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16.8 hrs on record (16.7 hrs at review time)
Please buy and play this game.
Posted 5 January.
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15.9 hrs on record (11.3 hrs at review time)
A fantastic remake. As long as you're not a weird purist that has to have their remakes 1:1, I think anyone who's played the original will find a lot of love here.
Posted 28 June, 2024.
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59.5 hrs on record (22.2 hrs at review time)
it good lol
Posted 10 September, 2023.
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68.4 hrs on record (57.5 hrs at review time)
cool game to play if youre only playing with friends but 95gb, a pretty toxic community, updates that take abnormally long to download even with a very fast internet its a hard recommend. i wouldn't get it to play by yourself
Posted 28 January, 2022.
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3.1 hrs on record (1.7 hrs at review time)
[MULTIPLAYER REVIEW] (I have closer to 15-20 hours via flighting, also)
From shady microtransaction implementation to bizarre, unnecessary sandbox changes this game is a mess that both tries too hard to be nostalgic and too hard to be modern. The only positive from myself is the amount of accessibility in the settings menu, which allows you to change team colors, colors for the colorblind, hud sizes, weapon position, fov, subtitles, etc. You can also map every action how you want and define your look sensitivity to a T. The only thing really missing is a properly implemented fullscreen option. However, scrolling through these settings is absolutely refreshing in comparison to previous entries. It is perhaps 343’s biggest accomplishment since taking the series over from Bungie after H:R.

Negatives? Maps feel empty, gravity hammers feel weightless, plasma pistols don't EMP, shield breaks are unreadable, TTK is lower than any previous entry, assault rifles outdo most precision weapons, vehicles are useless, new weapons don't add anything different from previous sand boxes, startup logos take 2 minutes but don't load the game while playing, almost all forms of customization are locked behind microtransactions, including the color of your armor- which is actually why shield readability is next to nonexistent, because they refuse to let matches change your armor to the more readable red & blue so that you can see the armor color "XxDoinYrMomxX paid 20$s for. No forge (yet, I suppose), no exp from merely playing- it's only gained through doing challenges (some of which you have to purchase to be able to do), and the list could keep going.

It's free of course, and that DOES mean you can get the core of the gameplay experience here, but tabbing through these greedy menus seemingly designed for a thirteen year old on an ipad will shed all the fun one could juice out of that experience. That experience, by the way, does not bode much better, feeling more like a Call of Duty game that was fan-modded to feel like a Halo rather than an actual Halo. The love and compassion put into this game has been ruined by efforts from Microsoft and investors to make this game as crowd pleasing as possible. This is not the direction I think a Halo fan would ever want the series to go.
Posted 17 November, 2021.
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133.3 hrs on record (70.2 hrs at review time)
A fantastic emulation frontend with faults in interface clarity. There is a pretty large learning curve that comes along with this program, as it is not a pick up and play one stop shop in any sense, but rather an extremely customizable jack of all trades. The user interface is simply not intuitive in many cases, and instances of repeated or similar phrasing are a regular occurrence. This issue comes naturally with the territory of designing something like this allowing users to alter next to everything they see. I feel it could be an easy fix by simply hiding a majority of options behind a "Show Customization Options" toggle, or allotting more options to be hidden in the weirdly large amount of "Show Advanced Options" toggles there are. Regardless, I insist that the learning curve is worth a program that can house what is essentially every home console from the Magnavox Odyssey to the Wii, including (but still not limited to) arcade systems, handhelds, and dedicated media players. Once you've got a grasp of what, where, and how, it becomes an everyday program, especially for those looking to archive and play an old library of physical games in whatever way they want.
ALSO NOTE: I highly, highly recommend that you do not use save states or alter how or where Retroarch stores saves. In fact, I would advise that the first thing you do in Retroarch is go to Settings > User Interface > Menu Item Visibility > and then turn off 'Show Saving'. Save yourself a headache and let the program do what it does.
Posted 23 October, 2021. Last edited 23 October, 2021.
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0.4 hrs on record
One of those games where you can tell a guy had an artistic idea and worked on it for like 4 days straight, only taking a break to eat or sleep. It's a fast paced aiming coordinated roguelike that has you shoot heads to fill up a timer to get through each level. You respawn so quick you never have time to get angry, and that's a good thing, because you will be dying and respawning a lot. The only con from me is the potential to actually hurt your eyes and in other cases likely cause seizures. I would seriously not recommend playing this whatsoever if you have epilepsy, are prone to motion sickness, or anything in those avenues. Otherwise, really good game, neat concept, crazy good art-style, great music, and very very addicting and rewarding gameplay. shooting heads has rarely ever felt as satisfying as it does in [post void]
Posted 1 July, 2021.
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8.3 hrs on record (7.2 hrs at review time)
go to therapy
Posted 26 June, 2021.
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27.4 hrs on record (18.4 hrs at review time)
Out of the 366 games I have on Steam, this is the only one that recognizes Wii U Pro controllers on top of PS4 controllers, even linked through steam's controller configurations. I don't know why or how or even WHO at Atlus thought to do this but for doing so they get a positive review from me
Posted 13 June, 2021.
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389.4 hrs on record (216.4 hrs at review time)
still don't know how to play
Posted 19 December, 2020.
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