndon B Johnson

- Jack Ruby (Rubinstein)

References to the Lincoln shooting ritual

The ritual contained many references and similarities to murder of Abraham Lincoln in a theater (Harvey Lee was arrested in a movie theatre), inaugurated 100 years earlier.

- Lincoln died in 1865, JFK in 1963. In the midpoint of that period, Franz Ferdinand was shot in a car, starting WW1.
- 11/22 the cusp of Scorpio and Sagittarius is the Golden Gate, the Lincoln Way is in Golden Gate park in San Francisco.
- Lincoln was married to Sara Todd (Colonna), JFK was a Knight of Columbus (Colonna).
- MLK (JFK's Dionysian counterpart) famous speech at the Lincoln memorial.
- actor playing Lincoln in the Manchurian Candidate. The term 'brainwashing' was first introduced in the Lincoln Star newspaper.
- JFK met with Kruschev 4/15 like death Lincoln, Claudia Cardinale in 8 1/2 also 4/15.
- JFK was shot in a Lincoln car by Oswald, one of Lincoln conspirators was named Oswell Swann.
- Lincoln died in a theatre, Oswald was arrested at a theatre, like John Dillinger in a movie theatre at Lincoln Avenue (Lincoln has Neptune, planet of stage illusion as 1st dominant like JFK and Harvey Lee).
- names A. Lincoln and John Kennedy in movie the Tall Target.
- Lincoln appears in The Misfits, last movie of Marilyn Monroe. She posed in pink (dissociation, like Jackie) in a car with a picture of Lincoln.
- Like Lincoln was replaced by Andrew Johnson, JFK was replaced by Georgetown jesuit Lyndon Baines Johnson.
- In the Lincoln ritual, one of the conspirators was Lewis Powell, year of Lewis Carroll's Alice in wonderland. CS Lewis born on 11/29 (333d day), day of Warren commissi
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Misato 23 Mar @ 8:23am 
dalini s*ktim:Original_Assassin:
İzmir Beğefendisi 22 Mar @ 5:39am 
bıcıbıcı yaparım dalinle bıcıbıcı yaparım
Muratcan 14 Mar @ 9:09pm 
dalin adamdır
Muratcan 8 Mar @ 8:39pm 
arap sabunu mu dalin mi
daniel balls 2 Mar @ 7:24am 
فلتُلقى نفوس المسيحية الوديعة في نار الجحيم الأبدية، واحتقرت أرواحهم إلى الأبد. آمين
dennis 2 Mar @ 3:27am 
i am not a fan of licking stones like you are, thank Jesus Christ, Muhammad's judge and God. speaking of Jesus, isn't he your messiah aswell? aren't your hopes for salvation depend on that so called ♥♥♥♥? so even according to the low standards of Islam, your damnation is justified, have fun in Jahannam with your filthy stone licking, pedo of a fake prophet.